Warwickshire Ancestors Project — 1861

UNCHECKED Surname Index of Piece RG09/2212 (Rugby)

Link to 2212 zipped version (88 kb) here.
UNCHECKED Surname Listing
Abell, Abercrombie, Adams, Adcock, Addison, Addy, Adkins, Adland, Adler, Alfred, Allcard, Alldred, Allen, Allsopp, Alston, Alstone, Alteard, Angrove, Anstey, Anstruther, Anwyl, Archdale, Archer, Armitage, Armson, Armston, Arnold, Arnsby, Ash, Ashby, Ashford, Ashton, Askew, Aston, Atken, Atkins, Atkinson, Atwell, Atwood, Augar.

Babington, Bacheldor, Bachelor, Bachlor, Backlon, Badger, Bagshaw, Baguley, Bail, Bailey, Baily, Bairn, Baker, Baldrick, Baldwin, Bale, Ball, Balom, Banister, Bannister, Barber, Barby, Barker, Barlow, Barnes, Barnett, Barnum, Barnwell, Barratt, Barret, Barrow, Barrows, Bartlett, Barton, Basford, Bastion, Batchelor, Bates, Batley, Batson, Batters, Baxter, Bayless , Beal, Beale, Bean, Beard, Beasley, Beattie, Beaver, Beck, Bed, Beere, Behrens, Belles, Belley, Beloc, Bench, Benister, Benn, Bennett, Benson, Bentley, Beresford, Bernard, Berry, Berryman, Bescoby, Best, Betts, Bill, Billing, Billingham, Billington, Billson, Bilston, Bingham, Binley, Binney, Birchall, Bird, Birkbeck, Bischoff, Bishton, Blackford, Blackstock, Blackwell, Blair, Blake, Blakeney, Blenkinsop, Bloomer, Blower, Bloxham, Blundell, Blyth, Blythe, Boddington, Boden, Boggs, Boissier, Bolton, Boneham, Booth, Borllby, Bosworth, Botham, Bott, Botterill, Bottrill, Boulton, Bourne, Bowden Smith, Bowey, Bowman, Boyd, Boyle, Boyson, Braddock, Bradshaw, Braithwaite, Branson, Branston, Braunston, Brice, Brickwood, Bridgeman, Brierley, Briggs, Briscow, Brittain, Broadhurst, Brocklebank, Broclibank, Bromfield, Bromwich, Brooks, Bros, Broughton, Brown, Browning, Bruce, Brunscomb, Brunt, Buchanan, Buckill, Buckland, Buckley, Bucknill, Bull, Bullard, Bullingham, Bullough, Bunn, Bunney, Burbery, Burbidge, Burder, Burdett, Burnham, Burrows, Burton, Butcher, Butler, Butlin, Butterfield, Butterworth, Buxton, Bygate.

Caborn, Cadman, Caldecott, Cappondall, Carey, Carrick, Carslake, Carter, Cartwright, Cary, Case, Cashmore, Castellano, Cattell, Cave, Chadwick, Chamberlain, Chamninis, Champney, Chandler, Chapman, Charles, Chater, Checkley, Cheeney, Cheney, Chester, Chieralunzi, Childs, Chinchon, Chipman, Christian, Christie, Church, Claridge, Clark, Clarke, Clarkson, Clayton, Cleaver, Clement, Clench, Clever, Cliffild, Clifton, Clough, Clowes, Clows, Clutton, Cobham, Cobley, Cockarill, Cockburn, Cockerill, Coldicott, Coleman, Coles, Colledge, Colleker, Collier, Collins, Collis, Collyer, Colmore, Colpman, Compton, Congrave, Constant, Cook, Cooke, Cooper, Cope, Copeland, Coppock, Coral, Cordeny, Cordery, Cornin, Corns, Cosby, Cosleher, Cossart, Cotter, Cotton, Cottrell, Couldery, Coupe, Courtenay, Coward, Cowburn, Cowley, Cowling, Cox, Coxon, Craddick, Crane, Cranfield, Crofts, Crooke, Cropper, Cross, Crossley, Crouchman, Croudy, Crow, Crowdey, Crowdy, Cruese, Cryer, Cullen, Cummings, Cummins, Cure, Currall, Currington, Cutts.

Dadley, Dainty, Dale, Daniells, Daniels, Darby, Darlington, Dashwood, Davenport, Davies, Davis, Davison, Day, De Cappell Brook, Deacon, Dean, Deane, Dearson, Deeming, Dempsey, Denis, Denison, Dennis, Denny, Denshire, Derbyshire, Devonport, Dewey, Dickens, Dickins, Dickinson, Dickman, Digby, Digweek, Dillk, Dipper, Dirkin, Dixon, Dobbs, Dodd, Dodgson, Dodson, Dodwell, Dolman, Doolan, Douglas, Douglass, Dowes, Dowing, Downing, Dowson, Doxat, Draper, Dring, Duberley, Duckins, Duleley, Duncombe, Dunn, Dunsbar, Dutton, Dyer, Eagles, Eallemar, Earnshaw, East, Eaton, Ebbrall, Eboral, Edge, Edgerby, Edmonds, Edmunds, Edwardes, Edwards, Egan, Egginton, Elden, Elerery, Elkington, Elliott, Ellis, Ellison, Elmhurst, Elsee, Elson, Embery, Emery, Emmet, England, Engledine, English, Ethelridge, Evans, Evens, Ewart, Eyre, Eyton.

Facer, Facey, Fairbairn, Farmer, Farn, Farndon, Farren, Farwell, Faulkner, Favell, Fell, Fellows, Feltham, Fennemore, Fenwick, Fern, Fields, Filton, Finney, Fips, Fisher, Fitter, Fitzgerald, Flasopey, Flavell, Fleet, Fletcher, Flint, Florpey, Flynn, Folman, Ford, Foreigner, Foster, Fountain, Fowler, Fox, Foxon, Frances, Francis, Francks, Franklin, Frankton, Frayling, Freelove, Freeman, Freer, French, Friday, Frisby, Frost, Fry, Fuller, Fulton.

Gamage, Gamble, Gardner, Garforth, Garner, Garnett, Garrad, Garratt, Garrett, Gascoigne, Gates, Gershall, Gibbins, Gibbons, Gibbs, Gibson, Gilbee, Gilbert, Giles, Gillings, Gillottford, Ginsey, Gittings, Glen, Goadby, Golding, Goodall, Goode, Goodman, Goodwin, Goodyer, Gordon, Gouite, Gowland, Grace, Grainger, Grange, Granger, Grant, Graves, Gray, Green, Greenhill, Gregson, Grey, Griffin, Griffiths, Grimble, Grimbly, Grimes, Grove, Grubb, Grumble, Guest, Guillemard, Gumbridge, Gunton, Gupwell, Gurney, Gwynn.

Hackett, Haddow, Hadfield, Hadkinson, Hadland, Hadley, Hailstone, Haines, Hales, Hall, Hallam, Halliday, Halson, Hamilton, Hammond, Hanbury, Hancock, Hands, Handsaker, Hannell, Harbury, Harding, Hargrove, Harley, Harper, Harris, Harrison, Harriss, Harrod, Harrold, Harrup, Hart, Hartemp, Hartley, Hartwell, Harwood, Hastings, Haswell, Haughton, Hawkes, Haworth, Hay, Haydon, Hayes, Haynes, Hays, Haywood, Hazlett, Heald, Heaton, Hedley, Hefford, Heley, Helps, Henderson, Henery, Henley, Hepples, Heriot, Heritage, Herron, Hesketh, Hewitt, Hewlet, Hewlett, Hewlitt, Heys, Hicken, Hickling, Hickman, Hicks, Hill, Hillgrove, Hillman, Himnan, Hinde, Hindley, Hine, Hinks, Hinse, Hippesley, Hipwell, Hirons, Hitchcock, Hitchman, Hoadgray, Hobbins, Hobday, Hobley, Hobson, Hockin, Hodges, Hodkinson, Hogobie, Holbeche, Holding, Holland, Hollins, Holloway, Holman, Holmes, Holt, Homer, Hood, Hooper, Hopewell, Hopkins, Hopkinson, Hopson, Horn, Hornam, Horne, Horney, Horsepool, Hoskins, Host, Houlstown, House, How, Howe, Howlett, Hubbard, Hudson, Hugh, Hull, Hulse, Humphrey, Humphries, Hunt, Hussey, Huswick, Hutchings, Hutchins, Hutchinson, Hutchons, Hyatt, Hyde, Hydon.

Iliff, Inchle, Inckle, Ingham, Ingram, Ingrham, Inns, Inwood, Isaacson, Islam, Ismay, Ivens.

Jackson, Jacomb, James, Jarvie, Jarvis, Jayes, Jayne, Jefcoate, Jeffery, Jeffry, Jenaway, Jenkins, Jenkinson, Jenson, Jervis, Jesson, Jillings, Jinks, Johns, Johnson, Joiner, Jones, Jordan, Jorden, Judd, Judkins.

Kay, Kelcey, Kelham, Kellett, Kelly, Kendrick, Kennard, Kennedy, Kennett, Kenney, Kennird, Kerr, Kimberley, Kinch, King, Kingell, Kingscote, Knapp, Knight, Knowles, Knuckey, Kohl, Kyle.

Labrum, Lacey, Ladbrook, Lamb, Lambert, Lambton, Lampey, Lamsden, Lander, Landon, Landsbury, Lane, Langham, Langhorne, L'archeveque, Laurence, Law, Lawrence, Le Schmidt, Lea, Leather, Lee, Leeson, Leeson , Lefroy, Leigh, Leighton, Leivesley, Leslie, Lester, Lethbridge, Letts, Lewis, Liggins, Lindlam, Lindon, Line, Lines, Linis, Linnell, Linnett, Linthwaite, Linton, Lipowski, Lismer, Lissaman, Lissmer, Llewellyn, Lloid, Lloyd, Load, Lock, Lockett, Lockwood, Loder, Lomas, Longman, Lonord, Loomes, Lord, Love, Lovesay, Lovesy, Low, Lowe, Loweth, Lowndes, Loydall, Lucas, Ludlam, Lyon.

Mabbett, MacDonolph, MacGregor, MacHene, MacKenzie, MacLachlan, MacLeod, MacRae, Maddison, Maggot, Mahony, Maine, Mainwaring, Maitland, Malin, Maltby, Mander, Manders, Manners, Manning, Mansell, Mansfield, Manton, Mappin, Marby, Margenison, Margetts, Markham, Markland, Marlow, Marriott, Marsden, Marsh, Marshall, Marson, Martin, Martingell, Mason, Master, Masters, Mathews, Maton, Matthews, Maubews, Maude, Maurer, Maurers, Maw, Mawbey, Mawby, May, Mayne, Mayor, M'Carry, McCarthy, McGregor, McGuire, McIsmay, McQuone, Meadows, Measures, Medlicott, Meiklejohn, Mercer, Mercy, Merry, Messenger, Metton, Meuler, Michund, Middleton, Miles, Millar, Miller, Millish, Mills, Minickin, Mire, Mitchell, Moilliet, Monnington, Montgomery, Moody, Moor, Moore, Moreton, Morewood, Morgan, Morley, Morrell, Morris, Morson, Morton, Moseley, Mosley, Moss, Moultrie, Mountfield, Moxem, Muir, Mulleneux, Mullins, Mullis, Murcott, Muries, Murray.

Napier, Naseby, Nash, Neale, Negus, Nelson, Nevill, New, Newall, Newcomb, Newitt, Newman, Newson, Newton, Nicholls, Nicholson, Nightingale, Nixon, Noble, Noel, Noon, Norman, Norris, Nugent.

Oakley, O'clery, Octems, Odey, Offin, O'grady, Oldham, Oldhams, Olds, O'leary, Olerenshaw, Olorenshaw, O'malley, Onions, Oppenham, Orchard, Ord, Orde Pallatt, Orton, Osborn, Osborne, Over, Owen.

Pacey, Packer, Page, Paget, Pain, Palmer, Palphramand, Pane, Panton, Papy, Parish, Parker, Parker , Parkes, Parkin, Parkinson, Parmcute, Parnell, Parrott, Pars, Parsons, Partridge, Paterson, Patey, Paton, Paul, Paxton, Paycab, Payne, Pearce, Pearson, Pease, Peberdy, Peck, Peckham, Pegge, Peile, Pell, Pendred, Pepperday, Percival, Perkins, Perrin, Perry, Pettifer, Philipp, Phillips, Phipps, Phipson, Pickering, Pickford, Piddington, Pigden, Piggins, Piggott, Pike, Pinckney, Pindar, Pinder, Pinfold, Pitham, Pittam, Place, Plater, Pomeroy, Pontefex, Poole, Pooley, Porter, Potton, Powell, Pratt, Prestage, Prestige, Preston, Prew, Price, Prichall, Pridmore, Priest, Prince, Pring, Pritchard, Prower, Prowse, Pruchall, Purnell, Purser, Pywell.


Rabjohns, Radcliffe, Radford, Raikes, Rainbow, Ralph, Ramsay, Randall, Rands, Rathbone, Read, Readhead, Reading, Redgate, Reeve, Reeves, Renshaw, Reynolds, Rhoades, Rice, Richards, Richardson, Rickard, Rickets, Ridge, Ridgway, Rigby, Ringrose, Rivington, Robbins, Roberts, Robertson, Robins, Robinson, Robson, Roden, Rogers, Romilly, Root, Rose, Ross, Roughton, Rowley, Royds, Rushton, Ruskin, Russell, Ruthwaite, Rutter, Ryley.

Sadd, Saden, Sale, Salisbury, Salmon, Salt, Salter, Sanders, Sanderson, Sandford, Sankey, Sarney, Satchell, Saunders, Saunt, Savage, Saville, Scholefield, Scott, Scrafton, Seabrook, Seaton, Seckington, Seddon, Sedgley, Sedgwick, Selby, Self, Selfe, Seward, Seymour, Shafto, Shakespear, Sharland, Sharman, Sharp, Sharpe, Sharrock, Shaw, Shears, Sheasby, Sheffield, Sheiler, Shellard, Shelvey, Shepard, Shepherd, Sherwin, Shettle, Shipman, Shipp, Short, Shuttleworth, Sidebotham, Sidgwick, Silcott, Simmonds, Simmons, Simpson, Singden, Sivins, Skinner, Skoulding, Slater, Slocomb, Smith, Smithson, Smythe, Smythies, Sneyd, Soams, Sore, Soschen, Sparrow, Spaul, Spell, Spencer, Spiby, Spiers, Spires, Spooner, Spratt, Square, St John Horne, St John Maul, Staine, Stalries, Starkey, Start, Stennet, Stent, Stephens, Steven, Stevens, Stevenson, Steward, Stiles, Stirling, Stone, Stopford, Stoppard, Storey, Storr, Stratford, Strickland, Stuart, Sturman, Styles, Sugg, Summerton, Sutton, Sweeney, Swetman, Swift, Swingler, Sykes.

Tailor, Tait, Talbot, Tanquary, Tanser, Tarver, Tayler, Taylor, Teasdale, Tebbutt, Temple, Templer, Tennant, Tew, Thacker, Thackery, Thelwall, Thewles, Thomas, Thomlin, Thompson, Thomson, Thornber, Thorneycroft, Thornton, Thorold, Thorpe, Thumbow, Thurlow, Thurnall, Tillard, Timms, Tipler, Titsmer, Todd, Tombs, Tomlinson, Tomson, Tooth, Torswill, Towers, Townsend, Treadgold, Treadwell, Treen, Trevor, Tritton, Trow, Trowee, Truslove, Tucker, Tuckey, Tullalove, Tunnard, Tupps, Turland, Turnbull, Turner, Turrell, Turvill, Twyford, Tyler, Tyrrell.

Umbers, Underwood, Ushwood, Uthwat.

Vale, Vann, Varley, Vaughan, Veasey, Venables, Vernon, Viney, Voile, Vorilst, Voss, Vouse.

Waddington, Wade, Wadforth, Wadsham, Wakefield, Walding, Wales, Walker, Walldon, Wallroth, Walmsley, Walton, Ward, Ware, Waring, Warner, Warr, Warwick, Wasbrough, Waterfield, Watkins, Watney, Watson, Watts, Waugh, Weaver, Webb, Webber, Webster, Wedding, Welchman, Wells, Welsh, West, Weston, Wetherby, Whall, Wheatcroft, Wheeler, Whiston, White, Whitehead, Whiteman, Whitmore, Whitridge, Whittam, Whitting, Whittle, Whitworth, Whymen, Widden, Widowson, Wight, Wightman, Wiglesworth, Wild, Wilkins, Wilkinson, Willard, Willes, Williams, Willis, Wills, Willson, Wilson, Wilton, Winnington, Winslow, Winter, Witts, Wolf, Wolfe, Wood, Woodburn, Woodcock, Woodford, Woodrooffe, Woods, Woodward, Wooley, Worfe, Worrall, Worsley, Worth, Wratislaw, Wright, Wyat, Wyman.

Yates, York, Yule.


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