Warwickshire Ancestors Project — 1861

UNCHECKED Surname Index of Piece RG09/2140 (Birmingham (St. Martin) )

Link to 2140 zipped version (85 kb) here.
UNCHECKED Surname Listing
Aaron, Abbott, Abrahams, Acres, Adams, Addenbrooke, Addey, Addy, Adie, Ainge, Aldridge, Alexander, Allcock, Alldrick, Allen, Allender, Allpress, Andersen, Anderson, Andrews, Appleby, Archer, Arms, Arnott, Arter, Ascough, Ash, Ashberry, Ashbury, Ashford, Ashton, Ashwin, Aston, Attwood, Ault, Austin.

Bach, Bagshaw, Bailey, Baker, Baldwin, Ball, Ballam, Ballard, Bampfield, Banister, Bank, Bard, Barden, Barker, Barlow, Barnes, Barnet, Barnett, Barnfield, Barr, Bartholomew, Bartlett, Barton, Bate, Bates, Batterley, Batty, Baugh, Baylis, Bayliss, Beach, Beale, Beardmore, Beardsmore, Beasley, Beasly, Beddows, Bee, Beech, Bell, Beman, Benbow, Bench, Benjamin, Bennett, Benson, Bentlain, Berkley, Berry, Bethell, Bett, Betteridge, Betts, Bewley, Bickley, Biggs, Bigwood, Billings, Billingsley, Bindley, Bingley, Binner, Binnion, Birbeck, Birch, Birchall, Bird, Bishop, Black, Blackburn, Blackford, Blake, Bloomer, Bloor, Blount, Blythe, Boggs, Bolton, Bond, Booth, Bott, Boulcott, Bound, Bowen, Bowster, Boyer, Boyess, Bozwell, Bradbury, Bradford, Bradley, Braid, Braithwaite, Bratton, Bray, Breakwell, Bricknell, Bridge, Bridgewater, Brierley, Briggs, Brindley, Brinnell, Brirely, Brit, Broadfoot, Brockhurst, Bromley, Brookes, Brooks, Brotherton, Broughall, Brown, Browning, Bruckshaw, Bryan, Bubb, Buffey, Bull, Bullock, Bumford, Bumpus, Burley, Burman, Burmann, Burrnigh, Burrows, Burton, Buscher, Butler, Buxton, Byng.

Cain, Cale, Campbell, Cantrell, Caperwell, Capewell, Carr, Carrington, Carter, Cartwright, Cassey, Cath, Cattle, Chance, Chapman, Charley, Chater, Chester, Chetland, Chilcott, Chinn, Chirm, Clamp, Clark, Clarke, Clay, Clean, Clee, Clegg, Clewes, Clewlow, Clifford, Clift, Clive, Coates, Coats, Cockrane, Coe, Cohen, Cole, Colebatch, Coley, Colledge, Collier, Collingwood, Collins, Collure, Condon, Conley, Connley, Constance, Cook, Cooke, Coombe, Cooper, Cootes, Cope, Copleston, Corden, Cormack, Cornelius, Corrall, Coton, Cotrell, Cotterill, Cotton, Cottrell, Coudrell, Coulbrant, Court, Cox, Crabtree, Craddock, Cram, Crane, Cranmore, Crashaw, Crewe, Croft, Crosher , Crossley, Crowley, Crowson, Crump, Cund, Curbishley, Cure, Curnell, Currie, Cusser.

Daft, Dale, Dandy, Daniels, Darby, Darnley, Dauton, Davies, Davis, Dawson, Day, Deakin, Dearden, Dedicoate, Deeming, Denby, Derry, Dery, Dixon, Doakes, Dobson, Dolphin, Doncaster, Donley, Dossett, Dotherty, Dovaston, Dowell, Dowman, Downes, Doyle, Drew, Dryhurst, Dudley, Duell, Dugard, Dunkley, Dunn, Dutton, Dwyer, Dyer.

Ealling, Earle, Earp, East, Easthope, Edgington, Edmonds, Edmondson , Edmund, Edmunds, Edward, Edwards, Eely, Elkington, Ellis, Elsner, Elwell, Emesham, Ennis, Eskell, Etherington, Evans, Everitt, Eves, Evett.

Facer, Faluoda, Farley, Farr, Fellows, Ferin, Field, Finch, Finlon, Finlow, Fisher, Fitter, Flemming, Fletcher, Flynn, Forbes, Ford, Forsbrook, Foster, Foxall, Foxley, Foyer, Fradley, France, Frances, Franklin, Freeman, Freer, Freeth, French, Frost, Fulford.

Gabb, Galer, Ganett, Gardner, Garrington, Garrity, Garrot, Gateley, Gee, George, Gibbs, Gilbert, Giles, Girling, Gittens, Glasgow, Glouster, Goddard, Goldman, Gooch, Goode, Goodly, Goodman, Goodwin, Gordon, Gostage, Gough, Goulden, Goulding, Gower, Grady, Grant, Graty, Gray, Greaves, Green, Green , Gregory, Griffin, Griffith, Griffiths, Grimes, Grimley, Grinder, Grogan, Grogans, Grove, Grub, Grundey, Guardner, Gueney, Guest, Gumpert, Guthrie.

Haddleton, Haden, Hadwell, Haines, Hall, Halliday, Hammer, Hammmond, Hammond, Hamnett, Hams, Hand , Hanks, Hanmen, Hansman, Hanson, Harding, Hards, Hardy, Harford, Harper, Harrel, Harris, Harrison, Hartshorn, Harvey, Hastings, Hateley, Hatton, Haughton, Haw, Hawkes, Hawkins, Hawkswood, Hawton, Haynes, Hayward, Haywood, Headley, Heafield, Hearn, Heel, Hefford, Helleman, Helwell, Hemming, Hemmings, Hemsley, Henaway, Herbert, Heskey, Hew, Hewett, Hickman, Hill, Hill , Hillwell, Hind, Hinks, Hipkiss, Hitchcock, Hodge, Hodgetts, Hodgkins, Hodson, Holden, Holland, Hollingsworth, Holloway, Holmes, Holt, Holton, Homer, Hooper, Hopkind, Hopkins, Horm, Horne, Horsley, Hortion, Horton, Hortston, Houghton, Howman, Hoyle, Hudson, Hufton, Hughes, Hulbert, Humpage, Humphrey, Humphreys, Hundeson, Hunt, Hutchings, Hyde.

Idman, Imms, Ingran, Inke, Inman, Insull, Irland, Isaac.

Jackson, Jacobs, Jacques, James, Jayes, Jelf, Jenings, Jenks, Jesscott, Jessop, Jinks, Joel, Johnson, Jonas, Jones, Josebury, Juckes.

Keel, Keen, Kempster, Kennedy, Keyes, Kilby, Kildeck, King, Kinning, Knight, Kricgbaum, Kyte.

Lamb, Lancaster, Landsberg, Lane, Langford, Langham, Langher, Lapworth, Latham, Law, Lawless, Lawley, Lawrence, Lawson, Laylow, Layton, Lazarus, Lea, Lear, Leaves, Lee, Lees, Leeson, Legg, Leighton, Leonard, Lester, Letts, Liddiard, Lightfoot, Linnett, Llewellyn, Llewllyn, Lloyd, Lloyd , Lock, Lonshall, Loorgea, Lord, Lornitt, Loter, Lotz, Lovatt, Lovell, Loveroot, Lovett, Lowe, Loyd, Luckerman, Luckett, Lusk, Lusty, Lutwiche, Lyndon.

Mabbett, Machin, MacKenza, Macklin, Maddock, Maddox, Mander, Manders, Manning, Mannings, Mansell, Marks, Marlin, Marrian, Marsh, Marshall, Marten, Martin, Mason, Matthew, Matthews, Mawby, McClee, Medey, Mee, Mellier, Middlemore, Might, Miles, Millard, Miller, Mills, Milner, Mitchell, Mole, Moles, Moore, Morday, Morgan, Morrall, Morris, Mortiboy, Mortimer, Mortlook, Moseley, Moss, Mott, Motteram, Mottram, Mountford, Munslow, Murcott, Murphy, Myers.

Nash, Naughton, Nawks, Neale, Nesfoot, Newman, Newton, Nicholes, Nicholls, Nicklier, Nicklin, Noakes, Nock, Normansell, Norton, Norwood, Nutt.

Oakes, Oatridge, O Brian, O Brien, Oldakre, Ondins, Orange, Orford, Organ, Orme, Orton, Osborn, Otenwell, Overbury, Overett, Overton, Owen.

Page, Palmer, Pane, Pardington, Parish, Parker, Parkes, Parrins, Parsnage, Parsonage, Parsons, Partridge, Parwitt, Patrick, Patston, Patten, Payne, Payton, Peacock, Peake, Pearce, Pearson, Pegg, Pemberton, Pennington, Pensotte, Percy, Perkins, Perry, Phillips, Phillipson, Phipps, Pickenny, Pickering, Pinfield, Pinson, Piper, Pitt, Pitts, Plested, Plowright, Plummer, Podmore, Pool, Poole, Poolton, Pope, Popham, Porey, Porter, Potter, Poulton, Powell, Power, Powis, Pratt, Precel, Pressdee, Preston, Price, Prichard, Priest , Prince, Pritchard, Pugh, Pullin, Pulman, Pyatt.

Radcliff, Radenhurst, Raftery, Raibary, Raybould, Read, Reading, Redding, Redgrave, Redwall, Reed, Restal, Reynolds, Rhodes, Richards, Richardson, Ridsdale, Rigby, Riley, Roase, Roberts, Robinson, Robson, Roe, Roger, Rogers, Rollings, Rollins, Rook, Roonie, Rose, Rowbotham, Rowe, Rowley, Roxler, Russell, Ryan, Ryder, Ryley.

Saddington, Sadler, Saltein, Salter, Sandall, Sanders, Sandmore, Sargent, Saunders, Savger, Scandrett, Scarte, Schofield, Scott, Scrimshire, Seales, Sedgwick, Sevon, Sewall, Sewes, Sexty, Sharp, Shaw, Shenton, Shentor, Shepherd, Sheppard, Sherines, Sherlock, Sherritt, Shipely, Shipley, Shipway, Shirley, Shore, Simms, Simons, Simpson, Skilt, Slater, Slim, Sloman, Sly, Smalley, Smallwood, Smart, Smawley, Smith, Snook, Solomon, Somes, Southall, Southam, Southerton, Spackman, Speak, Spencer, Spicer, Spooner, Spratt, Squires, Stagg, Stanfield, Stanley, Startin, Steinton, Stephens, Stevens, Stevenson, Stickley, Stokes, Stone, Stoughton, Stover, Stoya, Stuart, Stych, Suckling, Sudbury, Suley, Sullivan, Summers, Sumner, Sutton, Swadkins, Swann, Swetman.

Tarver, Tatton, Tay, Taylor, Terry, Tew, Thickman, Thomas, Thompson, Thurston, Tidman, Timmins, Tisdale, Todd, Tolley, Tombs, Tomkins, Tomlinson, Toney, Tonks, Toon, Topham, Tortishell, Tottey, Towley, Townsend, Townshence, Trotre, Trueman, Truman, Tune, Turner, Turney, Twist.

Underwood, Upton.

Vaughan, Veal, Veal , Vernon, Vesty, Vicarage, Vickers, Vue.

Wadley, Wadsworth, Wagstaff, Wainright, Wainwright, Wakeman, Waldron, Walford, Walker, Wall, Wallace, Wallis, Walllis, Walls, Walters, Walton, Wane, Want, Ward, Wardle, Ware, Waring, Warins, Warner, Warsley, Warwick, Wassall, Wassell, Watkins, Watson, Watton, Way, Webb, Wedgbury, Weight, Welch, Weld, Welen, Wells, Werner, Wessell, Westbrook, Westner, Weston, Whateley, Wheatley, Wheatman, Wheeler, Whitaker, White, Whitefield, Whitefoot, Whitehead, Whitehouse, Whiting, Whitten, Whittington, Whomblett, Wickley, Wiggins, Wiggit, Wigley, Wild, Wilde, Wilkes, Wilkinson, Wilks, Williams, Willis, Williscroft, Willmot, Wilson, Wilton, Winfield, Winter, Winters, Wisdone, Wise, Wollaston, Wood, Woodfield, Woodland, Woodman, Woodward, Woolerton, Worrall, Wragg, Wright.

Yananton, Yardley, Yarington, Yates, Yeates, Yeoman, Yewen, Young.

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