Warwickshire Ancestors Project — 1861

UNCHECKED Surname Index of Piece RG09/2135 (Birmingham (St Thomas)

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UNCHECKED Surname Listing
Abbott, Adams, Adderley, Albutt, Alcock, Aldington, Alerk, Alexander, Alldridge, Allely, Allen, Allsop, Allwood, Amos, Anderson, Andrews, Aplin, Appleby, Archer, Arculies, Argyll, Arme, Armfield, Arnold, Arter, Ashbourne, Ashford, Ashforth, Ashton, Aston, Atheroff, Atkins, Attwood, Aubrey, Auker, Aunett, Austin, Ayres.

Badger, Bagley, Bailey, Baker, Ball, Bancroft, Banks, Bannister, Barber, Barker, Barlow, Barnet, Barnett, Barr, Barratt, Barrett, Bartles, Bartlett, Barton, Barwick, Batchelor, Bateman, Bates, Batten, Bayley, Bayliss, Beach, Bearcroft, Beard, Bearly, Beasley, Beats, Beck, Bedford, Beech, Beggs, Behrens, Belcher, Bell, Belling, Benbow, Bennett, Bentley, Berry, Berryman, Betson, Betteridge, Bettridge, Betts, Bevan, Bevington, Bick, Bickley, Biddle, Billingham, Billington, Bills, Bingham, Birch, Bird, Birkenhead, Birt, Bissle, Black, Blackforce, Blackford, Blake, Bland, Blea, Blencome, Blockley, Blount, Blunt, Bobbett, Boden, Boggs, Boiles, Bolesworth, Bolstridge, Bolton, Bond, Bonell, Boodle, Boodridge, Boscow, Boshelle, Botham, Bott, Bowden, Bowen, Bower, Bowles, Bowrey, Bowring, Bradbury, Bradnock, Bragg, Bramah, Branden, Brandon, Brannan, Brannen, Brecknell, Breedon, Brewster, Bridgewater, Briggs, Bright, Brinkworth, Bromley, Bromwich, Brooke, Brookes, Brooks, Broomhall, Brothers, Brough, Broughall, Bround, Brown, Brownrigg, Bruce, Bruckshaw, Bryan, Buckerfield, Buckley, Buffey, Buglear, Bugnall, Bulbrook, Bullivant, Bullock, Bullus, Bunn, Burbridge, Burgoyne, Burk, Burkitt, Burns, Burrill, Burrow, Burton, Butler, Butt.

Caddick, Cale, Callaway, Callender, Cam, Cambell, Camden, Campbell, Cantrill, Capewell, Capness, Careless, Carey, Carnall, Carnelley, Carpenter, Carrick, Carter, Cartwright, Casey, Casnett, Cassidy, Castle, Causer, Cavill, Challener, Challis, Chamberlain, Chambers, Chance, Chancellor, Chandler, Chapin, Chaplin, Chapman, Charlesworth, Charlton, Charnley, Chatwin, Cheatle, Chellingworth, Chew, Chidlow, Child, Childs, Chisholm, Churcher, Clamp, Clark, Clarke, Clayfield, Clayton, Cleaver, Cleeves, Clements, Clems, Clift, Clive, Close, Cobourne, Coby, Cockill, Cocks, Cohen, Colbourne, Coldicott, Cole, Coleman, Coley, Collecoket, Collett, Collier, Collies, Collins, Connelly, Connor, Conway, Cook, Cooke, Coombe, Cooper, Cope, Corkill, Cormick, Correy, Corsell, Cory, Cosford, Cosgrave, Cosnett, Cothill, Cotterell, Cotton, Cottrell, Cowdrell, Cowen, Cox, Coxon, Crabtree, Craddock, Craig, Cranmere, Cresser, Cricket, Cridland, Croker, Cromwell, Crook, Crosby, Crosley, Cross, Crossley, Crowley, Crump, Cumming, Curtis, Cushion, Cutler.

Dackins, Dale, Danby, Daniel, Daniels, Danks, Dark, Darty, Davenport, Davey, Davies, Davis, Day, Daybill, Deakin, Delks, Dencer, Denham, Dent, Derham, Devaneyne, Devereux, Dickin, Dight, Dignam, Dilks, Dipple, Dixon, Dodd, Dodson, Dolan, Dolphin, Dooley, Dore, Dowding, Downes, Downing, Downs, Doyle, Drakeford, Draper, Drew, Drinkwater, Driver, Duffield, Duglass, Dukes, Dukesill, Dulir, Dulson, Dunn, Dunsbee, Durden, Durdin, Durning, Dutton, Dyke.

Eades, Eagan, Eagles, Eaton, Eborall, Eckett, Eckles, Ecles, Edar, Edge, Edgehill, Edmonds, Edson, Edward, Edwards, Eldridge, Elkins, Elliott, Ellis, Elliss, Elson, Emmett, Endean, Englemann, Enoks, Evans, Everall, Everson, Evetts.

Fallows, Farmer, Farnley, Farnnel, Fauckner, Faulkes, Faux, Fawdry, Fellows, Felton, Ferkins, Fern, Fernery, Ferrall, Ferreday, Field, Fields, Figures, Filders, Finch, Finey, Fish, Fisher, Fitzer, Flatley, Fleming, Fletcher, Foley, Folliss, Ford, Forster, Foster, Fowler, Foxall, Foxley, Frampton, Frankel, Franklin, Frantz, Frape, Fraser, Free, Freeley, Freeman, French, Friend, Frisby, Frisly, Frogget, Fryer.

Gagen, Gameson, Ganley, Gannon, Garbett, Gardiner, Gardner, Garett, Garner, Garratt, Garvey, Gavan, Gayford, Gee, George, Gerraty, Gibbons, Gibbs, Gibson, Gidney, Gilbert, Gill, Gilldey, Gillibrand, Glassard, Gloster, Goddard, Gold, Golding, Gollings, Goodrick, Goodwin, Gosling, Gough, Gould, Goulden, Goulder, Grady, Graham, Grainger, Grant, Grantham, Gratledge, Gray, Greaves, Green, Gregory, Griffin, Griffiths, Grimes, Groom, Grove, Guest, Gurley.

Habberley, Hadden, Hadland, Hadley, Hadow, Haines, Hainge, Hakerley, Hakesley, Hall, Hallam, Hames, Hampson, Hancock, Hancocks, Hand, Handley, Hands, Hanley, Hanson, Hardeman, Hardiker, Hargreaves, Harley, Harmer, Harper, Harrington, Harris, Harrison, Hart, Haselett, Haskins, Haslett, Hatton, Hawkes, Hawkesford, Hawkins, Hawksford, Hawkswood, Haycock, Hayes, Hayler, Haynes, Hayward, Haywood, Heath, Hedge, Helmer, Hemensley, Henbury, Henderson, Hendrick, Henn, Henson, Hepenstall, Herbert, Heritage, Herod, Heskey, Heulday, Heuse, Hewish, Hewitt, Hewson, Heywood, Hicken, Higginson, Higgs, Hilditch, Hill, Hines, Hinley, Hinton, Hitchen, Hoare, Hobson, Hoddleton, Hodges, Hodgskinson, Hodgson, Holden, Holland, Hollick, Hollins, Hollis, Holloway, Holmes, Holtham, Home, Hood, Hooper, Hope, Hopkins, Hopwood, Horsall, Horton, Hough, Howard, Howell, Huband, Hubbert, Hubbleday, Hubert, Hubre, Huckans, Hudman, Hudson, Hudspeth, Hugg, Hughes, Hulse, Humphries, Hund, Hunt, Hurl, Hurst, Hutchinson, Huxton, Hyde.

Ingram, Insull, Irving, Ison, Iveney.

Jackson, James, Jamin, Jarvis, Jay, Jeavons, Jefferies, Jelfs, Jenens, Jenkins, Jennings, Jepson, Jinks, Job, Johnson, Joice, Joliffe, Jones, Jordan, Juggins.

Kattle, Kear, Keel, Keenan, Kelly, Kemp, Kendrett, Kendrick, Kidwell, Kilby, King, Kirby, Kirk, Knight, Koket, Kynaston.

Ladham, Lalley, Lambert, Lambon, Lambrick, Lambsdown, Lancaster, Landcastle, Lane, Langham, Langslow, Langston, Large, Larven, Latham, Lavsey, Lawford, Lawler, Lawley, Lawrence, Lawson, Layam, Lea, Leach, Lear, Lee, Leeke, Lees, Lennox, Leonard, Levenberg, Lever, Levy, Lewes, Lewis, Leworthy, Lilly, Limerick, Lindo, Lindsay, Linforth, Linney, Lisle, Litchfield, Lloyd, Lockhurst, Lokier, Long, Longmore, Lorton, Lowe, Lowick, Lucas, Luckett, Luke, Lumby, Lurst, Luton, Lyall, Lycett, Lyons.

MacAndless, MacDivitt, MacDonald, Machin, MacKay, Maddox, Maiden, Major, Malins, Mallins, Malone, Malthouse, Mander, Manders, Mandey, Manian, Mann, Manning, Mansell, Mantle, Manton, Manwaring, Marckmann, Margetts, Maris, Marks, Marriott, Marshall, Martin, Mascall, Maskell, Mason, Massey, Matan, Matthews, Maybury, McAnnulty, McHugh, McIntosh, McManns, Meakim, Medlicott, Medlock, Meek, Melluish, Menzies, Mercer, Merredy, Merrick, Messenger, Metcalf, Middows, Milard, Millickamp, Millins, Millis, Mills, Millward, Milner, Milward, Minchin, Minton, Mitchell, Modley, Mole, Monaet, Monk, Moody, Moore, Moran, More, Moreton, Morgan, Morley, Morrall, Morris, Morrison, Morton, Moseley, Mott, Mound, Mountford, Mucklow, Muddiman, Muggleton, Mullens, Mullins, Munslow, Munston, Munton, Murphy, Murray.

Nash, Naumann, Neal, Nest, New, Newbery, Newell, Newey, Newman, Newton, Nibbeth, Nibbetts, Nicholls, Nichols, Nickles, Nicks, Niclee, Nixon, Nolan, Noone, Norgrove, Norris, Nuth.

Oakley, Oatham, Oatland, O'Donald, Oldham, Ollis, Omara, Onions, Oram, Ormsley, O'Rourke, Osborn, Osborne, Owen.

Padley, Page, Pain, Palfrey, Paliner, Palman, Palmer, Parish, Parker, Parkes, Parkin, Parry, Parson, Parsonage, Parsons, Parton, Partridge, Passe, Patchet, Patterson, Pattman, Payne, Peacock, Pearce, Pearman, Pearson, Pemberton, Pendleton, Penntery, Perrines, Perris, Perry, Peters, Petley, Peverelle, Phillips, Pickering, Pickerinn, Pigott, Pimm, Pinkerton, Pipkin, Pitcher, Pitt, Pittaway, Podmore, Ponter, Poole, Pooley, Pope, Porton, Postin, Potts, Poultney, Poulton, Powell, Power, Pratt, Preece, Prescott, Preston, Price, Prichard, Pride, Priest, Priestley, Pugh, Pulley, Pullinger, Pursell.

Rabbra, Radcliffe, Radenhurst, Radford, Ragg, Ramsay, Rann, Ravenham, Ravenscroft, Ray, Read, Reading, Reddish, Redfern, Redgrave, Reece, Reed, Reeves, Rennon, Reynolds, Rhodes, Rice, Richards, Rickard, Ricketts, Ridge, Ridley, Riegels, Riley, Roath, Robbins, Roberts, Robertson, Robins, Robinson, Rodgers, Roe, Rogers, Rolls, Rooke, Rose, Roston, Rothe, Round, Rowan, Rowley, Royle, Rubery, Ruby, Rushbury, Rushton, Russell, Russin, Ryall, Ryder.

Sabell, Sabill, Sadler, Salvin, Sanders, Sanderson, Sault, Saunders, Saville, Sayers, Scoltock, Scott, Scotton, Seaborne, Seager, Sebright, Sedgwick, Sewell, Seymour, Shackleton, Shakespeare, Shale, Sharp, Sharpe, Shaw, Sheard, Sheath, Shelden, Sheldon, Shenstone, Shenton, Shepherd, Sheriff, Sherlock, Sheward, Shill, Shipley, Shore, Showell, Shuttleworth, Simcox, Simons, Simson, Sivitt, Skelland, Skellor, Skinner, Slater, Sleath, Slym, Small, Smalley, Smallman, Smallwood, Smart, Smith, Snape, Snow, Soden, Southall, Southwell, Sparks, Spencer, Spier, Spiers, Spinks, Sprigg, Sproston, Squire, Stableford, Stamp, Standley, Stanford, Stanley, Stanton, Staples, Starkey, Startin, Staveley, Stephens, Sternberg, Stevenson, Stewart, Stockford, Stokes, Stone, Storer, Stott, Stowe, Stratford, Street, Stretton, Stringer, Stuart, Styche, Sumberland, Summerland, Sutcoff, Sutherland, Sutton, Swadkin, Swann, Sweeney, Swift, Swindells, Swindle, Swinsson, Swinton.

Talbot, Talliss, Tart, Tarver, Tate, Taylor, Teague, Terry, Tew, Thackwell, Thakesley, Thew, Thimmins, Thomas, Thompson, Thorne, Thorneywork, Thornton, Thornycroft, Thorpe, Threstlecock, Timins, Timmins, Timmis, Tims, Tolley, Tomes, Tomkins, Tomlinson, Tomlison, Tompson, Toon, Townsend, Tullett, Turbitt, Turman, Turner, Turnock, Turvey, Twist, Twitty, Tyler, Tyso.

Unitt, Upton.

Vale, Vaughan, Veasey, Vickers, Village, Vincent, Voss.

Wade, Wadeley, Wager, Wagstaff, Wainwright, Wale, Walford, Walker, Walkin, Wall, Wallace, Wallage, Walsh, Walters, Walton, Want, Ward, Ware, Wareing, Warren, Warton, Wassell, Waters, Watkins, Watson, Watts, Weall, Webb, Webber, Webbster, Webster, Weeks, Welch, Wells, Went, Wesley, Westin, Weston, Westwood, Wheatley, Wheeler, Wheelwright, Wheildon, Whent, Whillock, White, Whitehead, Whitehouse, Whiting, Whitlock, Whittingham, Wilcox, Wilde, Wildman, Wiley, Wilkes, Wilkin, Wilkins, Wilks, Willcox, Willey, Williams, Williamson, Willison, Willmore, Wilmer, Wilson, Wilton, Wiltshire, Windsor, Winkett, Winn, Wippet, Wiseman, Withers, Withington, Witney, Woobridge, Wood, Woodard, Woodcock, Woodfield, Woodman, Woodnorth, Woods, Woodward, Woolley, Workman, Worms, Worthington, Wright, Wyatt.

Yapp, Yardley, Yates, Young.

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