Warwickshire Ancestors Project — 1861

UNCHECKED Surname Index of Piece RG09/2137 (Birmingham (St Thomas))

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UNCHECKED Surname Listing
Abbott, Abrahams, Adams, Adcock, Adderley, Adderly, Aderson, Adie, Adlebrook, Akrill, Albal, Albert, Alexander, Allen, Allmark, Allsop, Alsop, Ambrose, Amos, Andrews, Appleby, Arcalus, Aris, Arkcroft, Armfield, Arthur, Ashby, Ashford, Ashmore, Ashwith, Astle, Astley, Astly, Aston, Atkins, Austin, Ayre.

Babbington, Babington, Bache, Back, Backen, Baden, Badger, Bagley, Bailey, Baines, Baker, Ball, Bamford, Bamforth, Bannister, Bansbrett, Barber, Bardell, Barker, Barley, Barnes, Barratt, Barrell, Barry, Bartley, Barton, Bartram, Basford, Bastabull, Baston, Batchelor, Bates, Battin, Baugh, Bawbrett, Baxter, Bayliss, Beach, Beard, Beardman, Beardmore, Beasley, Beech, Beechey, Beesley, Bell, Bellamy, Benbowe, Bendley, Bennett, Benson, Bentley, Berry, Berwick, Best, Bethell, Bethley, Betteridge, Betts, Bevan, Biddle, Bieling, Bierley, Biggs, Billington, Birch, Bird, Birt, Bishop, Blackburn, Blackhurst, Blackwell, Bladon, Blane, Blanthorn, Blewell, Blizard, Bloye, Blunt, Bly, Boardman, Boddington, Bolton, Bond, Boodle, Boswell, Boswick, Bott, Bough, Boughton, Boulton, Bourne, Bowen, Bowker, Bowler, Boycott, Boynton, Bradberry, Bradford, Bradley, Bradshaw, Bragg, Brakewell, Branch, Braselton, Bray, Brazier, Breakspear, Breedon, Bretland, Brett, Brewer, Brick, Bridger, Brindley, Brittain, Britton, Broadbent, Broadhurst, Brodrick, Bromfield, Bromley, Brooke, Brookes, Brooks, Brough, Broughall, Brown, Brownrigg, Bruton, Bryan, Bryant, Brydges, Buckler, Bullock, Buncher, Burbidge, Burden, Burdett, Burnett, Burns, Burt, Burton, Butler, Butts, Byard, Bytheway.

Cafflel, Caleway, Callon, Calloway, Cannabe, Canning, Capminhurst, Cardell, Carles, Carless, Carley, Carr, Carrol, Carter, Cartwright, Caswell, Cato, Cave, Chadman, Chamberlain, Chambers, Chandler, Chapman, Chatfield, Chatwin, Chellingworth, Chester, Chesterton, Chirne, Church, Chute, Clare, Clark, Clarke, Claybrook, Clews, Clifton, Clissold, Clowes, Coates, Cofield, Coldrick, Cole, Coleman, Coley, Colledge, Collins, Conner, Cook, Cooke, Cooper, Corbett, Corns, Cosnett, Cotterill, Cottrell, Couldrick, Coward, Cown, Cox, Craber, Craddock, Cranmore, Craven, Credgington, Creed, Cresswell, Crindell, Croft, Crofts, Croley, Cromwell, Cronett, Crook, Crosby, Cross, Crowley, Cruddock, Crump, Crutchley, Cull, Cutler.

Dalley, Daly, Dammana, Danby, Daniel, Dannick, Darling, Darwen, Davenport, Davidson, Davis, Dawson, Day, Deakin, Dealey, Dearsbourn, Deeley, Defor, Delahunty, Dengell, Denman, Derrick, Devery, Dewson, Dexter, Dickinson, Dicks, Dike, Dingley, Divett, Divitt, Dix, Dixon, Doley, Dolomore, Domain, Doncaster, Donovan, Doon, Dore, Dorrill, Douce, Douglas, Dover, Dovey, Dow, Dowdney, Dowell, Dowman, Downes, Downing, Draper, Drury, Duckett, Dudson, Duffey, Dugmore, Dugnal, Dukes, Dumola, Dunaway, Durrant, Dutton, Dyas, Dymock, Dyson.

Eades, Eales, Eamen, Earles, Earnshaw, Eaton, Eaves, Edge, Edkins, Edmonds, Edwards, Egan, Egaszy, Eld, Ellis, Eltham, Elvins, Ely, Emmanuel, Endsor, Estelow, Evans, Everett, Everton, Evitts.

Fairley, Fallon, Farley, Farmer, Faulkes, Faulkner, Fawcett, Feason, Fellows, Ferncombe, Ferns, Field, Fielding, Figures, Finch, Findon, Finley, Fisher, Fitton, Fitzmaurice, Fletcher, Flowers, Floyd, Flynn, Fogall, Fogell, Foolton, Forbes, Ford, Fortey, Fortnam, Foster, Foulkes, Fowler, Fox, Foxall, Foxon, Frame, Frankham, Frayne, Freeman, Freeth, Friedlander, Frier, Frisby, Froggatt, Frost, Fuller, Furniss.

Gabb, Gadd, Gaimes, Gaise, Galey, Gardener, Gardner, Garfield, Garner, Gell, Gellion, Gem, George, Gibbons, Gibbs, Gibson, Gilbert, Giles, Gill, Gillorley, Gisborne, Gittins, Glendon, Glenwitz, Glover, Glym, Godby, Godfrey, Goldie, Golding, Goldinggay, Good, Goode, Goodhall, Goodlek, Goodman, Goodrick, Goodwin, Gopsill, Gosstry, Gough, Gould, Grace, Graham, Graig, Grant, Gray, Grayer, Greasley, Greathead, Greaves, Green, Greenway, Greves, Grew, Grey, Grice, Griffin, Griffith, Griffiths, Grigg, Grimbley, Grimes, Grimley, Grove, Groves, Guarrinio, Guest, Gulliver, Gunter.

Hackett, Haden, Hadley, Hadnett, Haemmerle, Haines, Haksley, Hale, Hall, Hallendon, Halliday, Halls, Hallworth, Hambling, Hambury, Hamilton, Hamlyn, Hand, Handley, Hanks, Hannah, Hanson, Hardeman, Hardiman, Hardman, Hardon, Harkinson, Harper, Harrenson, Harriott, Harris, Harrison, Harriss, Hart, Hartwell, Harvey, Harwood, Haseley, Haslen, Hatcher, Hatchett, Hattersley, Hatton, Haven, Hawker, Hawkes, Hawkins, Hawley, Haycock, Hayes, Haynes, Hays, Haythley, Hayward, Haywood, Hazlewood, Heath, Heathley, Hemming, Hemms, Henbury, Hens, Heptinstall, Herbert, Herd, Hewitt, Hewson, Hibb, Hicken, Hickley, Hickling, Hickman, Higgins, Higgitt, Higgs, Higton, Hill, Hilton, Hince, Hinds, Hines, Hinks, Hinley, Hinstone, Hinton, Hirdley, Hitchen, Hitchings, Hitchman, Hobbs, Hoben, Hobson, Hodges, Hodgkin, Hodgkins, Hodson, Hogg, Hogobie, Holiday, Hollick, Holliday, Hollins, Holloway, Holmes, Holroyd, Holt, Holtham, Holyoak, Homer, Hood, Hooman, Hooper, Hope, Hopkins, Hopley, Horley, Horne, Horner, Hornicross, Horton, Houghton, Howell, Howkes, Hubbard, Huddlestone, Hudram, Hudson, Hughes, Humphrey, Humphreys, Humphries, Humphry, Hunt, Hussey, Hutchins, Hutchinson, Hutton, Huxley, Hyde, Hysel.

Iddins, Illedge, Ingrams, Insley, Ives.

Jabel, Jacklin, Jackson, Jacob, James, Jarratt, Jarrett, Jarvis, Jelf, Jenkins, Jennings, Jesser, Jewsbury, Jinks, Johns, Johnson, Johnston, Joliffe, Jolly, Jolmason, Jones, Jordan, Joseph, Joyce, Joynes, Jukes, Jusley.

Keay, Keen, Kempson, Kendall, Kendrick, Kene, Kennedy, Kennelly, Kennrick, Kenxxxa, Keyte, Kidd, Kierby, King, Kirkhoff, Kitson, Knee, Knight, Knowles, Knowly.

Ladd, Lamb, Lancaster, Lander, Lane, Langham, Langher, Langley, Large, Larter, Latham, Laugher, Law, Lawrance, Lawrence, Lawson, Lay, Lea, Leach, Leadbeater, Leake, Leaver, Ledbrook, Lee, Leech, Lees, Leggett, Leighton, Lester, Lewid, Lewis, Lidsey, Lilley, Lilly, Lincoln, Linforth, Lippard, Lloyd, Lock, Locker, Lockley, Locksley, Lodge, Lodger, Lodington, Lolley, Long, Lovell, Loveridge, Lowe, Loxley, Luck, Ludlow, Lydenham, Lye, Lyndon.

Mac Kay, Macey, MacKenzie, MacReady, Mahalm, Maichin, Maiden, Make, Maleby, Maley, Maling, Malins, Mallet, Mallett, Mallin, Mallins, Malone, Mander, Manders, Manley, Mann, Manning, Mansell, Marcathy, Margetts, Mark, Marklen, Marston, Martin, Mary, Mase, Mason, Massey, Masters, Mathison, Matthews, May, Mc Gowan, McCanchlan, McDermott, McDonald, McLean, McMills, McRobert, Medding, Mee, Mencham, Meredith, Meriden, Merready, Middleton, Miles, Miller, Mills, Millward, Milner, Milward, Miners, Mines, Mitchell, Mobbs, Moens, Moir, Moon, Moor, Moore, Morcam, Morell, Moreton, Morgan, Moris, Mornane, Morris, Morrisons, Morton, Moseley, Moss, Moulten, Mountford, Mountney, Mudie, Mulligan, Mullinger, Munslow, Murch, Murgatroyd, Murray, Musgrove, Muston, Myatt, Myeraft, Myttan.

Naines, Neal, Neale, Neill, Nelson, Nevill, Neville, New, Newey, Newland, Newman, Newmarch, Nicholls, Nixon, Noles, Norton, Nott, Nugent.

Oakes, Oakley, O'Donnell, Oldham, Oldrey, Oliver, Onions, Orme, O'Rourke, Orwell, Osborne, Osbourne, Osman, Overs, Overton, Owen, Owens, Oxford.

Pace, Packer, Packett, Page, Paget, Pagnen, Palfrey, Pallett, Palmer, Pardoe, Parish, Parker, Parkes, Parnell, Parsons, Parton, Partridge, Patterson, Pattons, Paulter, Payne, Peace, Pearce, Pearman, Pears, Pearsall, Pearson, Pedley, Peeling, Peirins, Peirs, Pendleton, Pensell, Penzer, Percival, Perins, Perkins, Perks, Perrins, Perron, Perry, Pestridge, Peters, Petley, Pettitt, Pheophine, Phillips, Phillpotts, Phipps, Pickerell, Piercy, Pigg, Pimble, Pinner, Piper, Pitt, Platt, Plowman, Pollock, Poncia, Poole, Poolton, Porter, Postans, Potter, Poulter, Poultney, Poutney, Powell, Powers, Powis, Pratt, Preece, Preese, Prentis, Preselton, Preston, Pretty, Price, Prickett, Priddy, Priest, Pritchard, Pritchett, Pucall, Pudey, Pullen, Pure, Purley, Purrock, Purseglove, Pyne.

Quigley, Quinley, Quins.

Rabone, Radford, Rae, Ragg, Rainbury, Rainsford, Ralls, Ralph, Randle, Ravenale, Ravene, Raynes, Rea, Read, Reader, Redfern, Redman, Redwood, Reeves, Reynolds, Rhind, Richards, Riley, Rimell, Rivois, Roadknight, Roberts, Robertson, Robins, Robinson, Robson, Rochford, Rockall, Roden, Rodgers, Rogers, Rollason, Rook, Roper, Rose, Ross, Rosseler, Rosward, Rough, Rouse, Routter, Rowbotham, Rowle, Rowley, Rowney, Royston, Rudd, Rudge, Rudman, Rusgrove, Russell, Russet, Rutter, Ryan, Ryder.

Sackersen, Sadler, Sage, Salt, Sanday, Sandbrook, Sanders, Sargeant, Saville, Sawford, Saysall, Scandrell, Scarlett, Scarrich, Scattergood, Seabridge, Seaburn, Seambrook, Searle, Seclhoff, Sedgley, Sewell, Seymour, Shale, Share, Sharman, Sharp, Sharpe, Shaw, Sheet, Shell, Shelley, Shellwell, Shelly, Shelton, Shephard, Shepherd, Sheppard, Sherrielt, Short, Shortell, Shutts, Sielberberg, Simkins, Simmonds, Simmons, Simonds, Simpkin, Simpson, Sims, Sinclair, Sinigar, Siviter, Skellett, Skett, Skinner, Skyes, Slater, Slinton, Smallwood, Smart, Smith, Snape, Southall, Southam, Sowden, Spardes, Spear, Spears, Speed, Spencer, Spetigue, Spilsbury, Spinks, Spooner, Spragg, Squires, St Claire, Stacey, Stacker, Stafford, Stanfield, Stanley, Stanton, Stark, Starkey, Steel, Steele, Steer, Stephens, Stephenson, Stevenson, Stewardson, Stewart, Stiles, Stockall, Stockwell, Stokes, Stone, Stonier, Stonor, Stowe, Street, Stride, Stringer, Studart, Styles, Suckling, Sullivan, Summerfield, Summers, Surman, Sutton, Swann, Sweetman, Swenea, Swift, Swinden, Sykes.

Talbot, Tandy, Taplin, Tapscott, Taver, Taylor, Taylour, Teague, Tench, Tennant, Terry, Thomas, Thommass, Thompson, Thornton, Thurman, Thurstance, Tidmarsh, Tildesley, Tilley, Timbrell, Timmins, Tims, Titmus, Tolley, Tomes, Tomkins, Tomkinson, Tomkis, Tomlinson, Tomson, Tookey, Townsend, Townshend, Townson, Tracey, Tranter, Trapman, Treadwell, Treasun, Trevitt, Tripp, Trueman, Truman, Tucker, Tudor, Tunks, Turner, Turton, Turvey, Tyers, Tyler, Tyrer, Tysall.

Underhill, Upton, Urford, Usher, Utting.

Vale, Vaughan, Venmore, Villanueva, Vincent, Vine, Vyse.

Wadsworth, Wagstaff, Wainwright, Wakefield, Wakelam, Waldor, Walkdon, Walker, Wall, Wallan, Walter, Walters, Walton, Warburton, Ward, Wardell, Warden, Wareing, Waring, Warmington, Warner, Warren, Warrington, Warwick, Watkins, Watson, Watt, Watton, Watts, Weaver, Webb, Webster, Week, Weeks, Weep, Weissring, Welch, Wells, Wesley, West, Westbury, Weston, Whale, Whatmore, Wheatley, Wheeler, Whillock, Whiston, White, Whitehead, Whitehouse, Whitmore, Whittard, Whittle, Whythes, Wiggington, Wigley, Wilcox, Wild, Wilday, Wilders, Wilding, Wilkes, Wilkey, Wilkins, Wilkshore, Willcox, Willdon, Willett, Williams, Willis, Willock, Wilmot, Wilson, Winder, Windmill, Winton, Wise, Wiseman, Withers, Wolley, Wolverton, Wood, Woodall, Woodfield, Woods, Woodward, Wooley, Woolley, Worrall, Worsdell, Wort, Worth, Wright, Wrightson, Wyatt, Wyer, Wynn.

Yardley, Yates, Yerbury, Yorke, Young.

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