Warwickshire Ancestors Project — 1861

UNCHECKED Surname Index of Piece RG09/2210 (Rugby)

Link to 2210 zipped version (58 kb) here.
UNCHECKED Surname Listing
Abbey, Abbotts, Adams, Adcock, Adkins, Adler, Allen, Allsop, Allum, Alsopp, Amos, Amucer, Apthrop, Archer, Aris, Arnold, Arthur, Ash, Ashmore, Askell, Askew, Astill, Atkins, Audemars, Ayres.

Baasnel, Bacon, Bagshaw, Bailey, Baker, Bambury, Banbury, Barker, Barnett, Barnwell, Barratt, Barrs, Bason, Bassett, Batchelor, Bateman, Bates, Batten, Bayley, Baylis, Bayliss, Beal, Beard, Beasley, Beasly, Beeby, Beech, Beer, Beers, Bench, Benn, Bennett, Berry, Besher, Bewbey, Bicknell, Billingham, Billington, Bird, Birdett, Birditt, Bishop, Bister, Blanshard, Blayney, Blockley, Blunt, Boff, Bolton, Boneham, Bonehill, Bostock, Bosworth, Bott, Bottrill, Boughton Leigh, Bower, Bowers, Bowman, Bradford, Bradshaw, Branch, Bray, Bretford, Brickell, Bricknell, Brierley, Brierly, Briggs, Britton, Bromwich, Bromwitch, Brooks, Brown, Brunt, Brunton, Buckingham, Buckle, Buggins, Bunney, Bunting, Burbery, Burburry, Burdett, Burgess, Burnham, Bury, Busbey, Busby, Bushell, Bushill, Butler, Butlin, Buttler, Buttress.

Campfield, Canley, Cappone, Carr, Carter, Cartright, Carvell, Cary, Catlin, Cave, Chamberlain, Chamberlin, Chamberline, Chambers, Chaplin, Chater, Cheadle, Chesterton, Choplin, Claridge, Clark, Clarke, Clay, Cleaver, Clowes, Cluley, Cobley, Cockbill, Cockerill, Cole, Coleman, Coles, Colledge, College, Collier, Compton, Congreve, Conopo, Constable, Constance, Cook, Cooke, Cooksey, Cooling, Cooper, Copsey, Copson, Corbett, Corby, Cornsley, Cotman, Cotton, Coulon, Cox, Creed, Crisp, Crofts, Crowe, Cryer, Cuffing, Currall, Curtis.

Dalton, Dand, Dann, Davies, Davis, Day, Dean, Deeming, Denny, Dibdin, Dickinson, Dipper, Dosher, Douglas, Dowling, Downie, Downing, Drage, Drakeford, Druming, Drury, Dumbleton, Dun, Dunkley, Dunn, Durant.

Eaglestone, Eales, Earle, Eaton, Ebburne, Eburne, Edge, Edmonds, Elkington, Elliott, Elson, Elton, Ely, Emery, England, Ensor, Essex, Evans, Everiett, Everton, Evetts, Eyden.

Fairbrother, Fall, Farmer, Farndon, Feild, Feilds, Fennel, Field, Fields, Finch, Fisher, Fitter, Flavell, Flawood, Flecknall, Flumby, Flyn, Ford, Forks, Forster, Foster, Found, Fowler, Foxon, Franklin, Frankton, Frear, Freeman, French, Frost, Fullwell.

Gaimes, Gamble, Gardner, Garner, Garratt, Garrett, Gasgoine, Gay, Gayton, Geddings, Gee, Gent, Gibbs, Gibson, Gilbert, Giles, Gilks, Gillett, Gillings, Glenn, Godwin, Golder, Goode, Goodlielock, Grant, Greasley, Green, Greene, Greesley, Gregory, Grimes, Groocock, Groyne, Gunn, Gupwell.

Hackett, Hall, Hammerton, Hammilton, Hancox, Hanson, Harpwood, Harris, Harrott, Hartopp, Harvey, Harwell, Haswell, Hawes, Hawkins, Haycock, Hayes, Haymes, Haynes, Heafield, Heath, Heathcott, Heaton, Hence, Henley, Herbert, Heritage, Hewat, Hewatt, Hewitt, Heyte, Hickman, Higgins, Highan, Hill, Hind, Hinde, Hiorns, Hirons, Hitchcock, Hobday, Hobley, Hoddle, Hodgkins, Holden, Holland, Hollick, Holloway, Holmes, Holt, Holtam, Holtham, Holton, Hood, Hooper, Hope, Hopkins, Horne, Horsman, House, Howe, Howkins, Hubbard, Hudson, Hughes, Humphries, Hunt, Hurley, Hutchings, Hutt,

Iliffe, Ingram, Innocent, Ivens.

Jackson, Jakeman, Jeffs, Jellicoe, Jennings, Johnson, Jones, Judkin.

Keen, Kelsey, Kenney, Kenning, Kenny, Kerrington, Ketley, King, Kirby, Kirtland, Kirton, Knight.

Labraham, Labram, Ladkin, Lamsden, Langlands, Langton, Lapworth, Latisbury, Laurence, Lavon, Lawrance, Lawrence, Lea, Leatherland, Ledbrook, Lee, Leggins, Lenton, Lester, Letts, Lickorish, Licorish, Lidman, Liggins, Lindley, Line, Lines, Lingard, Linnet, Lissaman, Lissamore, Lissiman, Lissimor, Little, Littlewood, Lloyd, Lock, Looms, Lord, Lovett, Loviett, Lucas, Luckman.

Mac Neiley, Mackford, Madely, Malaband, Malin, Man, Manger, Manly, Mann, Mansell, Marchant, Maries, Marlow, Marriot, Marshall, Martin, Mason, Massard, Masters, Mathews, Matthews, Meddows, Middleton, Miller, Mills, Milton, Mitchel, Mitchell, Moore, Morgan, Moseley, Mosley, Moss, Mowe, Moxon, Mullis, Munday, Munton, Murcott, Murden, Musson.

Neal, Neale, Nelson, Newbold, Newcomb, Newcombe, Newsomb, Nicholas, Nicholds, Nicholls, Nichols, Noble, Norfolk, Norman, Norton.

Oldacers, Oldham, Oldhams, Oliver, Olorenshaw, Osborn, Oughton, Ouseman, Ousman, Over, Overton, Owen, Owens.

Page, Pailes, Paine, Parker, Parkins, Parmer, Parritt, Parrott, Patridge, Paxton, Payne, Peach, Pearce, Pearson, Pell, Pennorwood, Perkins, Perry, Pettigrew, Phillips, Phipps, Piggott, Pile, Pittam, Pittaway, Poole, Porter, Potts, Pound, Powell, Pratt, Prestridge, Prew, Price, Pugh.

Race, Rathbon, Rathbone, Ratliff, Raven, Rayson, Read, Reading, Redgrave, Redley, Reeve, Reeves, Renshaw, Reyle, Reynolds, Ridley, Riley, Ritson, Robbins, Robins, Robinson, Rogers, Rose, Round, Rowbotham, Rowe, Rowel, Russ, Russell.

Salisbury, Samuel, Sanders, Sargent, Satchwell, Saulisbury, Saunders, Savery, Scott, Seaman, Setten, Sharp, Shave, Shear, Shearsby, Sheasby, Sheffield, Shipman, Shittle, Shortridge, Shrimpton, Shuttle, Shuttleworth, Sidwell, Silver, Silvester, Simonds, Simons, Skelton, Skipwith, Slater, Smallwood, Smart, Smith, Soare, Soden, Spencer, Spriggs, Stacey, Stean, Steane, Stevens, Stott, Sutton, Sylvester.

Tansey, Tarratt, Tarry, Taylor, Tew, Thompson, Thornton, Thursby, Thurston, Tibbits, Timms, Tomes, Tomkins, Tomlison, Toms, Townsend, Treadle, Treadwell, Treddell, Treddle, Tredell, Tredwell, Treen, Trickle, Triggs, Trueman, Truslove, Tucker, Tuckey, Turland, Turner, Turrall, Turrel, Turrell, Twining, Twycross.


Veasey, Vickers, Voile, Voss.

Waddington, Wade, Wadkin, Wagstaff, Wakelin, Waklin, Walding, Wale, Walker, Wallace, Wallice, Walters, Walton, Ward, Wares, Warren, Watkings, Watkins, Watson, Watts, Webb, Welch, Wells, Welsh, West, Weston, White, Whiteman, Whitworth, Wiggins, Wigginton, Wilcox, Wilkins, Wilks, Williams, Wilson, Wise, Witherington, Wolfe, Wood, Woodfield, Woodford, Woodhouse, Woodward, Wooton, Wootton, Wormleighton, Worrall, Worth, Worthington, Wright, Wyatt, Wyllie.


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