Warwickshire Ancestors Project — 1861

UNCHECKED Surname Index of Piece RG09/2132 (Birmingham(Ladywood) )

Link to 2132 zipped version (102 kb) here.
UNCHECKED Surname Listing
Adams, Adler, Akins, Alcock, Allard, Allart, Allday, Allen, Allinson, Ambrose, Amos, Anderton, Andrews, Angel, Anslow, Anstey, Anstill, Apperson, Appleby, Argent, Armer, Arnold, Arnot, Ash, Ashford, Ashley, Askey, Astley, Aston, Atkins, Austins, Austrey, Auther, Avery.

Bache, Backler, Badkin, Badlan, Bagley, Bagnell, Bailey, Baker, Baldwin, Bale, Ball, Balls, Banister, Banks, Banme, Banner, Barber, Bardell, Bare, Barker, Barlow, Barnbrook, Barnes, Barnett, Barnwell, Barrat, Barrington, Bartlam, Bartlett, Basset, Bastin, Bate, Bates, Batkin, Batsford, Bauch, Baxter, Bayley, Baylis, Bayliss, Beach, Beadows, Beadshaw, Beard, Beasley, Beaven, Beckett, Bedford, Beedson, Beer, Beesley, Beeson, Beharrall, Bell, Bellson, Bench, Bennett, Bennison, Bent, Benton, Best, Bettelley, Betteridge, Betts, Bevan, Biddle, Biggs, Binnell, Bint, Birch, Bird, Bishop, Blackford, Blackham, Blakeman, Blakey, Blews, Blood, Bloomfield, Bloxham, Blunt, Bock, Boden, Bodin, Bolt, Bolton, Boon, Booth, Boston, Bosward, Botterill, Botwood, Bough, Boulter, Bourne, Bowater, Bowen, Bowker, Bowles, Boyard, Boyd, Boyle, Bradbury, Bradley, Brady, Brain, Brampton, Brandon, Brasher, Brasier, Bratton, Breckles, Breese, Brettel, Brewer, Brindley, Brisband, Brisford, Britain, Brittan, Brittian, Britton, Broadley, Bromage, Bromley, Bromwich, Brookes, Brooks, Broomfield, Brough, Brown, Bruce, Brunsdon, Bryan, Bryant, Bubb, Buckley, Budd, Bull, Bullivant, Bullock, Bunkle, Bunkworth, Burdett, Burges, Burgess, Burke, Burkill, Burns, Burrell, Burrows, Burton, Busby, Bushell, Butler, Butterstone, Byford, Bytheway.

Cadby, Cadwallader, Cahill, Cale, Calehouse, Calor, Cameron, Cammerer, Camwell, Candler, Candlin, Cape, Capewell, Capper, Carr, Carter, Carts, Cartwright, Carwardine, Cash, Cashmore, Castledge, Caterer, Caton, Cave, Challenor, Chambers, Chancellor, Chandler, Chaplin, Chapman, Chapple, Charles, Charlesworth, Charlton, Chatterley, Chatwin, Checketts, Chesters, Child, Chiles, Chinery, Churchit, Clark, Clarke, Clayton, Cleaver, Clements, Clewer, Clewes, Clewley, Clifton, Cloves, Cobham, Coblin, Cody, Coen, Coldrick, Cole, Coleman, Coles, Coley, Collett, Collins, Collis, Combe, Commander, Compson, Conner, Conway, Cook, Cooke, Cookson, Cooper, Copage, Cope, Coppage, Corbet, Corbett, Corey, Cork, Cornforth, Corrall, Cotterill, Cotton, Cottrill, Coulshit, Coultas, Court, Cowdrill, Cox, Crabb, Craddock, Critchley, Crook, Crooks, Crossman, Crow, Crump, Crundell, Crutchley, Cudemore, Cull, Cullinan, Currall, Cutler.

Daft, Dale, Darby, Darlington, Darrall, Davenport, Davies, Davis, Daw, Dawking, Dawson, Day, Deakins, Dean, Deeley, Delaney, Dibble, Dickin, Dipple, Dixon, Dodd, Doming, Done, Dooley, Dougham, Douse, Dow, Dowdeswell, Dowell, Dowler, Dowling, Dowman, Downes, Downing, Draper, Dredge, Drinkwater, Driver, Dudley, Duke, Dun, Dunn, Dunsbee, Durber, Dutton.

Eaborn, Eade, Eades, Earles, Ebbard, Edkins, Edsley, Edwards, Edwars, Eldred, Eldrege, Eley, Ellis, Elliss, Elwood, Emery, Ensell, Ensor, Erney, Evans, Everall, Everitt, Ewins.

Fall, Fallan, Fantham, Farr, Faulkner, Fawcett, Fearn, Fell, Fellows, Fenton, Ferriday, Fewtrell, Field, Fielding, Finlay, Finney, Firkins, Fisher, Fitter, Flavell, Fletcher, Floyd, Foley, Ford, Forrester, Forsyth, Foulkes, Foulks, Fowler, Fox, Foxall, Foxley, France, Fraser, Freeman, Freman, Frisley, Frith, Fulford, Furber, Furness.

Gabriel, Galeford, Galvin, Ganchester, Ganderton, Gann, Gant, Gardener, Gardner, Garfield, Garner, Garrett, Gatticker, Gaunt, Gazey, Gedge, George, Georgeson, Gibbons, Gibson, Gilbert, Gittins, Glagg, Glaze, Glazer, Gloster, Glover, Godfrey, Goldy, Goode, Goodhall, Goodman, Goodwin, Gordon, Graham, Grazebrook, Greasley, Greaves, Greed, Greely, Green, Greenway, Gregory, Grew, Grice, Griffin, Griffith, Griffiths, Groay, Grose, Groton, Grove, Groves, Guines, Gunter, Gurinnett, Gutteridge, Guy.

Hachford, Hackett, Hackford, Haden, Hadley, Hague, Halbart, Hall, Hamar, Hamlice, Hammond, Hammonds, Hampton, Hanaman, Hands, Hank, Hanks, Hanley, Hannan, Hanson, Haralwood, Harcourt, Harding, Hardington, Hardy, Hare, Harman, Harness, Harra, Harris, Harrison, Harriss, Harrop, Hart, Hartell, Hartland, Hartshorne, Hartwell, Harvey, Harwood, Hassack, Hastelow, Hathaway, Hatton, Hawkes, Hawkins, Haybes, Hayes, Haynes, Hayward, Haywood, Headen, Heafield, Heague, Heal, Hearn, Heath, Hedges, Heggs, Hemming, Hemsworth, Henderson, Herbert, Heritage, Herne, Hestope, Hewitt, Hicking, Hickman, Hicks, Higgins, Higgs, Hill, Hiller, Hillman, Hind, Hines, Hinkley, Hobson, Hodges, Hodgetts, Hodgkinson, Hodkinson, Hodkison, Hodson, Holdcroft, Holders, Holford, Holland, Hollins, Holm, Holmes, Holsworth, Holt, Honigan, Hooper, Hopkins, Hopper, Hornsby, Horsbough, Horton, Houghton, Hounsell, Howard, Howell, Howes, Howey, Howitt, Howl, Hubbard, Hudson, Hughes, Hulme, Humphrey, Humphries, Humphryes, Hunt, Hunter, Hurtwayte, Hyde.

Iles, Inshaw, Ireland.

Jackson, James, Jauncey, Jazy, Jefferson, Jeffries, Jeffrison, Jenkins, Jennings, Jesson, Jevon, Jewesbury, Jeynes, Joesbury, Johnson, Jolley, Jones, Jordan, Jowett, Judd, Jukes.

Karrand, Kavanagh, Kay, Kedwan, Keeley, Keeling, Kemp, Kendall, Kendell, Kendrick, Kennedy, Kennersley, Kent, Kenyon, Keough, Kibridge, Kidge, Kimber, Kineton, King, Kingdom, Kinton, Kir, Kirby, Kirk, Kirkland, Kitlbury, Knight, Knowles, Krimasley.

Lake, Lamb, Lancaster, Lander, Landers, Lane, Langley, Langly, Lannen, Larkin, Laughton, Lavis, Law, Lawley, Lawrance, Lawrence, Lawson, Layland, Layton, Lea, Leach, Lecher, Lee, Leeson, Leigh, Leighton, Lenord, Lepper, Leverret, Lewes, Lewis, Lewiss, Lewton, Liblets, Liggins, Lilley, Line, Linegar, Litchfield, Littell, Lloyd, Loach, Lock, Lockett, Lockwood, Lodge, Longmore, Lovekin, Lovett, Lovitt, Lowe, Lucas, Ludford, Lund, Lycett, Lydiard, Lyle, Lyndon, Lyons.

MacAlum, MacKenzie, Macave, Mackersfield, Maddison, Maddy, Maglass, Malins, Mallen, Malone, Manlius, Mansfield, Marchington, Marks, Marley, Marpole, Marriott, Marsden, Marsh, Marshall, Marston, Martin, Mascell, Mason, Massey, Mathews, Matthews, Matthison, May, Mayne, Mayness, Mays, McCarthy, McLaine, McMeekan, Medcroft, Meek, Mellers, Mellow, Mercer, Mercy, Metcalf, Middleton, Miller, Millington, Millman, Mills, Minchen, Minchin, Mitchell, Mole, Molesworth, Monegart, Moore, Moreton, Morgan, Morley, Morrall, Morris, Morrison, Morriss, Morse, Morum, Moss, Mottram, Mould, Mountford, Mucklow, Mullard, Murbley, Murphy, Mustin.

Naden, Nash, Neal, Neville, Nevins, Newcombe, Newnham, Newton, Nibbs, Niblett, Nicholas, Nicholls, Nichols, Nixon, Nock, Nocke, Nokes, Noon, Norbury, Nott, Nowell, Nurrish.

Oakes, Oaks, Obrian, Oconor, Oldham, Oliver, Ordidge, Osborne, Oughton, Overton, Owen.

Packer, Padmore, Page, Paget, Pagett, Painter, Palfreyman, Palmer, Pargeter, Parker, Parkes, Parnham, Parry, Parsons, Partlock, Partridge, Passey, Patchett, Pattison, Payne, Payton, Peacock, Pearce, Peatling, Pemberton, Pendery, Pendrey, Penn, Penny, Penrice, Penthall, Percey, Perkins, Perks, Perry, Phibbs, Phillips, Phillpotts, Phipps, Pickard, Pickering, Pierce, Pike, Pimm, Pinson, Pipe, Piper, Pitt, Pitts, Plant, Plover, Plowright, Podmore, Pool, Poole, Poulter, Poultney, Powel, Powell, Preece, Preston, Price, Priday, Priddy, Pride, Pritchatt, Pritchet, Pritchett, Proud, Pruden, Pugh, Pursall, Pyefinch, Pyrie.

Quiney, Quinton.

Rabone, Rainbow, Ralph, Ranbone, Ratheram, Ravin, Rawlins, Ray, Reader, Redman, Reves, Reynolds, Rhodes, Rice, Richards, Richardson, Ricketts, Ridge, Ridgway, Ridley, Riley, Rimmer, Ritson, Roberts, Robins, Robinson, Robotham, Roden, Roff, Rogers, Rollason, Rooke, Room, Rose, Rough, Row, Rowe, Rowland, Rowney, Rubery, Rudd, Rudhall, Rushton, Russell, Russon, Ryan.

Sabell, Sadler, Samworth, Sanders, Sanderson, Sandy, Sargeant, Saunders, Savatard, Scattergood, Scott, Scragg, Scully, Seambler, Searle, See, Sellman, Severn, Shakespear, Shale, Sharpe, Shaw, Sheath, Shellis, Shephard, Shepherd, Sheppard, Sherriff, Shewring, Shilton, Shiner, Shipman, Shore, Shorer, Shorter, Shotten, Showell, Shrimpton, Shuttleworth, Sidall, Siddall, Siddons, Silver, Simco, Simcox, Simmonds, Simpson, Sims, Sirles, Sissons, Skelly, Slade, Slane, Slater, Smart, Smith, Smitten, Snell, Snith, South, Southam, Southan, Sparkes, Sparrow, Speake, Spencer, Spilling, Spinks, Spires, Spokes, Spooner, Spragg, Srawley, Stafford, Stanley, Stanworth, Start, Steadman, Stean, Steane, Steel, Steele, Steene, Stenson, Stephens, Stephenson, Stevens, Stevenson, Stewart, Stilliard, Stinton, Stobie, Stockley, Stockton, Stoddard, Stokes, Stone, Storey, Stout, Stratford, Stretton, Stringer, Stubbs, Sturges, Suffolk, Sumner, Sutton, Swadkins, Swain, Swift.

Tailey, Tandey, Tandy, Tangye, Tatton, Taylor, Thaynes, Thomas, Thompson, Thornes, Thornloe, Thornton, Tibbett, Tilby, Tilt, Timbrell, Timings, Timms, Tippets, Titterton, Tittslone, Tomlins, Tomlinson, Tonks, Tool, Topham, Towers, Townsend, Tranter, Trappe, Treadwell, Tree, Tricket, Trickett, Trueman, Truman, Tubbs, Turlton, Turner, Turney, Turrell, Turton, Turvey.

Underhill, Underhood, Underwood, Upton.

Vale, Valender, Vann, Vaughan, Vicarage, Vickering, Vickers, Vickridge, Vince, Vyse.

Wadsworth, Wainwright, Waite, Waites, Wakelam, Waker, Waklin, Waldren, Walker, Wall, Wallace, Wallice, Wallington, Wallis, Walpole, Walter, Walthew, Walton, Ward, Wardell, Wareing, Warner, Warr, Warren, Warrillow, Washington, Wate, Watkinson, Watmore, Watson, Watton, Watts, Weale, Weaver, Webb, Webley, Webster, Weeks, Werlton, Werns, Westlick, Weston, Westwood, Wharton, Whateley, Wheatley, Wheeler, Wheildon, Whiles, Whilny, White, Whitehead, Whitehouse, Whitman, Whitney, Whittle, Wickston, Wide, Wieler, Wiggins, Wigley, Wilcox, Wild, Wilkes, Wilkinson, Wilks, Willatt, Willcox, Williams, Willington, Willmore, Willmott, Wilson, Wilton, Windle, Wingrove, Winsper, Winter, Wisdell, Wiseman, Witcomb, Witheford, Wittington, Wodehouse, Wood, Woodall, Woodham, Woodward, Woollaston, Woollett, Woolley, Wootton, Wright, Writfield.

Yardley, Yaryenell, Yates, Yeomans, Young, Yoxall.

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