Warwickshire Ancestors Project — 1861

UNCHECKED Surname Index of Piece RG09/2220 (Leamington Priors)

Link to 2220 zipped version (87 kb) here.
UNCHECKED Surname Listing
Abbotts, Abel, Abicrombie, Abill, Abrahams, Adams, Adkins, Adnett, Ainge, Albridge, Albrigh, Alexander, Allcock, Allen, Alliban, Allsop, Allum, Alsop, Amber, Anchard, Andrews, Anstey, Appleford, Appwhaite, Archer, Armstrong, Arnold, Arrowsmith, Asborne, Ashbourne, Ashby, Ashwin, Askew, Aspa, Astell, Astley, Aston, Atkins, Atkinson, Attwood, Atwood, Aubry, Augier, Avillar, Aviss.

Bacon, Badams, Badger, Bafferey, Bagley, Bailey, Baker, Balcelle, Baldwin, Bale, Ball, Ballard, Ballinger, Bamford, Banks, Banner, Bant, Barker, Barlow, Barnacle, Barnard, Barnes, Barnett, Barnwell, Baron, Barrett, Bartholomew, Bartlet, Bartlett, Barton, Bastock, Batchelor, Bates, Batten, Battison, Baum, Baxter, Baylis, Bayliss, Bayman, Beadsworth, Beaks, Beale, Beasey, Beasley, Beaton, Beattie, Beck, Beckett, Beckila, Beddington, Beechey, Beesley, Beeson, Bell, Belson, Benfield, Bensham, Benton, Berens, Berry, Bettey, Betts, Bicknall, Bicknell, Biddle, Billingham, Birch, Bird, Bishop, Bissell, Black, Blackburn, Blackwall, Blackwell, Blakeman, Bland, Bloomfield, Blower, Bloxham, Blundale, Blunt, Boggis, Boka, Bond, Bonehill, Bonser, Booth, Borden, Bostock, Bosworth, Bowen, Bown, Boyes, Bradnock, Bradshaw, Brahan, Bray, Brettle, Brewer, Bridges, Brierley, Brindley, Brittain, Bromley, Bromwich, Bronwich, Brookes, Brooks, Broom, Brothers, Brotherton, Broughall, Brown, Browning, Bruce, Bull, Bunnrant, Burbridge, Burbury, Burdett, Burgess, Burley, Burridge, Burton, Busby, Bush, Bushy, Buston, Butcher, Butkin, Butler, Butlin, Buzzi.

Caddick, Caldecott, Calway, Cambridge, Candle, Cann, Canning, Cantillo, Capell, Carey, Carlile, Carter, Cartwright, Cashmore, Castle, Caton, Cempton, Chadwick, Chalk, Chamberlain, Champ, Chandler, Chaplin, Chapman, Chappell, Charters, Chater, Chatten, Chatterley, Checketts, Checkley, Child, Chown, Church, Clark, Clarke, Clarkson, Clay, Claymore, Clayton, Cleaver, Clements, Cleverley, Clewers, Cobbe, Cochran, Cockerill, Codd, Cody, Cole, Coleman, Coles, Colin, Colledge, Collier, Collin, Collins, Collinson, Collis, Collison, Collyer, Compton, Connor, Cook, Cooke, Cooknell, Cooper, Copson, Corbett, Cordeaux, Core, Corsley, Cotterell, Cotton, Court, Cowley, Cox, Coxon, Cracker, Craig, Cramp, Crane, Crawt, Croft, Crofts, Cross, Crotty, Crowley, Croydon, Cruness, Cullimore, Cummins, Cunningham, Currall, Curtis, Cutting.

Dackus, Dadley, Dalton, Darby, Darley, Davey, David, Davies, Davis, Dawell, Dawes, Dawkes, Daws, Dawson, Dean, Deane, Dee, Deeming, Denman, Denton, Derry, Dew, Dexter, Dickens, Dickeson, Dickins, Dickson, Dillon, Disley, Dodd, Doherty, Dohman, Dolphin, Doran, Douglas, Dowell, Dowler, Downes, Downham, Downie, Downing, Drake, Draper, Drinkwater, Drury, Duckett, Duggins, Duncliff, Dunn, Durney.

Eales, Eardley, Eardly, East, Eaton, Eaves, Eden, Edgerton, Edkins, Edmonds, Edwards, Egan, Elley, Elliman, Ellington, Elliott, Ellis, Elliston, Elmbank, Elton, Ely, Ends, England, English, Enoch, Enock, Enticott, Essex, Eunier, Evans, Ewart, Eyres.

Faithful, Farmer, Farr, Farrington, Faulkner, Fell, Fern, Ferrers, Fessey, Field, Fields, Fife, Filter, Findon, Fisher, Fitzgerald, Fitzsimon, Fletcher, Flowers, Ford, Forester, Fortnam, Fortnum, Foster, Fox, Frances, Francis, Franklin, Freeman, French, Friend, Froggatt, Fromont, Frost, Frowland, Fryer, Fuller, Furnival, Fustiz.

Gailey, Gale, Gallagher, Gane, Gardener, Gardner, Garlic, Garlick, Garratt, Garrett, Gascoine, Gascoyne, Gates, Gathercole, Gautherot, Gazey, Gearing, Geary, Gee, George, Ghent, Gibber, Gibbin, Gibbler, Gibbon, Gibbons, Gibbs, Gibler, Gibson, Gilby, Giles, Gilks, Gill, Ginger, Gleadah, Gleen, Glenn, Glover, Goddard, Godfrey, Godfry, Golan, Golden, Gonley, Good, Goodchild, Goode, Goodman, Goodridge, Goodwin, Goold, Gossage, Grandhurst, Granger, Grant, Gray, Grayhurst, Green, Greet, Gregory, Greswald, Greyhurst, Grice, Griffin, Griffiths, Grimerd, Grimmond, Grinnell, Groom, Grove, Groves, Gulliver, Gunn.

Hackerman, Hackleton, Hacose, Hadde, Haddon, Hade, Hadland, Hadley, Hakes, Halden, Halett, Hall, Halt, Hamilton, Hammond, Hamsher, Hancock, Handley, Harbage, Harding, Harridance, Harrington, Harris, Harrison, Harriss, Hart, Hartley, Harvey, Harwood, Haslam, Hastings, Haswell, Haugh, Hawes, Hawkin, Hawkins, Hawksley, Hawley, Hawtin, Hayfield, Haynes, Hays, Hayward, Haywood, Hazlewood, Healey, Heath, Heatherley, Heden, Hemming, Hemmings, Henshaw, Herbert, Herd, Herne, Herney, Herritage, Hescomb, Hewett, Hewitt, Hextall, Hickson, Higgatt, Higginson, Higgs, Higham, Hill, Hillby, Hiller, Hillyer, Hinch, Hind, Hinton, Hiron, Hitchcock, Hitchcok, Hitchings, Hitchman, Hobbins, Hobbs, Hobson, Hodgkins, Hodkinson, Hogan, Hogg, Holdbach, Holdsworth, Holebrook, Holland, Hollick, Hollis, Hollyoake, Holme, Holmes, Holtham, Hopcraft, Hopkins, Hordern, Horley, Hornidge, Horry, Hortin, Houghton, House, Howard, Howarth, Howcott, Howe, Howes, Howlett, Huddersley, Hudson, Hudswell, Hughes, Hull, Humpbridge, Humphress, Humphrey, Hunt, Hunter, Huntley, Hutchings, Hutchinson.

Ibell, Inghley, Ingram, Inngerlee, Ireland, Ireson, Irvine, Irving, Isaacs, Ivens, Ives.

Jackman, Jackson, James, Janson, Jarrett, Jarvis, Jeffcote, Jefferson, Jeffery, Jeffries, Jeffs, Jelley, Jenkins, Jennings, Jessop, Jilks, Johnson, Johnston, Jones, Jordan, Judd.

Keeling, Keen, Keenan, Kelley, Kemp, Kempson, Kench, Kendall, Kenell, Kennerley, Kent, Keon, Kerwin, Kibler, Kidd, Kincaid, King, Kinton, Kirby, Kirk, Kirkham, Kirkman, Kiss, Kite, Kitely, Knight, Knowles, Knox, Kohler.

Ladbrooke, Lake, Lakin, Lamb, Lambert, Lane, Langdon, Langford, Langham, Lapper, Lattimer, Laughton, Lawman, Lawton, Lay, Leary, Lee, Lees, Lenton, Lester, Lethridge, Letts, Lewin, Lewis, Lewton, Liddiard, Liebenrood, Lieber, Lifley, Lines, Linsgate, Liquorice, Lister, Livison, Lloyd, Locke, Lomax, Louis, Lovell, Lowe, Lucas, Luckitt, Ludlow, Lund, Lunt, Lupton.

MaCarthy, MacAsty, MacKintosh, Maddocks, Malaney, Male, Malin, Maloney, Mandell, Mander, Mann, Manning, Margrett, Marriott, Marsh, Marshall, Marston, Martin, Mash, Mason, Masters, Mathews, Matthews, Mattock, May, Maycock, Mayer, McCubben, McGregor, McGwire, Mead, Measom, Mee, Meeks, Melbourne, Merriden, Middleton, Miles, Millard, Miller, Milliner, Millman, Mills, Milton, Mitchell, Mitton, Mockinon, Moles, Molton, Moodey, Moorcraft, Moore, More, Moreton, Morgan, Morley, Morris, Morriss, Morton, Moses, Mosher, Mosley, Moulin, Mucklow, Mulliner, Mumford, Mytton.

Nash, Naul, Neal, Neale, Needham, Neighbour, Newby, Newcomb, Newey, Newman, Nicholls, Nichols, Nicklin, Nickson, Norman, North, Norton, Nulhams, Nutter.

O'Brien, Ogden, Oldham, Olds, Oliver, Olliver, Olorenshaw, Ord, Orton, Osborn, Osborne, Overbury, Overton, Owen.

Pacel, Packwood, Padbury, Page, Paisly, Pajet, Palmer, Pare, Parker, Parris, Parrott, Parsons, Partridge, Pavior, Payne, Peafield, Peale, Pearson, Peasnell, Peel, Peers, Pell, Pemble, Penn, Pennell, Percival, Percox, Perkins, Pettifer, Pettiford, Pettit, Peyton, Pheasant, Phelps, Philpot, Philpott, Pickering, Pickett, Pickwick, Pignutt, Pinches, Pine, Pinfold, Piper, Pitcher, Pitt, Plumridge, Pole, Ponsonby, Poole, Pope, Porter, Poutney, Powell, Powers, Pratley, Pratt, Prece, Prestage, Prestige, Preston, Prestridge, Price, Pritchett, Proudman, Prue, Pughe, Putt, Pye.

Quincy, Quiney, Quinlan, Quinnell.

Race, Radcliff, Radcliffe, Rainbow, Ralph, Randall, Randle, Range, Rapell, Rathbone, Ratlidge, Read, Reader, Reading, Rece, Redfern, Reding, Reeve, Reeves, Ret, Reve, Revel, Reynolds, Ricards, Ricci, Rice, Richards, Richardson, Richens, Rider, Righton, Roadknight, Robbins, Robbinson, Roberts, Robinson, Roby, Rochal, Roddes, Roddis, Roe, Rogers, Rohler, Rolf, Rookes, Rosa, Rose, Ross, Rotherham, Rothwell, Rous, Rouse, Rowsham, Rucksale, Ructon, Rufford, Rufus, Russell.

Sabin, Sadler, Salisbury, Salmon, Salter, Sampson, Sanders, Sanderson, Satchell, Satchwell, Saul, Savage, Sawyer, Saxon, Saxton, Sayer, Sayers, Saywell, Scatergood, Scattergood, Scivener, Scott, Seargant, Seaton, Sent, Severn, Sewell, Shakespear, Shakspear, Sharman, Sharp, Shaw, Shearsby, Sheasby, Sheldon, Shelton, Shenfield, Shepherd, Shergold, Sherratt, Shiggs, Shilton, Shirley, Short, Shotton, Shurt, Silversides, Silvester, Simmonds, Simmons, Simpson, Sisterson, Slade, Slater, Smith, Smythson, Snape, Soden, Soley, Solomon, Somerville, Soul, Southam, Sowley, Sparkes, Sparrow, Speke, Spence, Spicer, Squires, Stacey, Staite, Stanley, Stanton, Starr, Statham, Steel, Stephens, Stephenson, Stevens, Stevenson, Stiff, Stiles, Stinchcombe, Stockley, Stone, Stopp, Stretton, Stubbin, Stuchfield, Styles, Such, Summers, Summerton, Sumner, Sutterby, Sutton, Swaddling, Swain, Swanwick, Sweatman.

Tabor, Tachwell, Tailor, Talbot, Tallett, Talmage, Tandy, Taplin, Tarry, Tate, Tattersfield, Tatton, Taylor, Tayton, Temple, Tew, Thacker, Thimbleby, Thompson, Thomson, Thornicroft, Thornton, Thorpe, Tidman, Tidmarsh, Tidmas, Tilley, Timms, Tipping, Tipson, Tite, Tomkins, Tomkiss, Tomson, Tonidy, Tooley, Topham, Topp, Towers, Townsend, Tozer, Treen, Treleving, Trepess, Trinder, Trudgett, Tunnecliff, Turner, Tyler, Tyrell.

Underhill, Upfield, Uppleby, Upston, Upton.

Vacher, Van den Aberlon, Varney, Vernon, Vickers, Vicks, Vincent, Viner, Von Essen, Vowles.

Wadams, Walford, Walker, Walkley, Wall, Wallace, Wallis, Wally, Walsh, Walton, Wamsley, Ward, Wareham, Warren, Warrington, Warwick, Washbrook, Waters, Watkin, Watson, Watts, Weaver, Webb, Weedon, Welch, Wells, West, Weston, Whateley, Wheeler, White, Whitehead, Whitemore, Whittell, Whittingham, Whitwell, Widner, Wiggins, Wigglesworth, Wilcox, Wildsmith, Wilkins, Wilkinson, Wilks, Willcox, Williams, Williamson, Willis, Willmore, Willoughby, Wilshir, Wilson, Wincote, Wincotte, Wion, Wise, Wollason, Wood, Woodcock, Woodford, Woodhouse, Woodward, Woolfe, Wooliscroft, Woolison, Wormleighton, Wright, Wrighton, Wyatt, Wyer, Wynne.

Yems, York, Young.

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