Warwickshire Ancestors Project — 1861

UNCHECKED Surname Index of Piece RG09/2222 (Leamington Priors)

Link to 2222 zipped version here.
UNCHECKED Surname Listing
Abbott, Abbotts, Abel, Adams, Adcock, Adkins, Adrian, Alcock, Alderidge, Alkin, Allaway, Allcock, Allen, Alliband, Allitt, Allsop, Allwood, Anderson, Andrews, Ansell, Anthony, Appleton, Archer, Arcklus, Arnold, Arrow, Arrowsmith, Arther, Ash, Ashby, Ashton, Askeys, Aspinall, Astell, Astley, Aubrey, Auker, Austen, Avery.

Baddeley, Badson, Bair, Baker, Baldwin, Ballard, Banbury, Barkell, Barker, Barlow, Barnacle, Barnes, Barnett, Barnicle, Barnwell, Barnwood, Barran, Barrett, Bartlett, Barton, Baskcomb, Bassett, Bastle, Batchelor, Bateman, Bates, Batteson, Baulch, Baylis, Bayliss, Bears, Beasley, Bedby, Bedford, Beesley, Bell, Bellamy, Bellinger, Bellingham, Bells, Benison, Bennett, Bentley, Berry, Bertwell, Berwick, Beskley, Best, Betts, Betty, Bicknell, Biddle, Bird, Bishop, Bissell, Blackwell, Blackwood, Blakeman, Blakemore, Blesse, Blight, Bloomer, Blore, Bloxam, Bloxham, Blunt, Blythe, Bodington, Boggis, Bolton, Bonehill, Bonsfield, Bonsor, Boot, Boston, Boswel, Boswell, Botham, Bothamley, Boucher, Boucherett, Boy, Boyse, Bracebridge, Braddis, Bradford, Bradley, Bradshaw, Bradwick, Braidley, Brain, Branston, Bray, Brett, Briant, Brierley, Britton, Broadhurst, Brooke, Brooks, Broom, Broughton, Brown, Browne, Browning, Bryane, Bryer, Bubb, Buckerfield, Buckle, Buckley, Budler, Bugess, Buggins, Bull, Buller, Bullock, Buodsworth, Burbidge, Burditt, Burey, Burke, Burly, Burman, Burn, Burnham, Burridge, Busby, Butler, Butt, Byrley, Byron.

Cable, Caddick, Calmady, Camp, Campbell, Campell, Capell, Capers, Cardin, Carpenter, Carr, Carter, Cartridge, Cartwright, Carwell, Case, Cashmore, Casson, Castle, Castley, Caswell, Cathcart, Caudell, Chamberlain, Chamberlayne, Chambers, Chappell, Charland, Chasker, Chater, Chaterway, Chatter, Chatterly, Cheap, Checkley, Cheeseman, Cherry, Chesshire, Chester, Chorley, Christie, Chudleigh, Chuley, Clark, Clarke, Clarkson, Claverton, Cleaver, Clee, Clement, Clements, Clench, Clever, Clewy, Climer, Coates, Cobb, Cockran, Coleburn, Coleman, Coles, Colledge, Collier, Collin, Collins, Colny, Colthunt, Combes, Combey, Coningham, Connell, Connor, Conway, Cook, Cooper, Cope, Copp, Corbett, Corse, Cotterell, Cottingham, Cotton, Couroy, Court, Courten, Courts, Coventry, Cowley, Cowry, Cox, Craddock, Cramp, Cranmer, Crawford, Creswell, Crisp, Crofts, Croot, Cropley, Crosley, Cross, Crossley, Croxford, Croydon, Crump, Curtis, Curttender, Cuter.

Dackus, Dailey, Daily, Daniell, Darham, Dassett, Davenport, Davidson, Davies, Davis, Davy, Dawes, Dawkes, Dawkins, Dawson, Day, Dean, Decans, Dee, Delany, Denby, Deniell, Denton, Devanny, Dick, Dickens, Dickinson, Diggler, Dingley, Dixon, Doble, Dobner, Dodd, Dodrige, Dodson, Dolan, Donning, Donohue, Dood, Doogan, Doran, Dormer, Douglas, Dovey, Downs, Drackam, Drake, Duckett, Dumbleton, Dundas, Dunford, Durell, Durham, Durran, Dwight, Dyer, Dyke.

Eaden, Earl, East, Eastwood, Eaves, Ebsworth, Ecclestone, Edgarton, Edge, Edgecomb, Edmonston, Edward, Edwards, Edwell, Eld, Elfred, Elkington, Ellis, Elwell, Ely, England, Erelish, Evans, Everit, Eyers, Eyres.

Faddon, Fairday, Fairfield, Falconbridge, Falkner, Farmer, Farr, Farrar, Farrill, Faulconbridge, Fearney, Felton, Fenton, Fern, Fessey, Fetherstone, Fiddian, Field, Findlon, Findlow, Fineton, Finney, Finon, Fisher, Flecknoe, Fleetwood, Fletcher, Flower, Fluttestone, Fogerty, Ford, Forrey, Foster, Foulkes, Fowles, Fox, Fran, Franklin, Freeman, French, Friend, Fringthrope, Frost, Fuller.

Galan, Gallagher, Gallimore, Gardener, Gardner, Garnet, Garraway, Garrett, Garriott, Gascoigne, Gates, Gathercole, Gay, Gearing, Genty, Gibbins, Gibbons, Gibbs, Gibson, Gild, Giles, Gilks, Gillings, Gilliver, Gillmore, Gills, Glenn, Glidaw, Goddard, Godfrey, Golaen, Goldborough, Goldsworthy, Goode, Goodenough, Gowan, Grady, Graham, Grainge, Grant, Granville, Graves, Gray, Green, Greenhalgh, Greenhill, Greenwood, Greet, Gregory, Grey, Gribble, Griffiths, Grimmett, Grinell, Grinnell, Grinwell, Grisnonett, Grissell, Grove, Groves, Grundill, Grunney, Grunwood, Gummery, Gupwell, Gurney, Guthrie.

Hackleton, Hagarty, Hale, Halford, Hall, Halliday, Hallmarsh, Hamersly, Hamilton, Hancock, Handcock, Handley, Hanlow, Hannay, Hanow, Happ, Harcombe, Hardwick, Hare, Harridenie, Harridinie, Harris, Harrison, Harriss, Harston, Hart, Harvey, Harwood, Hasley, Hastings, Hater, Hawkes, Hawkins, Hawks, Haynes, Haywood, Healey, Heath, Heebs, Heeley, Hem, Hemming, Hendireth, Henley, Henn, Herbert, Heritage, Herons, Herring, Herts, Hewitt, Heyouin, Heyward, Hibber, Hichman, Hickman, Hicks, Hickson, Higeson, Higgins, Higginson, High, Higham, Hignell, Hildred, Hill, Hills, Hine, Hinson, Hinton, Hiorns, Hiron, Hirons, Hitchman, Hitherly, Hoban, Hobday, Hobley, Hobson, Hodgett, Hodgson, Hogan, Hoitt, Holday, Holdship, Holland, Hollife, Holmes, Hood, Hook, Hope, Hopper, Hops, Hore, Horn, Hornblower, Horner, Hornesby, Hortin, Hosier, Hoskin, Hoskins, Hoskyns, Hough, Howard, Howe, Howell, Howes, Howson, Hubbings, Hudson, Hughes, Hull, Humphrey, Humphry, Hunt, Hunter, Hurst, Hutton, Hyam.

Ibell, Illingworth, Illman, Ingraham, Instee, Irans, Isaacs, Ivens, Izzard.

Jackson, Jacombs, James, Jarvis, Jefferas, Jefferson, Jeffries, Jeffs, Jellyman, Jenkins, Jenkinson, Jenning, Jennings, Jilks, Jinks, Johnson, Johnston, Jones, Jordan, Joyce, Judd, Judge, Judson.

Kearney, Keeley, Keene, Kelly, Kendall, Kendrick, Kenecht, Kennedy, Kenney, Kent, Kentish, Kerslake, Key, Kilby, Kilpack, Kilton, Kimberley, Kinch, King, Kinsey, Kinton, Kirby, Kirk, Kite, Knight, Knolls, Knotts, Kyte.

La Terrieve, Lacroin, Lacton, Ladbury, Lage, Laidlow, Lamb, Lampet, Lampitt, L'amy, Lander, Landford, Lane, Langham, Lansford, Large, Last, Latham, Laurence, Lawerence, Lawrence, Leach, Leadbrook, Ledbrook, Lee, Leedle, Leeson, Leicester, Leighton, Lening, Lenton, Letts, Lewellon, Lewis, Libley, Libsey, Lickorish, Liggins, Lilley, Lilleyman, Lind, Lindley, Line, Lines, Little, Lloyd, Lock, Loden, London, Long, Longstaff, Lord, Lovel, Lovell, Lowe, Lucas, Luckwell, Ludlow, Lugar, Lynes.

MacCae, MacCann, MacDonald, MacDonnell, MacDowall, Mace, Macenteni, Mackerry, Mackvale, Madden, Magot, Major, Malin, Malins, Manley, Mann, Mansell, Manson, Maranders, Mariss, Markley, Marler, Marlow, Marriott, Marsh, Marshall, Marston, Martin, Mason, Mass, Master, Masters, Matthews, Maud, Mauder, May, Maycock, Mayes, Mayow, McAlpine, McCall, Mc'Coady, McCullock, McDonough, Mc'Enearny, McKorkell, Meekes, Meeson, Mellor, Meredith, Merridews, Metcalf, Meyer, Micheal, Middleton, Midleton, Milchel, Miles, Milligan, Milliner, Milling, Millish, Mills, Milner, Milsdon, Minney, Mish, Moir, Montgomery, Moore, Moran, Morewood, Morgan, Morris, Morse, Morton, Mountain, Mountford, Mousley, Moye, Muckley, Mullins, Mullis, Murray, Musson.

Nanney, Nash, Neale, Needle, Neiden, Nelson, Neville, Newbold, Newcombe, Newey, Newman, Nodder, Nokes, Norman, Nugent.

Oates, Old, Olerenshaw, Olorenshaw, Oneal, Onion, Ormsby, Orton, Osborn, Osborne, Osbourn, Osbourne, Overs, Overton, Owen.

Page, Paget, Paine, Painter, Palmer, Pares, Park, Parker, Parkes, Parkinson, Parrey, Parry, Parson, Parsons, Paterson, Pattern, Pavier, Payne, Payntire, Peace, Pears, Pearson, Pedder, Peel, Pele, Pendergrass, Penn, Penry, Perkins, Perks, Perrey, Perry, Pesey, Pettigrew, Petty, Peyton, Philippe, Philips, Phillips, Pinson, Pith, Pitman, Pitt, Pittaway, Plumb, Plunket, Pollard, Polly, Poole, Pope, Porcher, Postman, Poultney, Powell, Power, Powers, Powles, Pranett, Pratt, Prendergast, Prentise, Prestage, Prestidge, Prestige, Price, Priest, Prime, Prinder, Pringle, Pritchard, Probitt, Prosser, Prue, Pugh, Pullaw, Pulley, Pulling, Purshal, Purvey, Pyne.


Radbotham, Rainbow, Rammond, Randall, Randell, Randll, Ratcliffe, Rathbone, Ravenhead, Rawlins, Ray, Read, Reading, Redding, Redfern, Reed, Reid, Reynold, Reynolds, Rice, Richards, Richardson, Ricketts, Riddell, Riley, Ritchardson, Rivers, Roadknight, Robbins, Roberson, Roberts, Robertson, Robins, Robinson, Robotham, Rogers, Rollason, Rolls, Roper, Rose, Rotton, Rubon, Russell, Rymell.

Saddler, Sadler, Salmon, Salmond, Salter, Sanderson, Sandler, Sanks, Satchwell, Saul, Savage, Savery, Saxon, Scat, Scott, Screben, Scruby, Seaban, Seawell, Sedbrook, Sedding, Sevey, Seymour, Shakespear, Shakspeare, Sharman, Sharp, Sharpe, Shatton, Shaw, Shears, Sheasby, Sheffield, Sherrilt, Shirl, Shirley, Shorter, Sibley, Sidwell, Silcocks, Silvester, Simeon, Simmonds, Simmons, Simond, Simpson, Skeen, Skurray, Slogs, Smale, Smallman, Smallwood, Smith, Sneyd, Snip, Solly, Southern, Sparkes, Sparrow, Spires, Spragget, Sprawson, Stacey, Stanley, Starr, Steele, Steer, Steint, Stephens, Stephenson, Stepney, Stevens, Stevenson, Stoney, Storer, Stowe, Stratford, Stratton, Street, Strichbon, Styles, Summer, Summers, Sutherland, Sutton, Swain, Swat.

Talbot, Talbott, Talpine, Tambourini, Tandy, Taylor, Teah, Tew, Tews, Thomas, Thompson, Thorn, Thornet, Thornton, Thorp, Ticer, Tighe, Tilly, Timms, Todd, Tollemache, Tolley, Tombs, Tomes, Tomlinson, Toney, Toole, Tooley, Toone, Topham, Tough, Townsend, Traner, Tranter, Treadgold, Treen, Trees, Trinder, Tuck, Tucker, Tuckey, Tuckley, Tunnicliff, Turland, Turner, Turrall, Turtell.

Underwood, Uphill, Utting.

Vailiant, Valentine, Vandeleur, Vaughan, Vigger, Viggers.

Wacket, Wadsworth, Wafs, Wages, Wags, Waite, Wake, Walker, Waller, Wallgrave, Wallis, Walters, Walton, Ward, Wardle, Warmington, Warner, Warren, Warwich, Warwick, Warwicke, Washbrook, Waters, Watkins, Watson, Watts, Weatherby, Webb, Webster, Weeler, Welby, Welchman, Wellard, Weller, Wells, Wesson, West, Whealer, Wheat, Wheeler, Wheler, Whitaker, White, Whitehead, Whitmore, Whittaker, Whittle, Widdington, Wiggins, Wiggs, Wilcox, Wilkins, Wilks, Willcox, Willday, Williams, Williamson, Willingslow, Willkins, Willmore, Willoughby, Willson, Wilmot, Wilson, Wimbush, Wise, Withams, Wohlking, Womersley, Wood, Woodall, Woodfield, Wooding, Woodrow, Woods, Woodward, Woolison, Woolley, Worrall, Wrench, Wright, Wyat, Wyatt, Wykes, Wynne.

Yarde, Yeaden, Yeatman, Yeeles, York, Yorke, Young.

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