Warwickshire Ancestors Project — 1861

UNCHECKED Surname Index of Piece RG09/2172 (Aston (Deritend))

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UNCHECKED Surname Listing
Abbott, Abbotts, Acland, Acocks, Adams, Adderley, Adderton, Addleton, Aderlson, Adkins, Adlard, Adshead, Ainsworth, Aldhouse, Aldridge, Allan, Allard, Allchurch, Allday, Allen, Allender, Allett, Allison, Allwood, Alport, Anderton, Andrews, Ansell, Anslow, Appleby, Archer, Arnett, Arnold, Artles, Ash, Ashbury, Ashford, Ashmole, Ashton, Aston, Aucutt, Austen, Avery, Avon, Axten, Ayres.

Babbington, Bacdell, Backitt, Bagley, Bailey, Baker, Bakewell, Baldwin, Ball, Barber, Barker, Barlow, Barnacle, Barnard, Barnes, Barnesley, Barnett, Barnsley, Barratt, Barrett, Bartlett, Bartley, Barton, Baskerfield, Bateman, Bates, Bath, Batkins, Baugh, Baxter, Bayley, Bayliss, Baynham, Beach, Beadmore, Beale, Beaman, Beamont, Beardsmoor, Bearley, Beckley, Beddows, Bedford, Bedington, Bedworth, Beebee, Beech, Bell, Bendon, Bennet, Bennett, Bentley, Berel, Bernard, Bertie, Best, Bettridge, Bickley, Bicknell, Bidder, Biddle, Billing, Billingham, Billingsley, Billington, Birch, Bird, Bishop, Bisp, Black, Blackburn, Blackstaff, Bladon, Blake, Blaney, Blenkiron, Blincoe, Blincome, Blisworth, Bloomer, Blount, Bloxham, Blundell, Blunt, Blyth, Bond, Boodridge, Boote, Booth, Bordys, Bostock, Bottomley, Bough, Bourne, Bowen, Bowler, Bowles, Bowyer, Boyd, Boyer, Brabson, Bradburn, Bradbury, Bradely, Bradford, Bradley, Bradnock, Bradshaw, Brady, Brant, Bratt, Braund, Brazier, Breedon, Breman, Brereton, Brett, Brettle, Brewin, Bridge, Bridgens, Bridgers, Brierley, Bright, Brill, Brindley, Briscoe, Brittain, Brittian, Britton, Broad, Broadfield, Brookes, Brooks, Broomhead, Broomholl, Broughton, Brown, Browning, Brunt, Bryan, Bryant, Bubb, Buckerfield, Buckley, Buggins, Bull, Bullen, Buller, Bullock, Bumford, Bungwin, Bunting, Burbridge, Burchill, Burgess, Burman, Burns, Burton, Bushnel, Butcher, Butler.

Cachett, Cadman, Cane, Capell, Cardell, Careless, Carpenter, Carter, Cartwright, Cash, Cashmore, Castla, Cater, Cattey, Causier, Chalk, Challoner, Charles, Charlton, Chattaway, Chatwin, Chawner, Checkley, Chellingwood, Chillingworth, Chilton, Chinn, Chollingsworth, Clarey, Clark, Clarke, Clarkson, Clay, Cleeve, Clements, Clewes, Click, Clifford, Clift, Cockbill, Colborne, Cole, Coleman, Coley, Collett, Collier, Collingwood, Collins, Colmore, Combe, Combes, Conner, Constable, Cook, Coomber, Coombes, Coombs, Cooper, Cope, Corbett, Corn, Cotterill, Cottrell, Cottrill, Counts, Cox, Cresswell, Crick, Crook, Cross, Crossbee, Crowder, Crump, Crumpton, Crutchly, Culm, Culum, Cummings, Cundy, Cunningham, Cupwell, Curtis, Cusmin, Cutwell.

Dale, Darby, Darley, Darwin, Davidson, Davies, Davis, Davison, Dawes, Dawson, Day, Dean, Deans, Dearey, Dee, Deer, Dennis, Denton, Devey, Dixon, Dobson, Docker, Dodd, Donaldson, Donehoe, Donolan, Dorkins, Dornney, Dorricutt, Douglas, Dover, Dowell, Dowling, Down, Downing, Doyle, Drage, Drakeford, Draper, Drew, Drover, Dudly, Duffell, Duffide, Duffing, Dugan, Duggan, Dunckley, Dunmore, Dunn, Dunning, Dutton, Dyde, Dyer.

Eades, Ealey, Earle, Eaton, Eaves, Ebery, Edkins, Edmonds, Edwards, Egginton, Eiles, Elliott, Ellis, Elwell, Emery, Erle, Evans, Evens, Everett, Ewins, Eyer, Eyre.

Fairbank, Fairbourne, Falkner, Fallett, Farley, Farman, Farmer, Farnell, Farr, Farrell, Farrer, Farrow, Fawcett, Feather, Fellows, Fentham, Field, Filler, Fincher, Fischer, Fisher, Fitzgerald, Flanagan, Fletcher, Ford, Forrest, Forrester, Forster, Foster, Fowler, Fox, Franklin, Franks, Fraser, Frazed, Freeman, Freeth, Frieth, Froggatt, Frost, Fulford, Fulwell, Furness, Fustin.

Gale, Galligan, Gamble, Gameson, Gameston, Gammon, Ganderton, Gardiner, Garner, Garrad, Garton, Gasby, Gaunt, Gee, George, Gibbons, Gibbs, Gibson, Gilbert, Giles, Gill, Gillard, Giller, Gilles, Gilman, Gimbert, Gisborn, Gisborne, Gittins, Glassey, Glover, Goddard, Godden, Gold, Golden, Goodchild, Goodman, Goodwin, Goring, Gosmon, Gough, Gould, Goulding, Gramey, Graves, Greaby, Greatone, Greaves, Green, Greene, Greenfield, Greenhall, Greenhill, Greening, Greenway, Gregg, Gregory, Grice, Griffen, Griffin, Griffiths, Grimley, Gripton, Grosvenor, Grousvner, Grouvener, Grove, Groves, Guest, Guise, Gumbly, Gummage, Gunner, Guppy, Guy.

Haden, Hadley, Hagan, Hague, Haines, Hall, Hamblin, Hamps, Hampton, Hancox, Hand, Hankes, Hanneford, Hanson, Harborough, Harcourt, Harding, Hardman, Harnward, Harper, Harrass, Harrington, Harris, Harrison, Harrold, Hart, Harvey, Haskins, Haskinson, Hasler, Hasper, Hastings, Hathaway, Hawkes, Hawkeswood, Hawkin, Hawkins, Hawksford, Haycock, Hayden, Haydon, Haydow, Hayes, Haynes, Hayward, Haywood, Hazledene, Heap, Heape, Heath, Heatley, Heaton, Heaven, Hedges, Heelis, Helmne, Helps, Hemming, Hemmings, Henderson, Henley, Henningham, Henry, Heogh, Herdman, Heritage, Hervey, Hewit, Hewitt, Hewson, Heynes, Heywood, Hibbard, Hicklin, Hickling, Hickman, Highway, Hill, Hilton, Hinchley, Hinson, Hinton, Hipkiss, Hipwell, Hislow, Hitchin, Hodgells, Hodgetts, Hodgkins, Hodgskin, Holbeach, Holden, Holland, Hollick, Hollier, Hollinshead, Hollis, Holloway, Holmes, Holt, Homer, Homes, Honywood, Hooper, Hope, Hopkins, Hopkiss, Horne, Horsley, Horton, Hosbory, Hoskins, Hough, Houghton, Hoult, Howe, Howell, Howes, Howle, Hoyde, Hubbard, Hudson, Hufton, Hughes, Hulme, Hulse, Humphries, Hunbridge, Hunt, Hurst, Huskisson, Hussey, Hutton, Huxley, Hykin.

Idiens, Iley, Iliffe, Inchley, Ingram, Inman, Insley, Irwin.

Jack, Jackson, James, Jaques, Jarman, Jarrett, Javens, Jeanes, Jeates, Jeavons, Jenkins, Jennings, Jeovans, Jepson, Johnson, Johnstone, Jolly, Jones, Jukes.

Kann, Kay, Kealey, Keatley, Keay, Keene, Keesey, Kelen, Kemp, Kempson, Kendall, Kendle, Kent, Kerkhoff, Kerr, Kibbler, Kibbs, Kible, Kilby, Kimberly, King, Kinsey, Kirby, Kirch, Kirk, Knibbs, Knight, Knott, Knowles, Kyle.

Laidley, Lakin, Lambourne, Lane, Langmead, Langshaw, Lapworth, Lates, Latham, Lavender, Law, Lawley, Lawson, Lea, Leadbeater, Leanard, Leather, Lee, Leedham, Lees, Leese, Leeson, Letterman, Lewis, Leyslow, Limnett, Lindon, Lines, Linfoot, Ling, Lington, Lipscombe, Lissemore, Lister, Litherland, Littlehales, Lloyd, Loader, Lomas, Lomax, London, Long, Longbourne, Lovell, Lovett, Lowe, Lowell, Lowerey, Lowrie, Lucas, Luck, Luckman, Ludlow, Lusty, Lymath.

MacDonald, Mace, Machin, Mackay, Maddocks, Madely, Maides, Makepeace, Malleny, Mallow, Manlon, Manning, Manton, Mappin, Margett, Margetts, Marigold, Markland, Marment, Marsden, Marsh, Marshall, Marston, Martin, Mason, Mathers, Mathews, Matthews, Maugham, Maunton, Mawdly, May, Mayette, Mayfield, McClee, McGowan, McKenzie, McLeod, Meadows, Mealing, Meddows, Meek, Meier, Mellor, Meredith, Merrick, Merritt, Messinger, Middleton, Miles, Milicamp, Millard, Milliner, Mills, Milman, Milne, Milward, Minshall, Minshull, Mitchel, Mitchell, Mobley, Mohr, Mollard, Mooney, Moore, Moorhouse, Moran, Moren, Moreton, Morgan, Morris, Moseley, Moss, Mottersham, Mumford, Munro, Murliss, Murray, Muscot, Musson.

Naish, Nash, Nation, Neal, Neale, Neclus, Nesham, Nevill, Neville, Newbold, Newey, Newman, Newton, Niblet, Nicholls, Nichols, Nickols, Nightingale, Nisbet, Nock, Noon, Norton, Nottingham, Nutt.

Oakley, O'Donnell, Oldham, Onions, O'Reilly, Orford, Osborn, Overson, Owen.

Pace, Paddy, Page, Pahud, Palmer, Palser, Parker, Parkes, Parkinson, Parres, Parry, Parson, Parsons, Parton, Partridge, Patterson, Pauling, Payne, Pearce, Pears, Pearson, Pegram, Penny, Perkins, Perks, Perry, Phillips, Phillipson, Philpot, Philpott, Phipp, Pickard, Pilley, Pimley, Piper, Pitt, Pittaway, Plant, Playne, Pointer, Polley, Poncia, Poole, Postons, Potter, Potts, Pountney, Poutney, Powell, Power, Powers, Powis, Prangnell, Prawley, Prescott, Preston, Pretty, Price, Priest, Primley, Pritchard, Prithy, Proberts, Pugh, Purdington, Pursall, Purser.


Rabbit, Rabbitt, Ragg, Randles, Ratcliff, Raven, Rawson, Raybone, Raybould, Raymond, Read, Redding, Reeve, Reeves, Reppin, Resner, Reynolds, Rhodes, Richard, Richards, Richardson, Rickett, Rigby, Riley, Riviare, Robbins, Roberts, Robertson, Robinson, Robotham, Robson, Roddis, Roebanks, Rolinson, Rolonne, Rolph, Roper, Rose, Rouse, Rout, Rowbotham, Rowe, Rowley, Royce, Rushton, Russell, Ryan.

Sackett, Sadbury, Sale, Salt, Sandbrook, Sanders, Sanderton, Sansom, Santley, Sargent, Satchwell, Saunders, Savage, Savill, Savoury, Savoy, Schweisozff, Scott, Seale, Sears, Sellwood, Sexby, Shakespear, Sharp, Sharpe, Shaw, Shealer, Shell, Shelley, Shelton, Shepherd, Sherwood, Shipman, Shirley, Shorthouse, Shrubb, Shulton, Shuttleworth, Shylock, Sidwell, Silk, Simcox, Simmons, Simpson, Sims, Singleton, Siviter, Skelton, Skilden, Slaney, Slater, Slatter, Smallwood, Smedley, Smith, Sneath, Snow, Somers, Souls, Southerton, Southwell, Sparks, Sparrow, Spencer, Sphere, Spiers, Spurrier, Stack, Stackpool, Stait, Standley, Stanley, Stapenell, Staunton, Steadman, Steele, Steen, Steevens, Stephens, Stephenson, Steuard, Stevens, Stevenson, Stillman, Stinchcombe, Stoker, Stokes, Storer, Street, Streeton, Stroyd, Stuart, Stubbs, Sturde, Sturga, Suckling, Suffield, Sullivan, Summers, Summerton, Sumner, Sunderland, Sutton, Swain, Swift, Swindell, Sydney, Sykes, Symcock.

Tailby, Talbot, Tapper, Tarry, Tart, Tarvy, Tatton, Taylor, Terrey, Terry, Tester, Tetsall, Teycherine, Thelwall, Thomas, Thompson, Thornberry, Thornbill, Thornley, Thornton, Tibbitt, Tibbs, Tideswell, Timins, Timmins, Tite, Tolliday, Tombs, Toney, Tonks, Totty, Touwers, Towers, Towns, Townsend, Toy, Trengrove, Trevitt, Trotmew, Troyhern, Trueman, Truman, Tuck, Tudor, Turley, Turner, Turrell, Turvey, Tworkiewicz, Tye, Tyrell.

Underhill, Underwood, Undrell, Upton.

Vale, Valentine, Varnham, Vaughan, Vernon, Vick, Vince, Vincent.

Waddup, Wadman, Wagstaff, Wainwright, Wale, Walker, Wallbank, Wallis, Walsh, Walter, Walters, Walton, Ward, Waring, Warner, Warren, Watson, Watts, Waugh, Weaver, Webb, Weldon, Wells, West, Westbury, Weston, Westwood, Wheatcroft, Wheatley, Whelan, Whitbread, White, Whitehouse, Whitfield, Whithorne, Whitney, Whittle, Whitty, Whitworth, Wiggins, Wigley, Wilcox, Wilday, Wilde, Wildemith, Wilder, Wilkes, Williams, Willison, Willman, Willmore, Wills, Wilson, Wilston, Wilton, Winn, Winspear, Withey, Wolfenden, Wood, Woodhall, Woodhouse, Woodward, Wooley, Workman, Worton, Wraith, Wright, Wrighton, Wyatt, Wyer, Wyllie.

Yardley, Yarwood, Yates, Young.

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