Warwickshire Ancestors Project — 1861

UNCHECKED Surname Index of Piece RG09/2209 (Coventry (Holy Trinity) )

Link to 2209 zipped version (79 kb) here.
UNCHECKED Surname Listing
Adams, Adcock, Addison, Adkins, Adler, Adms, Aldridge, Allen, Amos, Anderson, Anderton, Arch, Archer, Armson, Arnold, Arrow, Ashley, Ashton, Askew, Aston, Athersitch, Atkins, Aubry, Austin.

Baddely, Badley, Bagot, Bagshaw, Bailey, Baily, Baker, Bakon, Bale, Ball, Ballard, Balsom, Bamsfork, Bamwell, Band, Banes, Banks, Baraclough, Barke, Barnes, Barnett, Barnicle, Barnsley, Barnwell, Barrett, Bartlett, Bartlitt, Barton, Bate, Bates, Baughen, Baxter, Beamish, Bearsley, Beasley, Beaumont, Beausie, Beaver, Beckingham, Bedder, Beet, Bennett, Benson, Bently, Benton, Beresford, Berry, Berwick, Betteridge, Betts, Bicknell, Biggs, Biles, Bilfield, Billings, Bilson, Binden, Birch, Bird, Bishop, Blaxham, Blockley, Blore, Boissonnade, Bollason, Bollen, Bond, Bonham, Boon, Booth, Boston, Bosworth, Botell, Bottell, Bowen, Bowyer, Boyd, Bradbury, Bragg, Bragger, Brain, Bray, Brearley, Bricknell, Briggs, Bright, Brittan, Broadhurst, Bromfield, Bromwich, Brooks, Brothers, Browell, Browett, Brown, Bryan, Buckingham, Buckler, Bull, Bunn, Bunting, Burbidge, Burden, Burgis, Burke, Burley, Burrey, Burstock, Burton, Buswell, Butcher, Butler, Butlin, Butt, Buttin, Bywater.

Cadden, Calcott, Caldicott, Callow, Capp, Carpenter, Carson, Carter, Carver, Cash, Catterns, Cattle, Chambeline, Chamberlain, Chamberlan, Chambers, Chandler, Chapman, Chappell, Chataway, Chattaway, Chattle, Chattway, Checkland, Chedrea, Cherry, Chillingworth, Chin, Chinn, Chittern, Chittim, Clare, Claridge, Clark, Clarke, Clay, Clayton, Cleaver, Clements, Cleverley, Cleverly, Clift, Cockrall, Cocks, Cockwell, Colcutt, Cole, Coleman, Colley, Collins, Collis, Colson, Coltman, Congreve, Constable, Conway, Cook, Cooke, Cooper, Copestakes, Copland, Coplin, Coppen, Copson, Corford, Cornish, Coulson, Courts, Cowan, Cox, Cramp, Craney, Crockford, Crofts, Crosby, Cross, Crouch, Croxford, Crump, Crutchlow, Cudman, Cure, Curtis.

Dagley, Dale, Dalton, Daniels, Darlison, Davenport, Davice, Davies, Davis, Dawkins, Dawson, Day, De Lessert, Dennis, Denny, Dickins, Dickinson, Dilks, Dillon, Dixon, Docker, Docton, Dodd, Doran, Dorington, Downes, Downey, Dowse, Drakeford, Draper, Dry, Dubook, Duggins, Dugins, Dunbleton, Dunn, Duoice, Durrant, Dusner, Dutton.

Eadon, Eaglton, Earle, Eaves, Edmonds, Edwards, Elkington, Elliott, Ellis, Elliss, Elms, Elson, Elston, Elton, Emery, Enock, Ensor, Errington, Essex, Evans, Everton, Evett, Eyre.

Faber, Falconbridge, Farmer, Farndon, Farren, Faulkner, Fawson, Fellows, Fenton, Filchett, Fisher, Fitzuse, Flander, Flavell, Flemans, Fleming, Fletcher, Flight, Flowers, Foran, Ford, Foster, Fox, Francis, Franklin, Freeman, Freer, Friswell, Frith, Froggett, Frost, Furber, Furman.

Gadsby, Galsworthy, Gardner, Gardon, Garner, Garratt, Gascoigne, Gazey, Gee, Gent, George, Gibbs, Gibson, Gilbert, Gilks, Gill, Glover, Goddard, Godfrey, Godson, Golding, Goode, Goodridge, Goodwin, Gore, Grant, Gray, Greasly, Green, Greenway, Grenhale, Griffin, Grimsley, Grub, Gusly, Gutheridge, Gutteridge.

Hackelton, Hadley, Hadrison, Hale, Hales, Halfhide, Halford, Hall, Hallam, Hammerton, Hanaly, Hancocks, Hancox, Handerton, Handley, Handy, Hannay, Hannisett, Harband, Hardy, Hargreaves, Harper, Harriott, Harris, Harrison, Harriss, Harry, Hart, Hartop, Hartwell, Harvey, Hathaway, Haughton, Hawker, Hawkes, Hawkesford, Hawkins, Hawley, Haycock, Haymes, Hayward, Haywood, Hazill, Heartwell, Heathcote, Heatley, Heatty, Hedge, Hefford, Helman, Hembury, Hemming, Herd, Hewans, Hewitt, Hewson, Hiason, Hickingbottom, Hickling, Hill, Hincks, Hirons, Hitchens, Hitchins, Hoddle, Hodiern, Hogan, Holland, Hollick, Hollings, Holmes, Holtam, Holtham, Holton, Hopkins, Horn, Horsfall, Horton, Hosieaux, Hough, Houlin, Howe, Howes, Howse, Hughes, Hulm, Hulme, Hunt, Hutt.

Ingram, Innocent, Inocent, Insley, Ireland, Irons, Irwin, Izon.

Jackson, James, Jeffcoat, Jeffrey, Jeffs, Jenkins, Jennings, Jephcoat, Jephcote, Jephcott, Jeppcoatt, Johnson, Joice, Jones, Jonston, Jordan, Joyce, Judd, Judge, Jukes.

Keene, Kelly, Kelsey, Kemp, Kendell, Kennell, Kenning, Kent, Kerran, Killpack, Kilpack, Kimberley, Kimberly, Kinder, Kinseler, Kinston, Kirby, Kirk, Kitson, Knibb, Knight.

Laban, Laband, Lakin, Lamb, Lamberth, Lane, Langdon, Langley, Laphin, Lawrence, Lawrey, Lawson, Laxon, Layton, Lea, Leas, Leavis, Leavsley, Lee, Leeson, Lenton, Lester, Levis, Lewin, Lewis, Liggins, Lindon, Linford, Lingwood, Linwood, Lissaman, Lissamin, Lister, Lloyd, Lockington, Lockton, Logan, Long, Loose, Loud, Lovegrove, Loverock, Lovett, Low, Lowe, Lucas, Luckman, Lucy, Ludford, Lynes.

MacDonald, MacHellen, Magson, Makepeace, Malin, Mander, Maniott, Mann, Manning, Mansel, Margetts, Marlow, Marriott, Marston, Mascord, Mason, Masters, Mathewes, Mathews, Matterson, Matthews, Matticks, Mattocks, Mawby, Mayo, Mazey, McCally, McDonald, McLellan, Meakin, Meakpeace, Mealand, Mealley, Merridon, Messenger, Miles, Miligahan, Millener, Miller, Milligan, Mills, Molesworth, Moore, More, Morgan, Morley, Morris, Morton, Mountford, Mullen, Mullis, Mulloway, Muscutt, Muston.

Nasau, Neal, Neale, Newark, Newbold, Newcomb, Newey, Newman, Newsome, Nicholls, Nichols, Nicks, Nightingale, Nixon, Noble, Norman, North, Norton, Nutting.

Oakes, Oaks, Odell, Offer, Oldershaw, Oldfield, Oldham, Oldon, Orton, Osbourn, Oswin, Overton, Owen, Own.

Pacey, Padbury, Page, Palmer, Pane, Parish, Parker, Parnell, Parritt, Parsons, Pascoe, Pass, Pattison, Paul, Payne, Peak, Peake, Peaker, Pearman, Pearson, Peasland, Pegg, Pell, Pemberton, Pemice, Penney, Pepper, Perkins, Peters, Phillips, Pickard, Pickering, Pincher, Pinches, Pitman, Plant, Plater, Platter, Plummer, Pollard, Poole, Porter, Potter, Poultney, Powell, Powers, Poynton, Prake, Pratt, Predy, Prentice, Prestidge, Pretty, Price, Priestly, Pritchard, Proctor, Proffitt, Prosser, Pugh, Purcey, Pussell.


Radburn, Rainbow, Randle, Rapp, Rayson, Read, Reader, Reading, Reeves, Rench, Reynolds, Rhodes, Rice, Richards, Richardson, Right, Riley, Rippitt, Rivill, Roadknight, Roberts, Robertson, Robinson, Rock, Roe, Rogers, Rollason, Rollins, Rose, Ross, Roughton, Rouley, Roundhill, Rowe, Rowley, Rowlon, Rowney, Rowton, Royson, Rushton, Russell, Ryley, Rymell.

Sadler, Salmon, Salmons, Salt, Sanders, Santy, Satchwell, Saunders, Saunt, Savage, Sawbridge, Scattergood, Scott, Sedgley, Seeley, Selby, Selwyn, Settle, Sewell, Seymour, Shakeshaft, Shakespeare, Sharp, Shaw, Shefield, Shepherd, Shifford, Shilcock, Shilton, Shilvock, Shinster, Shires, Shirgess, Shirvington, Shortland, Shurley, Sidwell, Silller, Simmons, Simms, Simpson, Skiner, Skurman, Slack, Slater, Slaughter, Smaley, Smith, Smyth, Snape, Snow, Somerby, South, Southam, Southern, Sparkes, Spencer, Squires, Stafford, Stanbrige, Stanford, Stanley, Stean, Steane, Steavens, Stetchan, Stockall, Stockton, Stokes, Storer, Street, Streetley, Stringer, Strong, Summer, Summers, Sutton.

Tabberer, Tame, Tander, Taunton, Taylor, Tebbitt, Tebbs, Tew, Thacker, Thomas, Thomes, Thompson, Thomslow, Thomson, Thorneloe, Thornelove, Thornloe, Thornole, Thornton, Thorp, Thorpe, Tidmas, Timms, Tipson, Tomes, Tompson, Tooke, Toone, Toseland, Tousland, Tow, Towns, Townsend, Train, Tranter, Tredale, Treen, Trickett, Troughton, Truslove, Tuckey, Turbitt, Turner, Turrell, Turton, Tustin, Twaits, Twigger.

Underwood, Unwin.

Vann, Varnham, Vellers, Vernon, Vicey, Villers, Villiers, Vincent, Voice.

Wagstaff, Wainwright, Waklen, Walker, Wall, Wallace, Wallen, Wallington, Walsh, Walton, Warcham, Ward, Warden, Waring, Warmington, Warner, Warren, Warrington, Warterhouse, Warton, Warwick, Waterfall, Waterhouse, Waters, Watson, Watt, Watts, Weatherhall, Weatherill, Webster, Welch, West, Weston, Westrap, Westwood, Wetton, Wheeler, White, Whitehall, Whitehead, Whiteman, Whiting, Whitmore, Whittendale, Wigston, Wilcox, Wilkins, Wilkinson, Williams, Williamson, Wills, Willson, Wilson, Windridge, Wingfield, Wingrave, Winkless, Wood, Woodburn, Woodfield, Woodward, Woolley, Wooton, Wootton, Worden, Worsier, Worth, Wright, Wyatt.

Yardley, Yardly, Yateman, Yates, Yeath,

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