Warwickshire Ancestors Project — 1861

UNCHECKED Surname Index of Piece RG09/2181 (Aston (Duddeston))

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UNCHECKED Surname Listing
Abbott, Abel, Ackroyd, Albutt, Alfrey, Allard, Allbutt, Allcock, Allday, Allen, Allsop, Anderson, Anderton, Andrews, Archer, Armstrong, Arnold, Asbury, Ash, Ashford, Ashley, Ashmore, Ashton, Askwell, Aspinall, Assinder, Astley, Aston, Atherton, Atkins, Atkinson, Ault, Austin, Avern, Avery.

Backley, Baggott, Bagnall, Bailey, Baker, Bakewell, Baldrey, Baldwin, Balkin, Ball, Bambrooke, Bampton, Banister, Banks, Banon, Barker, Barkwith, Barlow, Barnard, Barnett, Barns, Barrass, Barrett, Barrows, Barry, Barton, Bates, Batson, Baughan, Baylis, Bayliss, Beach, Beale, Beard, Beasley, Beats, Becheman, Beck, Beckett, Beech, Beechan, Bellerby, Bench, Bennell, Bennet, Bennett, Bent, Bentley, Bently, Bentrick, Berwick, Bethall, Betts, Bickley, Bicknell, Biddle, Biggs, Billiard, Billington, Billson, Birch, Bird, Birks, Birt, Bisby, Bishop, Bissel, Bittings, Blackford, Blackman, Blackwell, Blake, Blakemore, Blay, Blewett, Blinnit, Blockley, Bloom, Blower, Blumpton, Boden, Bodlish, Boham, Bordens, Boten, Bott, Bottom, Bowden, Bowen, Bower, Bowes, Bradnock, Bradshaw, Brady, Bragge, Brampton, Branston, Braze, Bridgens, Brien, Briggs, Brimson, Brinkworth, Brittain, Brittan, Brittian, Broadhurst, Bromhead, Brookes, Brookliss, Brooks, Brough, Brown, Brownhill, Browning, Bruce, Brunt, Bryan, Bryant, Buchell, Buckler, Buckney, Bulivant, Bull, Bullock, Bunn, Burdett, Burnett, Burns, Burton, Bushell, Busk, Butler, Butt, Buttler, Button.

Cain, Cakebread, Calverwell, Camwell, Canbett, Canning, Cant, Cantell, Capell, Carlton, Carr, Carroll, Carter, Cartwright, Castle, Caswell, Catherwood, Cave, Chadwick, Chamberlain, Chandler, Channell, Chapman, Charleston, Charnell, Charnock, Checkett, Checkly, Cherry, Chignell, Child, Chillingworth, Chissold, Choenly, Christie, Church, Clare, Clark, Clarke, Clayton, Cleaver, Clements, Clew, Clews, Cliff, Climson, Close, Cloutton, Cluney, Coates, Cockerill, Cocks, Coggin, Coghlin, Colb, Cole, Coleman, Collet, Colley, Collins, Colly, Colquhoun, Condy, Connell, Conolly, Constable, Cook, Cooke, Cooksey, Cookson, Cooper, Cope, Corbett, Corbetts, Cordwell, Cordy, Cork, Cottam, Cotterill, Cottrell, Courbet, Cowney, Cox, Crawcour, Crighton, Crisp, Croeme, Crofts, Crompton, Crook, Crooks, Croshaw, Cross, Crossley, Crow, Crowley, Crumpling, Culliss, Cumberland, Cundy, Cunningham, Currier, Curtis.

Dabbs, Daidge, Daken, Dakin, Dale, Daley, Dance, Dangerfield, Daniel, Daniels, Darby, Dare, Dark, Darks, Darling, Darlow, Davis, Davison, Daviss, Davy, Dawson, Day, Dean, Dearden, Deeley, Delamere, Dell, Dent, Derman, Devoiles, Dickinson, Dispain, Dixon, Docker, Donovan, Dooley, Dooly, Doran, Douch, Dovey, Dowling, Downes, Downman, Drinkwater, Dromgole, Drummond, Drury, Dudhall, Duffield, Dunne, Durant, Dyer.

Eades, Earp, East, Eaves, Eccleston, Eclord, Eden, Edge, Edgerton, Edmonds, Edwards, Egerton, Egginton, Elkin, Elliott, Ellis, Elsmore, Evans, Evens, Everall, Eveson.

Falkner, Farley, Farmer, Farncourt, Faulkner, Featherstone, Fellers, Fellows, Fenn, Fereday, Ferry, Fibott, Fidgin, Field, Fifield, Fincher, Finches, Fines, Fisher, Fitter, Fitzgerald, Fladley, Flavell, Fletcher, Foden, Ford, Foster, Fouch, Foulkes, Fowler, Fox, Frazier, Freeman, French, Frill, Froggett, Fulford, Fussell.

Gain, Gamble, Ganaway, Garbett, Garden, Gardener, Garner, Gattridge, Gee, Genders, Genens, Genks, George, Gibbins, Gibbons, Gibbs, Gibson, Gidesson, Gilbert, Gilderson, Gilliam, Glazebrook, Glenn, Goddington, Godwin, Goff, Golby, Gold, Goldingay, Goldston, Golstone, Goodby, Goodman, Gordon, Gorman, Goswell, Gough, Gould, Gower, Graham, Gran, Granger, Grant, Gray, Greacock, Green, Greensill, Greenwood, Gregory, Grensill, Grey, Grice, Griffin, Griffind, Griffiths, Grigg, Groocock, Gross, Grote, Groves, Grundy, Gryther, Gubbins, Gurney.

Hacket, Hackett, Haden, Hadfield, Hadley, Hager, Hainge, Haircott, Haite, Halbis, Hales, Halfield, Hall, Hallbutt, Hamer, Hammond, Hampshire, Hanan, Hancox, Handley, Hands, Hanes, Hanks, Hanning, Harcourt, Hardley, Hardwick, Hardy, Harford, Hargrave, Harper, Harrington, Harris, Harrison, Harrol, Hart, Hartle, Hartley, Harvey, Harwood, Hastings, Hatton, Havlet, Hawes, Hawker, Hawkes, Hawkins, Hawksford, Hawthorn, Haycock, Hayday, Hayden, Haydon, Haynes, Hayward, Haywood, Hazeldine, Head, Heardon, Heath, Heaton, Helps, Heme, Hemming, Hemmings, Hemus, Hener, Henson, Hepburn, Herbourne, Hetherington, Hewit, Hewitt, Hibkamans, Hickey, Hickin, Hickman, Higginson, Higgs, Hill, Hincham, Hinks, Hinton, Hipkiss, Hitchins, Hobbs, Hobett, Hobson, Hodges, Hodgetts, Hodgkins, Hodgson, Hodson, Holborow, Holdleton, Holling, Hollingsworth, Hollingworth, Holt, Hood, Hoome, Hooper, Hope, Hopkins, Horbourn, Horner, Hornsby, Horton, Hosefall, Hossop, Hotton, Hough, Houldcroft, Howard, Howell, Howells, Howkins, Hubbard, Hughes, Humpage, Humphries, Hunphreys, Hunt, Huntback, Hunter, Hurchman, Hurlstone.

Inge, Ingram, Inman, Instone, Ireland, Ivell.

Jackman, Jackson, Jacobs, Jaddy, Jagger, James, Jarmer, Jelffs, Jelfs, Jelleman, Jenkins, Jennings, Jermyn, Jessett, Jewis, Johmson, Johnson, Johnston, Jones, Joyce, Judge.

Katle, Kaye, Keeley, Kelly, Kendall, Kennedy, Kenny, Kent, Kerby, Kestlow, Ketteridge, Kettle, Kimberley, Kimberly, King, Kingsborough, Kirby, Kittridge, Knight, Knowles.

Lacy, Lambert, Lambeth, Lander, Landers, Langsford, Latham, Latis, Lattimore, Lawerence, Lawler, Lawrence, Lay, Lee, Lees, Legge, Leinins, Leonard, Levat, Lewis, Lilley, Lilly, Lines, Linforth, Linnell, Litherland, Littlechild, Livley, Lloyd, Loach, Lock, Locket, Lolly, London, Loose, Louch, Lovesy, Lowe, Loyons, Lucas, Luckman, Ludlow, Lunn, Lynch.

MacDonald, Mace, Macefield, Macklow, Mahony, Mainey, Mallin, Malloy, Malone, Mancell, Manfield, Manks, Mann, Mannilow, Manning, Mansell, Manton, Marfield, Marks, Markwich, Marriott, Marshall, Martin, Mashall, Mason, Massey, Masters, Mathews, Matthews, May, McCallum, McClaughey, McComack, McConnell, McDonnel, McHearney, McKinley, Meacham, Meade, Meadows, Meed, Meek, Mees, Mervyn, Middleton, Midgley, Miles, Milestone, Millar, Millbank, Millis, Millows, Mills, Minchin, Minnis, Mitchell, Moffatt, Mole, Moles, Mollard, Moncrieff, Montgomery, Moore, Moran, Mordike, More, Morgan, Morley, Morris, Mortiboy, Morton, Moseley, Mossom, Mound, Mounterey, Mountford, Mountney, Mugleston, Muhoney, Muirhead, Mullings, Munford, Murphy.

Nash, Nation, Neal, Needham, Neesam, Neill, Nelson, Nevill, Newbald, Newbold, Newell, Newhouse, Newman, Nichol, Nightingale, Norcott, Norris, Nutt.

Oakley, OBrien, OConnell, Okey, Old, Oliver, Ore, Orgon, Ormandy, Orton, Osborn, Osborne, Owen.

Page, Painter, Pakeman, Pallett, Palmer, Pargent, Parker, Parkes, Parnal, Parry, Parsons, Partridge, Pearsall, Pearson, Peasland, Pegler, Pelkington, Pemberton, Pennell, Perfect, Perkins, Perks, Perry, Peters, Phillips, Pierce, Piff, Pile, Pinnock, Pitt, Plant, Platt, Pool, Poole, Popplewell, Porter, Potter, Potterton, Potts, Poulton, Powele, Powell, Power, Powers, Pratt, Prestage, Preston, Price, Pricthet, Prince, Pringle, Print, Prosser, Puddy, Purish, Pyner, Pynor.

Quarterman, Quin.

Raid, Rankilon, Raven, Ravenhill, Ravenhils, Rawlins, Rawnsley, Raybould, Raye, Raynor, Read, Reading, Reddell, Redding, Reding, Reeby, Reeves, Reynolds, Rhodes, Rice, Richards, Richardson, Rickett, Ricketts, Riddell, Ridge, Ridley, Rigby, Righton, Ritchie, Roberts, Robinson, Rodgers, Roe, Rogers, Roil, Rooke, Roper, Rose, Rowland, Rowley, Royers, Runce, Rushton, Ruston, Ryan, Ryder, Rymer.

Sambrook, Sands, Sankley, Sansum, Satchwell, Savage, Sayes, Scot, Scotton, Seaborn, Seales, Sekling, Sell, Severn, Seward, Shanley, Sharnford, Sharpe, Shaw, Shears, Shelcock, Shellwell, Shepard, Shepherd, Shilcock, Shipps, Shire, Shortall, Shortland, Shuttleworth, Siddons, Siers, Silman, Silvers, Silvey, Simkin, Simms, Simpson, Sims, Slater, Slatter, Slim, Small, Smallwood, Smith, Snith, Snut, Southall, Souty, Speare, Speares, Spencer, Spering, Spiers, Spilsbury, Spittle, Spurrier, St Aubert, Stables, Stanley, Stanton, Stanyard, Staples, Stapleton, Steevaton, Stephens, Stevens, Stickley, Stock, Stockley, Stockly, Stockwell, Stoker, Stokes, Stonier, Storey, Stott, Street, Strewers, Stringer, Stroud, Stubbs, Stutley, Summers, Swain, Swale, Swanfield, Swansborough, Swarbrook, Swift, Symonds.

Tait, Tanner, Taylor, Teacle, Tenant, Tennant, Terry, Thirley, Thirskins, Thomas, Thompson, Thorneyworth, Thornton, Thurston, Tice, Timmins, Tinsley, Tisloe, Tomlin, Tomlinson, Toney, Tonks, Toole, Tooth, Tovle, Towell, Toy, Tranter, Treadgold, Treen, Trevor, Tubman, Turner, Tustin, Twissell, Twist, Tye.

Umbers, Underwood, Unwin, Upton, Urnsby.

Vance, Vardin, Vaughan, Venables, Vesty, Vicarage, Vimbridge.

Wain, Wakefield, Waldron, Walker, Wall, Wallace, Wallice, Wallis, Walthew, Walton, Walwak, Ward, Warde, Warner, Warr, Warren, Warrilow, Warston, Wartbey, Warwick, Watkins, Watkiss, Watson, Watton, Watts, Weal, Weale, Weaver, Webb, Webber, Weber, Webster, Weight, Welch, Weller, Wells, West, Westfield, Weston, Westwood, Whelan, Wherton, White, Whitehouse, Whithoue, Whorrall, Wickingham, Wiggett, Wilde, Wilkey, Wilkins, Wilks, Willen, Williams, Willings, Willis, Willitt, Willshear, Wilmhurst, Wilmot, Wilshire, Wilson, Winnlett, Winship, Winsper, Winters, Wiseman, Withers, Wittenberg, Wood, Woodbourne, Woodcock, Woodhouse, Woodward, Woohouse, Worrall, Worsey, Wragg, Wright, Wrighton.

Yates, Youle, Young.

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