Warwickshire Ancestors Project — 1861

UNCHECKED Surname Index of Piece RG09/2143 (Birmingham (St. Martin)

Link to 2143 zipped version (91 kb) here.
UNCHECKED Surname Listing
Aaron, Aaronheim, Abbott, Abel, Abhrams, Abrahams, Adams, Adkins, Adroth, Allcock, Allen, Allkins, Allsop, Alsey, Altree, Ames, Anderson, Andrews, Annin, Anton, Applebee, Archer, Arnold, Arnos, Aron, Arthurs, Arvey, Ash, Ashford, Ashton, Ashwin, Askell, Askey, Assider, Aston, Atkins, Aulton, Austin, Avison, Ayland, Ayton.

Bache, Badsy, Baker, Bale, Baleman, Banton, Barber, Barclay, Barker, Barlow, Barnes, Barnett, Barr, Barratt, Barrett, Barron, Bartholomew, Bartlett, Barton, Bateman, Bates, Batterham, Battes, Baugh, Baxter, Bayliss, Bayner, Bazeley, Beach, Beal, Beaminbatch, Beard, Beardmore, Beasley, Beaucamp, Beck, Bedford, Belfield, Bellamy, Bellingham, Benjamin, Bennet, Bennett, Benson, Bent, Benton, Berens, Beresford, Berlyn, Berry, Berryman, Best, Betts, Bevan, Bevin, Bevington, Bickett, Biddle, Biddulph, Bidulph, Billinge, Binns, Bird, Birmingham, Bishop, Bishton, Black, Blackman, Bland, Bloore, Blunt, Boase, Bodfish, Bodington, Bogle, Boland, Bolland, Bombage, Bond, Bonehill, Bonser, Boswell, Bosworth, Boucher, Boulton, Bourn, Bourne, Bowdler, Bowen, Boyd, Boyden, Bradbury, Bradford, Bradmore, Bradnock, Bradshaw, Braisford, Brammer, Bratt, Brayshay, Breedon, Breeze, Breslin, Brettell, Brewer, Bricknell, Bridcut, Bridges, Bridley, Brindley, Britton, Broadhurst, Bromage, Bromley, Bromwich, Brookes, Brookman, Brooks, Broomfield, Brown, Browne, Brunner, Bryan, Buckingham, Buckley, Bull, Bullivant, Bullock, Bunn, Buntling, Burdett, Burford, Burke, Burkett, Burnham, Burrell, Burrough, Burt, Busby, Butcher, Butler, Byson.

Cade, Cadman, Cahill, Caine, Cale, Caley, Campini, Cane, Canning, Capenhurst, Capes, Capewell, Capper, Cardall, Carnall, Carney, Carpenter, Carr, Carrington, Carroll, Carter, Cartmel, Cartwright, Carver, Cashmore, Cassey, Castle, Caswell, Caulfield, Cawthorne, Ceogan, Challoner, Chambers, Chandler, Chaplin, Chapman, Charles, Charters, Chatway, Cheshire, Chilton, Chriesten, Christie, Clark, Clarke, Clarty, Clayton, Cleaver, Clements, Clery, Cleuet, Cliff, Cluett, Cluloe, Clulwell, Coates, Cocksn, Cohen, Coing, Colby, Coles, Coley, Collett, Collin, Collingwood, Collins, Collis, Conlon, Connor, Conoley, Conolley, Conolly, Constable, Cook, Cooke, Cookson, Cooper, Cope, Corbent, Corfield, Corral, Costello, Coterile, Coton, Cotton, Cottrell, Coulborn, Cox, Coxon, Cracknall, Crawshaw, Creed, Critchley, Cross, Crowley, Cruise, Crutchley, Cull, Cullinan, Curnock, Curran, Curries, Curtis, Custer, Cuttler.

Dabbs, Daffern, Daft, Dakin, Dalley, Daniel, Dant, Darby, Davies, Davis, Dawes, Dawson, Day, Deakin, Dean, Deanes, Deiey, Delaney, Denny, Denton, Depoiry, Devaney, Devine, Dillon, Dingley, Dix, Dixon, Docker, Dodd, Doley, Dolphin, Doolan, Doran, Dowler, Drake, Drakeford, Draper, Drew, Drewday, Drewley, Dudley, Duffy, Dugan, Duggin, Dunn, Dur, Dutton, Dwyer.

Eastwood, Eaton, Eborn, Eddy, Ede, Edmonds, Edmunds, Edwards, Elderthaw, Eldon, Elery, Eliott, Elley, Elliott, Ellis, Elsmore, Elving, Emanuel, Ensor, Estell, Esthop, Evans, Everill.

Faizey, Falkerer, Fallon, Falry, Falton, Farey, Farr, Fathers, Faulkes, Faulkner, Feeney, Fellows, Fereday, Fern, Ferriday, Field, Fielding, Finn, Fisher, Flately, Fleet, Fleming, Fletcher, Flint, Floyd, Foley, Forbes, Ford, Forster, Foster, Fowler, Fox, Foxhall, Frampton, Franklin, Frazer, Freeman, French, Friedman, Frost, Fryer, Fuller, Fully.

Gallaher, Gallars, Gamble, Ganby, Gardiner, Gardner, Garlick, Garner, Garnon, Garpage, Garritt, Garroghan, Garston, Gascoigne, Gaudler, Gaulagher, Gaulston, Gell, Genders, George, Gibbs, Gibler, Giblin, Gibson, Gidings, Gilbert, Giles, Gill, Gillman, Gilson, Glover, Godridge, Gold, Goldstone, Goldwater, Goodchild, Gordon, Gough, Gould, Grady, Grange, Granger, Grant, Gray, Greaves, Green, Greenslade, Greenwood, Gregory, Gregson, Greves, Grey, Griffiths, Gross, Grouke, Grove, Groves, Guerrella, Guess, Guest, Gummery, Gunby, Gurney.

Hacker, Hackett, Hackley, Haines, Hale, Hall, Hammersley, Hammond, Hampton, Hancocks, Hancox, Hand, Handley, Hands, Hannay, Hanson, Harborne, Hard, Harding, Harker, Harley, Harmston, Harper, Harries, Harris, Harrison, Harrister, Hart, Harvale, Harvey, Harwood, Haslam, Haslow, Hatley, Hawes, Hawkes, Hawley, Hawntt, Hawthorn, Hawton, Hayden, Hayward, Haywood, Healey, Heall, Heath, Hedges, Hemming, Herbert, Heritage, Herman, Hewitt, Hewson, Heyden, Hiatt, Hickman, Hicks, Hiersch, Higgins, Hiley, Hill, Hillman, Hillstead, Hilton, Hince, Hincks, Hinde, Hinton, Hobbs, Hobin, Hobson, Hodges, Hodson, Hogan, Hogg, Holesmouth, Holland, Hollick, Hollin, Hollingshead, Hollingsworth, Hollington, Holmes, Holyoake, Hooper, Hope, Hopkins, Horan, Horley, Horlick, Horn, Horseman, Horton, Hoskins, Houghton, Houselander, Houseman, Howarth, Howell, Howes, Hudson, Hughes, Humpherson, Humphreys, Humphries, Hunt, Huskey, Huskisson, Hussy, Hutching, Hutchings, Hutton, Hyam, Hyams.

Ick, Idiens, Inchley, Ingram, Insley, Insol, Isaacs.

Jackson, Jacob, Jacobs, James, Jarrett, Jayes, Jeff, Jefferson, Jeffries, Jelf, Jenkins, Jenkinson, Jenks, Jennings, Jester, Johnson, Jones, Jordan, Joseph, Josephs, Joyce, Judge.

Kale, Keatts, Keeffe, Keeley, Keen, Kelley, Kelly, Kelsey, Keltle, Kemp, Kempson, Kennedy, Kent, Kerr, Ketchley, Kethering, Kibble, Kidley, Killigarry, Kilroy, Kimberley, Kimberly, King, Kingsbury, Kingstone, Kirk, Kirkham, Kirkland, Knowles, Kotchilkorky.

Lackman, Laffrett, Lambra, Lancaster, Landon, Langford, Lansghaw, Larkin, Larkins, Latherne, Laurence, Lavey, Lawler, Lawley, Lawrence, Lawson, Layton, Lea, Leach, Leaming, Lee, Leeman, Lees, Legg, Leigh, Leonard, Lesselor, Letts, Levi, Levy, Lewes, Lewis, Liddale, Liddele, Lienoard, Lindon, Lines, Linforth, Lipman, Little, Littler, Littlewood, Livesley, Lloyd, Lock, London, Longmore, Lord, Loughlin, Louis, Love, Loveday, Loveridge, Lowe, Lownes, Loxley, Lucas, Lucey, Luckman, Lycett, Lynch.

Maby, Machin, MacNamee, Madden, Madely, Mahoney, Mahony, Maid, Mailing, Main, Maker, Malin, Maling, Mallinson, Malone, Maloney, Manning, Manoe, Manor, Mansell, Mansfield, Mantle, Marcus, Margetts, Marigold, Mark, Marks, Marrion, Marsh, Marshall, Marston, Martin, Marvin, Mascord, Mason, Massey, Masters, Mather, Matthews, Matthison, Maund, May, Mayatt, Maycock, McAllister, McCaffery, McCale, McCleary, McEvoy, McGinnity, McKwine, McManus, McNalby, McNalley, McNulty, McUgh, Meek, Meeks, Melhuish, Meller, Mercy, Meredith, Merriman, Metz, Midgley, Miller, Mills, Millward, Milner, Mishell, Mitchell, Molton, Monaghan, Monsley, Montag, Moorcroft, Moore, Moran, Mordike, Morgan, Morris, Morrits, Mortiboys, Morton, Mott, Mounford, Muggins, Mullagan, Mullin, Murphey, Murphy, Murray, Myatt, Myers, Myoling.

Nangle, Narry, Nash, Nathan, Neal, Neale, Neill, Nelson, Newbold, Newby, Newey, Newman, Newton, Nicholas, Nicklin, Nightingale, Nixon, Noah, Nock, Nolan, Noon, Norris.

Oakes, Oakley, O'Conor, O'Dea, Oldacre, Ollis, O'Neile, Onions, Orlowski, Orton, Osborn, Osborne, Owen.

Packe, Packwood, Page, Paget, Pailler, Paine, Painter, Palmer, Palser, Palsey, Palyton, Pantry, Park, Parker, Parkes, Parmer, Parry, Parsonage, Parsons, Paseall, Pashley, Pass, Paterson, Patrall, Payne, Peacock, Pearce, Pears, Peat, Peck, Pedley, Pelroski, Penn, Pennington, Pepper, Perkings, Perks, Perrins, Perry, Peters, Peverill, Phelps, Phillips, Phipps, Pickering, Piper, Pirie, Pitt, Pittaway, Plant, Platts, Podmor, Pole, Pollin, Ponsford, Porter, Portlock, Potter, Potts, Pountney, Powell, Powis, Poxon, Pratt, Preece, Price, Pridmore, Pritchard, Pugh, Purcell, Purdy.

Quincey, Quiney.

Rabit, Rabuitt, Radford, Ralph, Rattigan, Raven, Raworth, Rayne, Rayner, Rayson, Read, Reading, Redber, Reeley, Reeves, Reiley, Reynolds, Rhodes, Rice, Richards, Richardson, Rielty, Righton, Riley, Rilroy, Ritchie, Rivitt, Robert, Roberts, Robertson, Robinson, Rock, Rogers, Rook, Rooke, Rooker, Room, Rooney, Rosenberg, Rosenthal, Rosenthale, Rowles, Rowley, Rowson, Rudge, Ruffley, Rushton, Russell, Russon, Ryan, Ryder, Ryley.

Saars, Sadler, Salmons, Samkiss, Samuel, Sanders, Sargant, Sargeant, Sargent, Sarty, Sault, Savage, Scarrott, Scattergood, Scott, Scragg, Scrivener, Scudamore, Seagrove, Sedgwick, Shalbourne, Sharkes, Sharlock, Sharp, Sharpe, Sharratt, Shears, Shearson, Sheldon, Shelley, Shepherd, Sherlock, Shilton, Shore, Short, Shorthouse, Shrimpton, Siddamon, Sidwells, Siles, Silvester, Simcox, Simpson, Sims, Skelton, Skidmore, Slater, Slee, Sloane, Smallwood, Smith, Smyth, Snape, Solomon, Somerville, Southall, Southam, Souther, Sparrow, Spencer, Spenke, Spenser, Spicer, Spreadborough, Sprig, Sproston, Squelch, St Clare, Stafford, Stainforth, Stainton, Stanley, Stansfield, Stanton, Stanyard, Stapleford, Staples, Stebbins, Steele, Stephenson, Stevens, Steward, Stilgood, Stocker, Stokes, Stone, Storer, Sturges, Suckling, Sullivan, Summer, Sumner, Sutton, Swain, Swann, Swift, Symmons.

Tailby, Tallet, Tambs, Tamplin, Tandy, Tarling, Tasker, Tay, Tayler, Taylor, Terry, Thomas, Thompson, Thornton, Thrupp, Tighe, Timms, Tims, Titmus, Tombs, Toon, Tooth, Tovey, Tow, Townsend, Tristham, Troth, Trueman, Truman, Tuckman, Tuley, Turkell, Turner, Turton, Tutnall, Tye.

Udder, Upstone.

Vann, Varley, Varnham, Vaughn, Vaughton, Vernon, Vick, Vickers, Vigar, Vincent, Vine, Voight.

Wadbury, Wain, Wainwright, Wakefield, Wakeman, Waldron, Wale, Walker, Wall, Waller, Wallis, Walsh, Walters, Walton, Wanklin, Want, Ward, Wareing, Warner, Warred, Warren, Warwood, Waterson, Watkins, Wattiss, Watts, Weackley, Webb, Webber, Webster, Weeks, Weerdon, Welch, Weller, Welling, Wells, Weston, Westwood, Weyman, Wharton, Wheeler, Wheelock, While, White, Whitehead, Whitehouse, Whitelock, Whiteman, Whitemore, Whitmore, Whittaker, Whitworth, Wickley, Wickstead, Wicksted, Wiggin, Wigley, Wigmore, Wilby, Wilcox, Wild, Wilde, Wiley, Wilkes, Wilkins, Wilkinson, Wilks, Willder, Willia, Williams, Wilson, Winter, Witley, Wolf, Wood, Woodhall, Woods, Woodward, Woolf, Wooller, Woolley, Wootton, Wragg, Wright, Writtle, Wyatt.

Yardley, Yates, Yendole, Youens, Young.

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