Warwickshire Ancestors Project — 1861

Surname Index of Piece RG09/2129 (Birmingham (Ladywood))

Link to 2129 zipped version here.
Surname Listing
Abbott, Ackerman, Adams, Adcock, Adderley, Adey, Afford, Aldridge, Alebon, Alebone, Allcock, Allen, Allenby, Alley, Allport, Allsop, Allwood, Alsop, Anderten, Anderton, Andrews, Annetts, Applegate, Appletree, Archer, Arnold, Arundle, Ashby, Ashford, Ashmens, Aspinall, Astley, Astons, Atkins, Augrell, Averill, Avern, Avery, Ayres.

Bacchus, Bagnall, Bagshaw, Bailey, Baker, Balding, Balinger, Ball, Bamford, Banall, Bankes, Banks, Banon, Barber, Bardell, Barker, Barkhill, Barnard, Barnes, Barnet, Barnett, Barnsley, Barr, Barraston, Barratt, Barret, Barrett, Barron, Bartholomew, Bartlam, Bartlem, Bartlet, Bartlett, Barton, Barwell, Bashford, Bassett, Bassrett, Bate, Bates, Batman, Baugham, Bayerham, Bayley, Bayliss, Beach, Beard, Beardsley, Beasley, Beck, Beddoe, Beddow, Bedford, Beemand, Begaley, Bell, Benington, Bennett, Benson, Bent, Bentley, Benton, Bernard, Berrington, Berry, Bettley, Bettney, Betton, Bevan, Beynon, Biddle, Biggs, Bigland, Billingham, Binen, Binks, Binyon, Birch, Bird, Birks, Bishop, Blaby, Blackham, Bladon, Blakewell, Blandell, Blocksedge, Blumfield, Blundeme, Blunt, Boddington, Bodell, Bolton, Bond, Bone, Bonehill, Bonell, Boot, Booth, Borne, Borton, Boscham, Bossurent, Botell, Bott, Bottom, Bould, Boulton, Boults, Bourne, Bourns, Bourton, Bower, Bowman, Bradbury, Bradford, Bragg, Braley, Branson, Branston, Bratt, Breakwell, Brettell, Brewer, Brian, Bridge, Bristoe, Brittin, Britton, Broadfield, Bromage, Bromwich, Brooks, Broomhead, Brown, Browne, Brownsword, Bruckshaw, Bruin, Bryan, Buckler, Buckley, Bugley, Bull, Bulley, Bullock, Buncher, Bunn, Bunt, Burchmore, Burdell, Burdwick, Burgess, Burk, Burley, Burrow, Burrows, Burton, Burttonshaw, Bushell, Butcher, Butler, Butterworth, Buttey, Byers.

Cadby, Cahill, Caldicot, Cale, Cameron, Campbell, Campen, Campin, Carbutt, Careless, Carr, Carry, Carter, Cartwright, Cary, Cash, Cashmore, Casmill, Castle, Chalton, Chamberlin, Chambers, Chandler, Chapman, Charles, Chatham, Chatterton, Chatwin, Checkland, Cheery, Chesless, Chillingworth, Chilton, Chinn, Chirm, Chirn, Chogzell, Churly, Cladish, Clark, Clarke, Clarkson, Clay, Claydon, Clements, Cleveland, Clifford, Clinton, Cloughes, Cluny, Clutterbuck, Coates, Cobb, Cocksedge, Colborn, Cole, Coley, Colley, Collier, Collingwood, Collins, Colman, Comley, Commander, Commings, Conely, Coney, Conner, Conney, Conway, Cook, Cooke, Coombes, Cooper, Cope, Copley, Corbett, Cork, Cornforth, Coseley, Coton, Cotterell, Cotterill, Cotton, Cottrell, Coutts, Cox, Craddock, Cramell, Crerton, Crockett, Crockford, Crosby, Crosley, Croughton, Crowley, Crowther, Crudgington, Crump, Crutchley, Cudemore, Cull, Curless, Currie, Currier, Cush, Cusswell, Cutler, Cuttriss.

Dadge, Daff, Daft, Dale, Danfer, Daniel, Daniels, Danks, Darby, Darney, Davidson, Davies, Davis, Davy, Dawson, Day, Deakin, Debuy, Delany, Deller, Dempster, Denham, Devenport, Devine, Devitt, Dewards, Dick, Dickenson, Dickins, Didwell, Dillon, Dipple, Disley, Dixon, Docker, Dodwell, Doggett, Dolphin, Donaran, Done, Donnell, Dorney, Dorrall, Downes, Downing, Doyle, Draper, Dreun, Drinkwater, Drury, Dryer, Dryhurst, Duddleston, Dudley, Dugmore, Dulleway, Dum, Dunn, Dunnelow, Durrows, Dutton, Dye, Dyer, Dyke, Dyson.

Eagle, Eaglestone, Earl, Earles, Eden, Edge, Edgley, Edkins, Edmond, Edney, Edward, Edwards, Eglesfield, Eland, Eldral, Elliley, Elliott, Ellis, Ellwood, Elmore, Emery, Enson, Ensor, Estall, Etheridge, Evans, Evesham, Evins.

Failam, Falstone, Faraday, Fardon, Faris, Farmer, Fawcett, Feeny, Fellows, Fenton, Field, Fielding, Finch, Firth, Fisher, Fleet, Fleetwood, Fletcher, Florance, Fonan, Foothorope, Ford, Foresight, Forest, Forster, Foster, Fouch, Fowell, Fowler, Fox, Foxley, Francis, Frape, Freeman, Freeth, French, Froehlich, Fry, Fulford.

Gahan, Gardiner, Gardner, Garmstone, Garratt, Garrett, Garron, Garvey, George, Gilbert, Giles, Gill, Gilliver, Gingell, Gipson, Girvon, Gisburne, Gittins, Glauson, Gloster, Glover, Glow, Goddington, Godfrey, Godison, Godwin, Goodby, Goode, Goodman, Goodwin, Gordon, Gough, Gould, Goulden, Gowers, Grafton, Granger, Graves, Gray, Grayhurst, Grayston, Graystone, Greaves, Green, Greenhill, Greeves, Greff, Gregory, Greise, Grey, Griffin, Griffiths, Grimes, Grimmett, Grosvener, Ground, Grove, Groves, Gudger, Guest, Gunn, Guppy.

Hadderley, Haddleton, Hadnot, Hagart, Hains, Hale, Halifax, Hall, Hammond, Hampsa, Hanbury, Hancox, Hand, Hands, Hanson, Harding, Harley, Harn, Harper, Harris, Harrison, Harrod, Hart, Hartley, Hartop, Harvard, Harvey, Hassall, Hastings, Hatchett, Hateley, Hatton, Hawker, Hawkes, Hawkesford, Hawkswood, Haycock, Haydon, Hayes, Haynes, Hayward, Headley, Heart, Heath, Heaven, Heeley, Heely, Heigh, Hemming, Henbury, Henn, Henry, Hetherington, Hewett, Hewin, Hewitt, Hibett, Hicken, Hickinbottom, Hickman, Hierons, Higgins, Hildreth, Hill, Hince, Hindley, Hinds, Hine, Hines, Hinkley, Hinks, Hiperood, Hipkiss, Hipwood, Hirons, Hitchman, Hixon, Hoare, Hobbis, Hobbiss, Hodges, Hodgetts, Hodgkiss, Hodson, Holder, Holiday, Holis, Holl, Holland, Holliday, Hollo, Holmes, Holoway, Holt, Holyoake, Hooper, Hopkins, Hordern, Horewood, Horley, Horne, Horton, Houghton, House, Howard, Howell, Howes, Hubbard, Hubble, Huble, Hudson, Hughes, Humpage, Humphrey, Humphries, Humphris, Hunderhil, Hunt, Hunter, Husband, Hutchins, Hutt, Hyde.

Ibraim, Iddins, Illiffe, Ingram, Instan, Inston, Inwards, Ironbridge, Irving.

Jackson, Jacombs, Jacques, Jakeman, James, Jeans, Jefferys, Jeffs, Jefries, Jelff, Jelphs, Jenkins, Jennings, Jess, Jesson, Jessop, Johnson, Johnston, Jones, Jordan, Juke, Jukes.

Kaflenart, Kay, Kediverd, Keeley, Keen, Keene, Keey, Kellam, Kelley, Kelly, Kelsey, Kemp, Kempson, Kendrick, Kenerley, Kenning, Kent, Kerkhoff, Kibble, Kibikelin, Kidd, Kilby, Kimberley, Kinder, King, Kink, Kitch, Knibb, Knight, Knott, Knowting, Kopoch.

Landburry, Lander, Landon, Lane, Langston, Lapin, Large, Larking, Launday, Laurence, Lavender, Lawley, Lawrence, Laws, Lawson, Lea, Leach, Ledbeter, Lee, Leedham, Lees, Leggatt, Legrich, Lellery, Lewis, Liddell, Lightwood, Lilley, Lindsay, Line, Lines, Lingard, Littlewood, Livesey, Livingwood, Lloyd, Load, Logan, Loosey, Lord, Lorton, Lott, Lovsey, Low, Lowe, Loyd, Loysten, Lucas, Lucy, Luddiss, Luerock, Lugg, Lunt, Luton, Lynch, Lyne, Lyon.

MacFarlane, MacKey, Madden, Maden, Madox, Maggis, Mallin, Mallins, Mallinson, Man, Mann, Marden, Margretts, Markhem, Markland, Marlow, Marr, Marshall, Marson, Marston, Martin, Mason, Masters, Mathew, Mathews, Mattherson, Matthews, Maugham, Maund, Mawkes, Mawn, Maybury, McBe, McDermott, McGue, McKenna, McMichuel, Mealand, Mears, Mecham, Medlicot, Meedham, Meehans, Memley, Meredith, Merritt, Middleson, Miles, Miller, Millford, Mills, Minscher, Minshull, Mitchell, Mitner, Moar, Moiner, Monk, Moody, Moore, Moreton, Morgan, Morrall, Morris, Morrison, Morse, Moseley, Moulesworth, Mountford, Mourall, Mucklow, Muddiman, Mullen, Muller, Murphey, Murphy, Murrell, Myers.

Namara, Napper, Nauscaurn, Neal, Neale, Newbold, Newey, Newlon, Newman, Newton, Nicholls, Nichols, Nicholson, Nickerson, Nixon, Noke, Nokes, Norgrove, Norman, Norris, North, Nott, Nouk.

Oakes, Ocalliday, Ogrady, Oliver, Oram, Orchard, Orlowski, Orme, Osborne, Oughton, Overlu, Owen.

Pabuck, Padley, Padmore, Pagett, Painter, Palmer, Panting, Pardoe, Parford, Parker, Parkes, Parks, Parnham, Parry, Parsons, Parton, Partridge, Pasley, Paul, Payne, Peace, Peacock, Peak, Peake, Pearce, Pearsall, Pearson, Penall, Pendery, Penney, Pepper, Perkins, Perks, Perrins, Perry, Persall, Pett, Pettifer, Pettitt, Peyton, Phesie, Philips, Phillip, Phillips, Phipson, Picke, Picken, Pickton, Piercy, Pilling, Pinner, Pirdie, Pitt, Planter, Podmore, Pogmore, Pole, Pool, Poole, Potter, Poulton, Powell, Powers, Pratt, Predy, Preedy, Prentice, Presstridge, Prestidge, Preston, Price, Prieselton, Priest, Pritchard, Pritchett, Probert, Proms, Pugh, Purser.


Rabone, Rainbow, Raisin, Ranch, Randall, Ratcliff, Rathbone, Raven, Rea, Reade, Reader, Reading, Reaves, Red, Reddall, Rednall, Redsdill, Reece, Reed, Reeves, Rennet, Rensford, Renton, Revill, Reynolds, Rhodes, Richards, Richardson, Rickhoff, Ridding, Ridgway, Riley, Rissell, Roacke, Robbins, Roberts, Robins, Robinson, Rock, Roden, Roe, Rogers, Rolinson, Rollings, Rolls, Rooke, Rooney, Roper, Rose, Ross, Rouly, Rowbutt, Rowe, Rowley, Royce, Royston, Ruggett, Runge, Russell, Ryan, Ryner.

Sabin, Sale, Sallis, Salmons, Samons, Sanders, Sandland, Sandles, Sankey, Sapcote, Sargeant, Sargent, Savage, Scambler, Schilling, Scott, Seabridge, Seeley, Selby, Selwood, Seul, Shardlow, Sharnelaw, Sharp, Sheale, Shelley, Shelton, Shenton, Sheppard, Shepperd, Shergold, Sheridan, Sheriff, Sherriff, Sherwood, Short, Shotton, Shovelbottom, Shrimpton, Shuttleworth, Sibley, Siddons, Sidwell, Silvester, Simkiss, Simmons, Simner, Simpson, Singleton, Siviter, Skan, Skelding, Skett, Skinner, Skun, Slater, Smart, Smith, Smitten, Snape, Sneyd, Snowdon, Solley, Sorister, Souter, Southall, Southam, Sparks, Spencer, Spragg, Sprawson, Squires, Stafford, Stainer, Stainton, Stait, Standley, Stanfield, Stanley, Steedman, Steele, Steen, Stephens, Stephenson, Stern, Stevens, Stevenson, Stewart, Stewert, Stickley, Stiles, Stockwell, Stokes, Stone, Stonehall, Stragan, Street, Stretch, Stretton, Stroudley, Strunguard, Stuart, Stubbing, Sturmer, Such, Suffolk, Summers, Sumner, Sutton, Swaby, Swann, Swatkins, Sweet, Sweetman, Swinborne, Swindon, Swinnerton, Swoffer.

Tabbener, Taft, Tandy, Tangye, Tankard, Tanner, Tantrum, Tapp, Tarlet, Tattersall, Taylor, Tazatharley, Teague, Tedstone, Tench, Tennant, Terry, Tetstone, Thacker, Thomas, Thompson, Thorn, Thornbury, Thornton, Thornwell, Thorpe, Timmin, Timmings, Tolle, Townsend, Toy, Tranter, Treadwell, Trickett, Trinder, Trulove, Trusler, Tubb, Tubbs, Tucker, Turner, Turton, Twiss, Twoey, Tyrer.

Underhill, Underwood, Upton, Usher.

Vale, Varndell, Vaughan, Vaughn, Venables, Vincuel.

Waddouss, Wadhams, Wadsworth, Wainock, Wainwright, Waitt, Wakerley, Waldron, Walker, Walkins, Wall, Wallington, Wallis, Walpole, Walters, Walton, Warbrick, Ward, Waring, Warle, Warner, Warrell, Warren, Warrington, Warwick, Washbrook, Waters, Wathe, Watkins, Watmore, Watson, Wattington, Watts, Waugh, Weaver, Webb, Webber, Webster, Wells, Welsh, Wertherage, West, Westbury, Westley, Weston, Westwood, Wheale, Wheeler, Whiles, White, Whitehead, Whitehous, Whitehouse, Whitehust, Whitfield, Whitlock, Whittaker, Whitworth, Wickes, Wicket, Wigley, Wilby, Wilcomb, Wilday, Wilkes, Wilkinson, Wilks, Willeox, Willetts, Williams, Willmore, Willmott, Wilson, Windsor, Winfield, Winkley, Winn, Winter, Winwood, Withesford, Withinshaw, Witts, Wolley, Wood, Woodcock, Woodfield, Woodhouse, Wooding, Woodvale, Woodwiss, Wooley, Woolley, Wormington, Worrall, Wragg, Wright, Wrighton, Wyer.

Yate, Yates, Yendall, Yeomans, York, Young.

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