Warwickshire Ancestors Project — 1861

UNCHECKED Surname Index of Piece RG09/2134 (Birmingham (St Thomas))

Link to 2134 zipped version here.
UNCHECKED Surname Listing
Abram, Adams, Addenbrook, Adkins, Alder, Aldridge, Aliban, Allchurch, Allen, Allsop, Ambridge, Amphlett, Anderson, Andrews, Anson, Antrobus, Appleby, Arch, Arkwell, Armstrong, Aron, Asbury, Ash, Ashford, Ashforth, Ashmon, Ashway, Assinder, Astill, Aston, Atkins, Audley, Austin, Avery.

Baer, Bailey, Baines, Baker, Bale, Ball, Ballard, Balley, Baminster, Banam, Banks, Bant, Barge, Barke, Barnes, Barnett, Barrett, Bartlam, Bartlet, Barton, Baseley, Bassell, Bassett, Baston, Bate, Bateman, Bates, Bauckham, Baundels, Bawmans, Baxter, Bayley, Baylis, Bayliss, Bear, Beard, Beaumont, Bedford, Beeson, Benjamin, Bennett, Bent, Bentley, Benworth, Benzing, Beower, Berk, Berkley, Berry, Berwick, Best, Bethel, Betts, Bevan, Bickley, Biddle, Billingham, Bills, Billson, Bingham, Birch, Bird, Bishop, Black, Blackham, Blackwell, Blake, Blakley, Blogg, Blower, Bluck, Blyth, Bobbett, Boden, Bogle, Bolton, Bordessa, Borrock, Boswell, Bould, Boulton, Boward, Bowen, Bower, Bowrey, Boyard, Boyd, Boywood, Bracey, Brackon, Bradford, Bradley, Bradshaw, Bragg, Braithwaite, Braithwick, Bramah, Bratt, Braund, Bray, Breckon, Breeden, Breeman, Bricknell, Briddon, Bridges, Briggs, Bright, Brinton, Brittain, Britton, Broadbent, Brockhurst, Bromley, Brookes, Brooking, Brooks, Broom, Broome, Broomfield, Broughton, Browett, Brown, Browning, Bruce, Bryan, Bryant, Bryon, Bubb, Buck, Buckerfield, Buckley, Buckman, Bullers, Bullivant, Bullock, Bumford, Bunford, Bunton, Buott, Burdett, Burgess, Burman, Burton, Busby, Bushby, Bushell, Bussey, Butler, Butter.

Cadman, Cagany, Calley, Calvert, Cantrill, Careless, Carew, Carey, Carless, Carney, Carnforth, Carp, Carrs, Carter, Cartridge, Cartwright, Casebrook, Castle, Causer, Cavanagh, Cavanah, Chadney, Challace, Challoner, Chamberlain, Chambers, Chance, Chandler, Chapman, Chapple, Charley, Charman, Chatwin, Checkley, Cheslin, Chillingsworth, Chiltham, Chirmage, Chisim, Clare, Clark, Clarke, Clarkson, Claxton, Clay, Clayton, Clement, Clemson, Clevor, Cliff, Clissold, Clowes, Cochrane, Codey, Cohall, Colborne, Colby, Cole, Coleman, Coles, Coley, Colley, Collier, Collingwood, Collins, Commons, Compson, Coney, Conroy, Conway, Cook, Cooke, Cookson, Cooley, Cooper, Corfe, Cormicon, Cotterell, Cotterrill, Cottrill, Coudrey, Court, Courts, Covington, Cowen, Cowles, Cox, Coyen, Craig, Cranmer, Craven, Creathon, Cresswell, Cridland, Crigg, Crofts, Crompton, Crook, Crosland, Cross, Crutchley, Curtis, Cutts.

Daives, Dalman, Dalrymple, Dance, Dares, Davies, Davis, Day, Deaken, Deakey, Deakin, Dean, Deatheridge, Delaney, Delayhay, Delieus, Demdon, Denham, Denison, Dennis, Deverwill, Dewson, Dickard, Dight, Dillon, Dingley, Dixon, Docker, Dodd, Dolan, Doley, Dolphin, Dorwick, Dover, Downes, Downing, Drew, Duffy, Duggins, Durand, Durden, Durring, Dutton, Dyer, Dyke, Dyser, Dyson.

Eades, Eagan, Earp, Eaton, Ectas, Eddowes, Edmond, Edmonds, Edmunds, Edwards, Elford, Elinore, Ella, Elleway, Ellis, Ellmore, Ellt, Elwood, Emery, Emmens, English, Ensall, Ethell, Eustace, Evans, Everall, Everitt, Eyles.

Facter, Falenbridge, Fallon, Famlenbridge, Farmer, Farr, Farrell, Fasdett, Faulkner, Fawdor, Fawdry, Featherstone, Feek, Fellows, Felton, Fevrer, Field, Fields, Finch, Finn, Fisher, Fitzmorris, Fitzpatrick, Flanders, Fleet, Fletcher, Floyd, Fontana, Ford, Fordam, Foreman, Forster, Foster, Foulkes, Fox, Foxall, Francabough, Franklin, Franks, Frasier, Freeman, Frisby, Fry, Furness.

Gadsby, Gailey, Gallimore, Gardener, Gardner, Garfield, Garn, Garner, Gates, Gee, George, Gerum, Gibbins, Gibbons, Gibbs, Gilbert, Gilbertson, Giles, Gill, Gisborne, Giveling, Glasgow, Gleason, Glendowards, Glover, Goddard, Godfrey, Godwin, Goffe, Goldman, Goldstone, Goldwater, Good, Goodman, Goodwin, Goslin, Gould, Graham, Granger, Granner, Grant, Grealey, Greasley, Greathead, Greatorex, Greave, Greaves, Green, Gregg, Gregory, Grezka, Griffin, Griffiths, Grigg, Grove, Groves, Gultman, Gun, Gunn, Guy, Gwynn.

Hacker, Haden, Hadley, Hall, Hallam, Hamer, Hammond, Hammons, Hampson, Hands, Handy, Hankerford, Hanley, Hanscow, Hanson, Harbidge, Harbridge, Harcourt, Harding, Hardman, Haris, Harper, Harris, Harrison, Hartland, Harvey, Hathaway, Hatton, Havens, Havlin, Hawkes, Hawkesford, Hawkins, Hawkswood, Hawson, Hawthorn, Hawthorne, Hay, Hayes, Hayman, Haynes, Hayward, Haywood, Hazelwood, Heath, Hedges, Hemming, Hennessy, Henry, Hentley, Herbert, Herbridge, Herrington, Heynes, Hicklin, Hickman, Hidson, Higgins, Higgs, Hignell, Hill, Hind, Hinton, Hiorns, Hipkins, Hirme, Hirts, Hobday, Hobliss, Hodges, Hodgets, Hodgetts, Hodgkins, Hodgkinson, Hodgson, Hofferman, Hoffman, Holcroft, Holden, Holder, Hole, Holland, Hollick, Holliday, Hollings, Holloway, Hollyoak, Holt, Holyoake, Homer, Honeywood, Hood, Hope, Hore, Horsfield, Horton, Hotkins, Howes, Howkins, Howman, Howse, Hubband, Hudson, Hughes, Hulaham, Hume, Humpage, Humphries, Hunt, Hunter, Hurley, Hurst, Huttle, Hyatt, Hyde, Hyett.

Ingram, Insley, Ireland, Israel.

Jackson, James, Jeffries, Jenkins, Jennens, Jennings, Jeynes, Joanes, Joesphs, Johns, Johnson, Johnstone, Jones, Joseph, Josephs, Joyce, Joyner, Jukes.

Kathrew, Katon, Kay, Kearn, Keating, Keeeling, Keeley, Keeling, Keen, Kelley, Kemp, Kempson, Kendrick, Kerrins, Kettle, Kettley, Kew, Kidely, Kilkeny, Kimber, Kimberley, Kinersley, King, Kinsella, Kirk, Kirkland, Knight, Korek.

Ladbury, Lakey, Lamb, Lambert, Lampley, Lancaster, Lane, Langford, Laui, Laurence, Lawley, Lawrance, Lawrence, Lea, Led, Lee, Legg, Leonard, Letts, Levi, Levisio, Levy, Lewis, Lidiate, Lilley, Lines, Linfield, Linforth, Linguard, Linney, Linton, Lissman, Little, Littlewood, Livingston, Lloyd, Lock, Locker, Lockley, Long, Lovatt, Love, Lowe, Lowick, Lucas, Ludlow, Lunn, Lycett, Lynall, Lyons.

Maa, Macefield, MacKay, Maddock, Maddocks, Madison, Makay, Malley, Malloy, Mannion, Mansell, Mansfield, Manton, Mapp, March, Marklow, Marment, Marriott, Marsh, Marshall, Martin, Maryett, Mascall, Mason, Masters, Mathews, Matterson, Matthews, Mayrick, Mc Kenzie, McKarmack, McCarthy, McGough, McGrath, McKensie, Meacham, Meeda, Melay, Mercer, Meridith, Meriman, Metcalfe, Mickilea, Middleton, Miles, Millard, Millichamp, Millington, Mills, Millward, Minnis, Minshull, Mitchell, Mitten, Mitton, Moger, Moloney, Monckam, Moore, Moorley, Moorman, Moran, More, Morgan, Mornington, Morris, Mort, Moseley, Moses, Moss, Mott, Mottram, Mould, Muirhead, Mulliss, Munn, Munson, Murphy, Murray.

Naples, Nash, Needle, Nend, Newell, Newlon, Newman, Newton, Niblett, Nicholds, Nicholes, Nicholls, Nichols, Niel, Nightingale, Nix, Nixon, Norris, Norton, Norwood, Nott.

Oakes, ODonnell, Oldaker, Oldfield, Olding, Olds, Oliver, O'Neil, Orgill, Orme, Osborn, Osborne, Oseland, Osterman, Overbury, Owen.

Page, Painter, Palethorp, Pallett, Palmer, Pardoat, Parker, Parkes, Parsonage, Parsons, Parton, Partridge, Passey, Paste, Patrick, Paxtow, Payne, Pearce, Pearsall, Pearshouse, Peeks, Peel, Pegg, Pemberton, Pepperell, Perkins, Perks, Perrin, Perrins, Perrott, Perry, Pethard, Petty, Philips, Phillips, Phipps, Pick, Pickering, Pie, Pilley, Pirton, Pitford, Pitt, Pizer, Platt, Plume, Podobinski, Pointon, Pool, Poole, Pooltan, Poolton, Portems, Porteous, Porter, Potter, Powell, Pratt, Preece, Preedy, Presdie, Press, Pressdee, Prestige, Preston, Preuss, Prewett, Price, Priest, Priors, Pritchett, Prosser, Pullin, Purbrick.


Rabun, Raglan, Railton, Rainbow, Raphell, Ratcliffe, Raven, Rawlins, Read, Reader, Readet, Reading, Reardon, Reaves, Record, Reed, Rees, Reeves, Reinold, Reynolds, Rice, Richards, Ridgeway, Riley, Rivers, Roath, Robbins, Roberts, Robinson, Robson, Rochese, Rodway, Roe, Rogers, Rollins, Rotheroe, Rowen, Rowley, Rurn, Russell, Ruston, Ryland, Ryley.

Sabell, Sabin, Sable, Salmon, Sanders, Sandford, Sansum, Sargent, Satesthwaite, Sateswaite, Saunders, Savage, Sax, Saxton, Scoffom, Scott, Seabridge, Seale, Sellers, Selwyn, Senitt, Seully, Seville, Sewell, Shakespear, Shakspeare, Shale, Shaw, Shawe, Sheldon, Shenton, Shepherd, Sheppeard, Shereven, Sherlock, Shirestone, Shott, Shutts, Shwalbe, Sidaway, Sill, Silveston, Simkins, Simmonds, Simmons, Simms, Simons, Simpson, Sims, Siton, Sketchley, Skinner, Skitt, Slack, Slade, Slane, Slater, Slim, Slimm, Smallman, Smallwood, Smith, Smith Williams, Smithies, Socker, Soden, Sofeman, Southall, Southwell, Sparkes, Spencer, Spooner, Spriggs, Spurgeon, Spurrier, Stafford, Staight, Stanton, Starkey, Starling, Starr, Steadman, Steele, Stephens, Stephenson, Stickley, Stock, Stockall, Stockford, Stone, Stour, Stowe, Stracey, Strange, Stubbin, Stych, Suckling, Surridge, Sutton, Swain, Swaine, Swatkins, Sweeney, Swift.

Tallett, Tankard, Tanner, Taylor, Telslall, Tessall, Tester, Thomas, Thompson, Thornton, Thrupp, Tibbitt, Tighe, Timbury, Timmis, Timms, Tindell, Tinlow, Tipping, Tisdell, Tolley, Tomkinson, Toney, Tongue, Toon, Topp, Toser, Toubs, Towle, Townsend, Toy, Tranter, Trevor, Trim, Tudman, Tunnicliffe, Turner, Turville, Tustin, Twist, Tye, Tyler, Tysall.

Underwood, Upton.

Vening, Vernon.

Wagstaff, Wainright, Waite, Wake, Wakeman, Walden, Waldon, Walker, Wall, Wallis, Walters, Ward, Wareham, Wareing, Warner, Warr, Warren, Warrend, Warrington, Warwick, Washbourne, Wathew, Watkins, Watson, Watton, Watts, Weake, Weaver, Webb, Webber, Webster, Welch, Wells, Welsh, Wesener, Westney, Weston, Westrey, Wheat, Wheeledon, Wheeler, White, Whitehead, Whitehouse, Whitfield, Whitley, Whittaker, Whittall, Whittle, Wibron, Wickens, Wickett, Wigginton, Wigley, Wild, Wilday, Wildmott, Wilkes, Wilkins, Wilkinson, Willey, Williams, Willington, Willis, Wills, Willson, Wilmot, Wilner, Wilson, Wilt, Wilton, Wilts, Wiltshire, Winn, Wisdom, Wise, Wiseman, Withey, Wood, Woodbridge, Woodland, Woodward, Wooley, Worrall, Worsey, Wright, Wrighton, Wrightson, Wyatt, Wylie, Wynn.

Yardley, Yarnold, Yates, Yendgaskie, York, Young, Yoxall.

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