Warwickshire Ancestors Project — 1861

UNCHECKED Surname Index of Piece RG09/2221 (Leamington Priors)

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UNCHECKED Surname Listing
Abbey, Abbott, Acock, Adair, Adams, Adcock, Addenbrook, Adderley, Adderly, Adkins, Adnitt, Ager, Agnes, Ainge, Albrighton, Albutt, Alderson, Aldington, Alexander, Alibone, Allamay, Allcock, Allcutt, Allen, Allfrey, Allibone, Alliborne, Alsop, Alton, Amos, Anderson, Andrew, Andrews, Anrews, Ansley, Anstee, Anthwaith, Apperson, Appleby, Apps, Archer, Armstrong, Arnati, Arnold, Arther, Ashborn, Ashmore, Ashorn, Askerne, Asklow, Assendor, Astell, Atherton, Atkinson, Atless, Atley, Attwood, Aubery, Aubrey, Austin, Ayton.

Bachelor, Bacon, Badger, Badgman, Badwin, Bailey, Bain, Bainer, Baird, Baisley, Baker, Balch, Baldock, Baldwin, Ball, Ballans, Ballard, Ballinger, Bambrook, Bamford, Banbry, Bandern, Bannister, Baram, Barber, Bareloy, Barford, Barker, Barlow, Barnaby, Barnard, Barnes, Barnet, Barnett, Barnicle, Barratt, Barron, Barry, Bartlet, Bartlett, Barton, Barwell, Baseley, Bass, Batchelor, Bates, Batten, Baxter, Baxton, Baylis, Bayliss, Bays, Beasley, Beatty, Beauman, Beaves, Bechens, Beck, Becke, Beckles, Bedford, Beech, Beesley, Bell, Bellamy, Bench, Benfield, Bennet, Bennett, Bentley, Bernard, Berry, Berwick, Besley, Betterton, Bezant, Bicknell, Biddell, Biddle, Biggs, Bigland, Bilgrave, Billingham, Bing, Birch, Bird, Birt, Biscoe, Bishop, Blaby, Blackwell, Blair, Blake, Blakeman, Blakemore, Blenkley, Blick, Blincow, Bliss, Blood, Blott, Bloxham, Bloxsame, Blunn, Blunt, Boddington, Boddy, Boggis, Bolans, Bollans, Bollen, Bolton, Bond, Bonds, Boneham, Bonehill, Bonnar, Bonner, Boot, Booth, Boots, Bore, Bosleise, Bostock, Boswell, Bosworth, Boulstridge, Bourne, Bowden, Bowen, Bowles, Bown, Boxham, Boyle, Bradford, Bradley, Bradnock, Bradshaw, Bragg, Branston, Bray, Brennen, Brettell, Brewer, Bricknell, Bridgwater, Brierley, Briggs, Bright, Brinkworth, Britburgers, Bromley, Bromwich, Brook, Brooke, Brooker, Brookes, Brooks, Broon, Brown, Browne, Brows, Bruce, Bryan, Bubb, Buchanan, Buck, Bugan, Buggins, Bull, Bullard, Bullock, Bulmer, Bulwer, Bunting, Burbage, Burbury, Burden, Burdon, Burgess, Burrows, Burton, Buryett, Bush, Buswell, Butcher, Butler, Butlin, Button, Buzzoni, Byfell, Bygrave, Byman, Byrd, Byrne.

Calcraft, Caldwell, Cales, Calhausse, Callcott, Callett, Campbell, Camphill, Campshall, Canning, Cantrill, Capers, Caple, Cardall, Cardew, Cargill, Carmage, Carn, Carpenter, Carr, Carroll, Carry, Cart, Carter, Carthridge, Cartledge, Cary, Case, Cash, Castaquar, Castle, Caswell, Cater, Cattell, Cattle, Caulsen, Cave, Cawley, Cawnnison, Chadburn, Challen, Chamberlain, Chamberlayne, Chambers, Champs, Chandelar, Chandler, Chaplin, Chapman, Chappell, Charlotte, Chart, Charter, Chattaway, Chaudley, Chaulk, Cheadle, Checkley, Cherry, Chester, Christian, Christopher, Church, Cinner, Clamore, Clark, Clarke, Clarkson, Classon, Cleaver, Clements, Cobbe, Cocking, Colbeck, Cole, Colebeck, Coleman, Coles, Colidge, Colledge, Collet, Collett, Colley, Collier, Collins, Collis, Colman, Combes, Connon, Constable, Cook, Cooke, Cookes, Cooper, Cope, Coppin, Copps, Corbet, Corby, Corll, Cormack, Corrie, Cosbader, Cotigin, Cotterill, Cotton, Coulston, Court, Cout, Covington, Cowell, Cowley, Cox, Crane, Crawford, Crawley, Crew, Crichton, Crick, Cripps, Crisp, Crisppe, Critchley, Crofton, Croker, Cropley, Cross, Crossley, Crye, Cudworth, Culby, Cundall, Cuningham, Curle, Curry, Curtain, Curtis, Cutoph, Cutter.

Dadford, Dagley, Daily, Dale, Dally, Daniel, Daniells, Daniels, Dashunt, Davenhill, Davenport, Davey, Davidson, Davie, Davies, Davis, Dawes, Dawkes, Dawson, Day, De Joncourt, De Lacye, De Rothechild, Dean, Deeley, Deelings, Deen, Deman, Denison, Dent, Des Viruse, Devont, Dickens, Dickenson, Dickinson, Diela, Digby, Dillon, Dingley, Dixon, Dodd, Dolan, Doogan, Doria, Dormer, Dorning, Doughty, Douglas, Dowell, Downes, Drake, Drays, Dube, Duckett, Dudley, Dufosie, Duke, Dumbleton, Dunn, Durseley, Dutton, Dyball, Dyde, Dyer.

Eadon, Eaglestone, Earp, Eastham, Eaton, Ebbage, Ebbs, Ecclestone, Eden, Edfortan, Edminstone, Edmunds, Edwards, Ekins, Elborough, Elkington, Elliott, Ellis, Elston, Ely, Endsor, England, Enock, Ermens, Esser, Essex, Etbery, Evans, Eve, Evetts.

Fardon, Farer, Farley, Farmer, Farnes, Farrer, Farrington, Fathers, Faulkner, Feasey, Featherstone, Fell, Fen, Fenton, Fern, Fernie, Fersey, Fetherstonhugh, Field, Fife, Filpswine, Finnemore, Fischerd, Fisher, Fitzhaugh, Flavell, Fleming, Fletcher, Florida, Floryetts, Flowers, Foley, Forbes, Forder, Foreholme, Forsyth, Fortescue, Foster, Fotherby, Fowkes, Fowler, Fox, France, Frances, Franklin, Frankling, Franks, Frazier, Freegard, Freeman, French, Frenche, Friend, Frith, Fuller.

Gaby, Gad, Galton, Gardener, Gardner, Garratt, Garret, Garrett, Gascoyne, Gaskings, Gaskins, Gates, Gedney, Geldart, Genness, George, German, Gibbertson, Gibbins, Gibbs, Gibson, Gilbert, Giles, Gilham, Gilks, Gill, Gillaid, Gilling, Gillom, Gilmore, Glane, Glazebrook, Goddard, Godfrey, Golightly, Good, Goodall, Goodenough, Goodman, Goodwin, Goold, Gordon, Gore, Gorst, Gossage, Gouch, Gough, Gould, Gower, Graham, Grant, Gray, Greathead, Greebe, Green, Greenfold, Greenhill, Greenwood, Gregg, Gregory, Greves, Griffin, Griffith, Grime, Grimerd, Grimmist, Grimwood, Gripton, Grosvenor, Grove, Grunerd, Gubbins, Gumbley, Gunson, Gunwood, Gupton, Guy.

Hackforth, Hackleton, Hadden, Haddon, Hadgkinson, Hadley, Hadwin, Haigh, Haimes, Hale, Halfild, Halford, Hall, Halldon, Halloway, Hammesly, Hancock, Hancocks, Hancox, Handcock, Hands, Hankinson, Hankling, Hanley, Hanson, Hapley, Harbage, Harbridge, Hardcastle, Hardiman, Harding, Hardman, Hardorn, Hardwick, Hardy, Harewood, Hargraves, Harlege, Harper, Harrerdon, Harridence, Harris, Harrison, Harriss, Harrisson, Hart, Hartley, Harwood, Hasell, Hasselton, Hastings, Hastkins, Hatcher, Hatton, Hawkes, Hawkins, Hawtin, Hay, Haynes, Hayrath, Hayward, Head, Heart, Heasom, Heath, Hebe, Hede, Hedges, Heeley, Heglett, Hemming, Hemmings, Henderson, Henn, Henry, Herbert, Herese, Heretage, Heritage, Herriott, Herritage, Hewens, Hewett, Hewitt, Hicken, Hickman, Hicks, Hickson, Higgens, Higgins, Higginson, Highman, Hill, Hillon, Hillson, Hilsdon, Hilson, Hinge, Hinson, Hinton, Hiorns, Hiott, Hitchcock, Hitchins, Hitchman, Hobbis, Hobis, Hobley, Hobson, Hodgetts, Hodgson, Hogan, Holdaway, Holland, Hollis, Holloway, Holman, Holmes, Holoway, Holton, Homer, Hood, Hooper, Hopkins, Hordorn, Horley, Hormbton, Hornblower, Hornby, Horne, Hornecastle, Hornsby, Horsey, Horslay, Hortin, Horton, Hoskins, Hough, Houston, Howard, Howe, Howson, Hudson, Hughes, Hull, Humphrey, Humphreys, Humphries, Humphris, Humphriss, Hunsley, Hunt, Hunter, Hurley, Hutchens, Hutchings, Hutchins, Hutchinson, Hydon, Hyponson.

Iliffe, Ingbey, Ingram, Irstrom, Irwin, Isacke, Isham, Ivens.

Jackman, Jackson, Jacques, James, Jameson, Jane, Jardenes, Jarmack, Jefcott, Jefferson, Jefferys, Jeffs, Jenaway, Jenkins, Jephson, Jerdan, Jervois, Jessop, Jhonston, John, Johnson, Joince, Jones, Joyce, Judd, Judkin, Jury.

Kailey, Kay, Kaye, Kearkland, Kearsley, Keene, Kellam, Kelly, Kench, Kendal, Kendall, Kenedy, Kenore, Kent, Keogh, Kettle, Key, Keyworth, Kidd, Kiliton, Kimber, Kimberlain, Kinersley, King, Kinglustein, Kirkland, Kirton, Kitchen, Kitely, Knibb, Knight, Knightley, Kock, Kololy.

Lacey, Ladbrook, Lake, Lakin, Lambert, Lancaster, Lane, Lang, Larden, Latham, Lauder, Lawrance, Lawrence, Laxton, Lay, Layton, Le Mesurier, Leabank, Leake, Leames, Leatherland, Leawis, Ledbrook, Ledge, Lee, Lees, Leigh, Leslie, Letts, Leveson, Levison, Lewis, Lewthwaite, Leyson, Lidford, Lidman, Lightwood, Liguerish, Lilley, Line, Linely, Lines, Linley, Linnell, Linton, Litherland, Littlejohn, Littlewood, Llewellyn, Lloyd, Lock, Lodge, Loftus, Logie, Lokes, Long, Longlan, Loveday, Loveland, Lovell, Lovett, Lowe, Lowick, Lowley, Lownds, Lowry, Lowther, Loyd, Lucas, Lugison, Lukeman, Lush, Lyon, Lyons.

Mace, MacFarline, MacGowan, MacGrath, MacPherson, Madden, Maddock, Madock, Maggs, Maglan, Magrane, Main, Mainwaring, Maisland, Major, Malin, Maloney, Malsbury, Maltman, Man, Mander, Mann, Mannia, Manning, Mansfield, March, Mardon, Margitts, Margoschis, Margrett, Marie, Marks, Marriott, Marsh, Marshall, Marston, Marten, Martin, Mason, Masters, Mathington, Matthews, Maugham, Maw, May, Maycock, Mayle, Mayto, McCall, McCodey, McCoy, McGauegan, McInnes, McKeefe, McLeane, McLutyen, Medcaff, Meeking, Meish, Melville, Meredith, Merry, Merryman, Metcalf, Mewcock, Meyer, Middeton, Middleton, Milbourne, Miles, Mill, Millar, Milliner, Mills, Milne, Milner, Milward, Mistral, Mitchel, Mitchell, Mole, Money, Monkton, Montgarett, Montgomery, Moon, Moor, Moore, Morgan, Morley, Morrell, Morrilies, Morrill, Morris, Morriss, Morse, Mortlock, Moseley, Moss, Moulon, Mountgarett, Mousley, Moweley, Muddernan, Muldown, Muller, Mulling, Mullis, Munton, Murcott, Murggridge, Murgrett, Murry.

Nailer, Nalley, Nason, Neal, Needham, Neville, Nevit, Newberry, Newcombe, Newey, Nicholls, Noon, Norkes.

Oaridge, Oates, Oatin, Ohara, Okes, Oldham, Oliver, Olley, Olorenshaw, Onion, Orton, Orwell, Osborne, Outram, Over, Owen.

Packwood, Pactchman, Padbury, Page, Palkins, Palmer, Parish, Park, Parke, Parker, Parkham, Parnell, Parriss, Parrott, Parrson, Parry, Parsons, Parvier, Pask, Pasket, Pastor, Paterson, Patteson, Pauley, Payne, Peacock, Peaks, Pearmain, Pearson, Peasnall, Pell, Penn, Perceval, Percival, Perkins, Perks, Perris, Perry, Pett, Pettipher, Pettitt, Phelps, Philbrick, Phillips, Philpot, Philpott, Phipps, Pickard, Pickerd, Pickering, Pigot, Pinfold, Pitt, Pittaway, Plum, Plumer, Pobll, Pocklington, Pole, Pollard, Pomely, Pool, Poole, Pope, Porry, Potts, Powell, Power, Prapp, Pratchett, Pratt, Predgson, Premton, Prestage, Prestidge, Price, Prichard, Pridham, Print, Prior, Pritchard, Proctor, Provitt, Pucks, Pugh, Pulsen, Puswell, Pyatt.

Quail, Quin.

Rabus, Radburn, Radclyffe, Rainbow, Rapell, Raper, Ratcliff, Rathbone, Raven, Ravenhill, Rawson, Raymond, Read, Reader, Reading, Reason, Reaston, Reddish, Redhead, Reese, Regan, Reid, Renston, Repson, Respin, Revell, Reynolds, Rhodes, Rhynwen, Rich, Richards, Richardson, Richmond, Ricketts, Riddell, Ridgeway, Rigbie, Rigg, Riley, Riswell, Ritche, Rivers, Robbins, Roberts, Robertson, Robinson, Roby, Roe, Rogers, Rollins, Rondercharts, Rose, Ross, Rothe, Rouce, Rouse, Rovotham, Rowe, Rowlands, Rowley, Roxburgh, Ruffa, Rushton, Russel, Russell, Ryan, Rymes, Rymill, Ryte.

Sainsbury, Saintsbury, Salmon, Salmond, Sandford, Sands, Sanky, Sansford, Sargeant, Sarney, Sashwell, Satchwell, Saunderson, Sauoeur, Sautes, Savage, Savory, Sawyer, Scholes, Schwarsh, Scot, Scott, Scupthorpe, Seager, Seal, Selby, Senhouse, Sergeant, Seyton, Shard, Sharman, Sharp, Shaw, Shawe, Shelton, Shepherd, Shepperd, Sheridan, Sheriff, Sherwood, Shirley, Shorter, Shuke, Shurwood, Sibley, Signale, Silcox, Sills, Simcox, Simonds, Simpson, Singe, Sinnot, Skerritt, Skey, Slade, Slatcher, Slater, Sleaton, Sloper, Small, Smallbone, Smallhouse, Smallwood, Smart, Smedley, Smeeton, Smeth, Smirk, Smith, Smyth, Snelling, Sollis, Somerville, Somtier, Sothbury, Sours, Southam, Southern, Southorne, Sowesley, Sparkman, Sparks, Sparrow, Spencer, Spicer, Spiers, Spikes, Spooner, Spraggett, Spriggs, Spun, Stafford, Stailgo, Stain, Stainforth, Stainton, Stanley, Stansfold, Stanton, Starkie, Starr, Stenchcombe, Stephens, Stephenson, Ster, Steven, Stichill, Stiles, Stockwell, Stokes, Stone, Storer, Stott, Stow, Stowe, Stratford, Street, Stroud, Strutt, Studman, Stuklman, Sturch, Styles, Sulivan, Summerfield, Summers, Surman, Sutherland, Sutters, Sutton, Swain, Swan, Sweetenham, Swinbourne, Swinson, Symes, Symons.

Tageur, Talbot, Tandy, Tanner, Tarratt, Tarver, Taylor, Tayton, Teeton, Tempest, Temple, Tenley, Tennant, Thacker, Thackes, Thelwell, They, Thomas, Thompson, Thomson, Thorne, Thornicroft, Thornton, Thorpe, Thursley, Thurslly, Thwaites, Tidmass, Tilsley, Tim S, Timms, Tims, Tindall, Tipper, Tipping, Tiso, Tobson, Tombes, Tomes, Tomkis, Tomkiss, Tomlinson, Tooby, Toone, Toplis, Topp, Torre, Townsend, Trafford, Treadwell, Treaherd, Treater, Trenfield, Troughton, Truman, Truslove, Tubb, Tuke, Turgund, Turner, Turrell, Tustin, Twigg, Twiner.

Umbers, Underdown, Underhill, Underwood, Upshaw, Usher.

Van Bache, Vant, Vardser, Vause, Venables, Verchere, Vernon, Vincent.

Wagstaff, Wainhouse, Waite, Wake, Waler, Walford, Walhouse, Walker, Walkin, Wall, Wallington, Walmsley, Walsh, Walter, Walters, Walton, Wamsley, Ward, Waring, Warner, Warr, Warren, Warwick, Waterall, Waters, Watkin, Watkins, Watson, Watt, Watts, Wattsmor, Webb, Webber, Weeks, Welch, Weldray, Weller, Wells, Welshman, Welslam, West, Weston, Westropp, Westwood, Whatley, Wheal, Wheeler, Wheler, Whenton, Whepley, White, Whitehead, Whitehouse, Whitehurst, Whiteman, Whitemore, Whiting, Whittall, Whittle, Whitworth, Whitwoth, Wickes, Wigley, Wilcourt, Wilcox, Wilday, Wildburges, Wildigg, Wilkenson, Wilkes, Wilkins, Wilkinson, Willard, Willes, Willey, Williams, Williamson, Willies, Willifor, Willis, Williss, Willmore, Willoughby, Wills, Wils, Wilson, Wilton, Wincote, Windham, Winfield, Winstanley, Winter, Winterburn, Winters, Wise, Wiston, Withers, Withington, Wittle, Wood, Woodfield, Woodham, Woodhouse, Woodruff, Woods, Woodward, Woodyer, Woolcock, Woolcott, Woollard, Worrall, Wragge, Wray, Wright, Wrighton, Wrigton, Wyatt, Wymyard.

Yarborough, Yardley, Yates, Yellop, Young.

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