St Paul's Foleshill - Burials 1886 - 1902

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This file is an index to the Marriages in Foleshill St. Paul's from 1886 to 1902

The data is extracted from LDS film number 1067493

Currently the following transcription is online:

1886 - 1902 This Index full listing Full Listing

Kindly supplied by Carole Eales


Adams, Akers, Alexander, Allen, Allibon, Andrews, Anslow, Arch, Ariss, Arnold, Ashby, Athersych, Atkins, Averns.

Bacon, Baker, Ball, Barham, Barnacle, Barnett, Barr, Barrs, Bassett, Bastock, Bateman, Bates, Baughen, Bayliss, Bearsley, Beaufoy, Beech, Bennett, Bentley, Berry, Bird, Blackford, Blount, Bloxham, Blunt, Blythe, Boneham, Bosworth, Bowyer, Boyes, Brown, Brunt, Buckingham, Buggins, Bull, Bunn, Burden, Burdett, Burrows, Burton, Busby, Butcher.

Calcutt, Caldicote, Calloway, Cantrill, Carpenter, Carter, Cartwright, Cattell, Ceney, Chandler, Chaplin, Charles, Chattaway, Checkley, Checklin, Chillingsworth, Clarke, Clements, Cockerill, Coleman, Colledge, Coltman, Cook, Cooke, Cooper, Corrall, Courts, Cowley, Cox, Cramp, Crutchlow, Cummings.

Dagley, Dale, Dalton, Danks, Davenport, Davis, Dawson, Day, Dean, Dewis, Dickinson, Drakeford, Dunckley.

Earle, Eaton, Eden, Edwards, Egan, Ellins, Elliott, Ensor, Essex, Evans.

Farren, Fearn, Fell, Fellows, Fennemore, Flude, Foster, Franklin, Fritter, Froggatt, Fuller.

Gagan, Gamble, Garbutt, Garner, Garratt, Gascoigne, Gazey, Gee, Gibson, Gilbert, Goalby, Goddard, Good, Goode, Goodwin, Gore, Grant, Greaves, Green, Gregory, Griffiths, Grindlay, Grindley.

Hackett, Hadden, Haddon, Hall, Hands, Harband, Hardware, Harris, Harrison, Haselock, Henry, Hewitt, Hill, Hilton, Hodson, Hoggins, Holmes, Holt, Horsley, Horton, Hughes, Hunt.


Jackman, Jackson, Jacques, Jefferiss, Jennings, Job, Johnson, Jones.

Kemp, Kenning, Kerby, Kimberley, King, Kirby, Kirk, Knight.

Lambert, Lane, Lathwell, Lawrence, Lawson, Lee, Lenton, Liveley, Lole, Lomas, Lombard, Loughenbury, Loveridge, Lowe, Ludford, Lumbert.

Maclean, Makepeace, Makinson, Marshall, Marston, Meakin, Miles, Miller, Mills, Millward, Mitchell, Moore, Moreton, Morgan, Morris, Mountford.

Neal, Neale.

Orme, Orton, Oughton, Over.

Page, Pargetter, Parish, Parnell, Patrick, Payne, Pearman, Pearson, Peters, Petty, Pickering, Plummer, Pointon, Poole, Porter, Powell, Powney, Prentice, Price, Proctor, Prosser, Pulford, Putt.

Radburn, Rainbow, Randle, Redgrave, Riddell, Riley, Roberts, Robinson, Rollason, Rose, Roston, Rushen, Russell.

Salter, Sample, Sanders, Saville, Scrivens, Sedgley, Sewell, Shenton, Shilton, Shirley, Sidwell, Simkins, Smith, Soden, Spiers, Spray, Squelch, Stamps, Stanley, Statham, Steffen, Steventon, Stokes, Stringer, Strong, Sturgess, Swain, Swift.

Taberer, Tallis, Tayler, Taylor, Tedds, Thrasher, Throne, Timms, Tinsley, Toms, Troughton, Trueman, Turner, Turrall, Twaites, Twigger.

Varney, Venn, Villiers.

Waddams, Wakefield, Walford, Walker, Walters, Walton, Wankling, Warcham, Ward, Watkins, Webster, Wells, West, Weston, Wheeler, Whetstone, White, Wilcox, Wiles, Wilkins, Wilkinson, Williams, Wilson, Windridge, Windsor, Woollaston, Worthington, Worwood, Wright.

York, Young.

Adams, Amos, Archer, Arlidge, Arrowsmith, Askew, Athersych, Atkins, Austin, Ayres.

Bacon, Bailey, Baker, Ball, Banks, Barnsley, Barr, Bates, Baughen, Bearsley, Beaufoy, Bennett, Bentley, Berry, Bibbing, Bird, Boneham, Bosworth, Botterill, Bowyer, Boyes, Bradbury, Bradshaw, Bray, Breaker, Brigginshaw, Bromwich, Brown, Buckingham, Bull, Burden, Burton, Butler, Buzzard.

Cadman, Cakebread, Calen, Cambridge, Carpenter, Cattell, Cave, Ceney, Chaplin, Chatwin, Cheshire, Chitty, Clarke, Clifford, Cockerell, Cole, Coleman, Collins, Cook, Cooper, Copson, Corrall, Cowley, Cox, Cramp, Cross, Crutchlow, Cutmore.

Dagley, Dainty, Dalton, Dawson, Day, Dayley, Dewis, Downes, Drakeford, Dutfield.

Eaton, Edwards, Elliott, Emery.

Faulconbridge, Faulkener, Fell, Ferreday, Flanagan, Ford, French, Froggett, Frost.

Gagan, Gamble, Garner, Gascoyne, Gates, Gee, Gibbs, Gilling, Goode, Grant, Green, Gregory, Grinham, Gunn, Gunton, Hadden, Halford, Hall,

Harban, Harris, Harvey, Haycock, Haywood, Heath, Hemuss, Henderson, Hill, Hilton, Holmes, Holt, Hopkins, Hopkiss, Horsfall, Howes, Hubbard, Hughes, Hull, Hunt, Hutt, Hyatt.

Ingram, Isaac.

Jackman, Jacks, Jackson, Jacques, Jenkins, Jennings, Jephcote, Jephcott, Job, Johnson, Jones.

Keene, Kellam, Kelsey, Kenney, Kenning, Kettle, Kightley, Kings, Kitchener, Knight.

Lakin, Lane, Launchbury, Laxon, Leadbeater, Lee, Lester, Liggins, Lock, Lole, Lombard, Lucas, Luckman, Ludford.

Malin, Mannison, Marshall, Martin, Miles, Millerchip, Mills, Mitchell, Moore, Morton, Moyle, Mullis.

Neale, Newby, Nicholls, Nokes, North, Nutt.

Orton, Oughton.

Paddy, Park, Parker, Parnell, Patrick, Payne, Pearman, Pearson, Pendleton, Pennicote, Perks, Perry, Pettipher, Petty, Phillips, Pickering, Poole, Porter, Powell, Priestley.


Randell, Randle, Ratcliffe, Raven, Reader, Reynolds, Riley, Roberts, Robinson, Rollason, Rowbotham, Rushen, Russell.

Sanders, Scattergood, Sedgley, Sephton, Shaw, Shellard, Shirley, Simpson, Smith, Southon, Sparkes, Sparks, Spicer, Spiers, Stacey, Stafford, Steane, Stevens, Stockton, Stokes, Storer, Strong, Sutton.

Taberer, Talbot, Taylor, Tedds, Thomas, Thrasher, Timms, Tinsley, Tompkins, Tongue, Tranter, Troth, Troughton, Turbitt, Turner.

Walden, Wale, Walker, Wallace, Walsgrove, Wareham, Warner, Warren, Watkins, West, Weston, Wetherby, Whateley, Whetstone, Whitaker, White, Wilcox, Wilding, Wilkins, Wilkinson, Williams, Willis, Windridge, Winterburn, Wood, Woodhouse, Woodward, Wright.


Adams, Alexander, Allen, Amos, Ann, Appleton, Arch, Archer, Ariss, Arlidge, Arnold, Arrowsmith, Ashby, Askew, Astill, Aston, Athersych, Atkins, Austin, Ayres.

Bacon, Baker, Ball, Barber, Barker, Barnacle, Barnett, Barnsley, Barr, Barraclough, Barson, Basten, Bastock, Bated, Bates, Baughen, Bayliss, Bearsley, Beasley, Beaufoy, Bedder, Belton, Bennett, Bentley, Berry, Bibbing, Birch, Bird, Blackford, Blount, Bolton, Boneham, Borham, Bosworth, Bowyer, Boyes, Bradbury, Bray, Brigginshaw, Bromwich, Brown, Buckingham, Buggins, Bull, Bunn, Burden, Burdett, Burton, Butcher, Butler, Buzzard.

Cadman, Calcutt, Calloway, Cantrill, Carpenter, Carter, Cattell, Ceney, Challenor, Chaplin, Chatwin, Checkley, Checklin, Cheshire, Chitty, Clarke, Clements, Clifford, Cloves, Coleman, Colledge, Collidge, Collingbourne, Collow, Cook, Cooke, Cooper, Copson, Corrall, Courts, Cowley, Cox, Cramp, Cross, Crutchlow, Cure, Cutmore.

Dagley, Dainty, Dalton, Danks, Davenport, Davis, Dawes, Dawson, Day, Dayley, Dean, Deeming, Dennington, Dewis, Downes, Drakeford, Dunckley.

Eades, Earle, Eaton, Eden, Edwards, Elsworth, Enser, Evans.

Falconbridge, Farndon, Farren, Faulconbridge, Faulkener, Faulks, Fawcett, Fletcher, Francis, Frapwell, Frith, Froggatt, Froggett, Frost.

Gamble, Gardy, Garner, Gascoigne, Gascoyne, Gee, GeorgeShirley, Gilbert, Gilks, Gilling, Goalby, Goddard, Godfrey, Golby, Goode, Goodwin, Grant, Green, Greening, Gregory, Griffin, Griffiths, Grindley, Griswold, Gunn, Gunton.

Hackman, Haddon, Hall, Han?, Hancox, Hankinson, Harban, Harris, Harrison, Haselock, Hastings, Haughton, Hawes, Heath, Heatley, Hemuss, Henderson, Herney, Hewitt, Hickman, Hill, Hiller, Hilton, Hirons, Hodson, Holloway, Holmes, Holt, Holton, Hooper, Hopkins, Horsley, Hughes, Hull, Hunt, Hunter.

Iliffe, Illife, Ingram, Isaac, Ivens.

Jackson, Jacques, Jeayes, Jefferiss, Jeffs, Jenkins, Jennings, Jephcote, Jephcott, Job, Johnson, Jones.

Kelley, Kelsey, Kemp, Kenney, Kenning, Kerby, Kightley, Kimberley, King, Kirk, Kitchener, Knight.

Lambert, Lane, Laurence, Lawley, Lawrence, Lawson, Laxon, Leadbeater, Lee, Lenton, Lester, Liggins, Lloyd, Lole, Lomas, Lombard, Long, Loveridge, Lowe, Lucas, Luckman.

Makepeace, Malin, Mander, Mann, Marriott, Marshall, Marston, Masters, Maud, McLardy, Meakin, Mercer, Mill, Miller, Millerchip, Millington, Mills, Mitchell, Mockford, Moore, Moreton, Morris, Morrton, Mould, Moulding.

Nassau, Neale, Needle, Nicholls, Nokes, Norbury, North, Nutt.

Oakes, Oliver, Orme, Orton, Osborne, Oughton.

Paddy, Palmer, Palton, Pargetter, Park, Parker, Parnell, Patrick, Payne, Pearman, Pearson, Pendleton, Percival, Perks, Petty, Phillips, Pickering, Pinks, Pitman, Poole, Porter, Pouney?, Powell, Powney, Pratt, Proctor, Prosser

Radbourne, Radburn, Ralley, Randle, Ratcliffe, Raven, Reader, Reece, Reynolds, Richardson, Riddell, Riley, Robbins, Roberts, Robinson, Rogers, Rollason, Rose, Rowbotham, Rushen, Russell.

Sanders, Saville, Scattergood, Sedgley, senior, Sephton, Shapland, Sheffiedl, Sheffield, Shellard, Shenton, Sherwin, Shillcock, Shilton, Shirley, Sidwell, Simmonds, Simpson, Skidmore, Slade, Smith, Sparkes, Sparks, Spicer, Spiers, Sproson, Squelch, Stacey, Stafford, Stamps, Stanley, Statham, Steane, Steen, Stephens, Stevens, Stokes, Stringer, Strong, Stubbs, Swain, Swettenham, Swift, Swingler.

Taberer, Talbot, Tallis, Taylor, Tedds, Tew, Thompson, Thrasher, Timms, Tinsley, Tompkins, Tongue, Tranter, Troth, Troughton, Trueman, Turner, Turrall, Twaites.


Varney, Vickers, Villiers.

Waddams, Wagstaff, Wakefield, Wakelin, Wale, Walford, Walker, Wallace, Walsgrove, Walton, Ward, Warden, Wareham, Warner, Warren, Waters, Watkins, Watts, Wells, West, Westley, Weston, Wheatley, Whetstone, Whitaker, White, Whitehall, Whitehead, Whitmore, Wilding, Wiles, Wilkins, Wilkinson, Williams, Wilson, Windridge, Winterburn, Wood, Woodcock, Woodward, Woollaston, Worthington, Wright, Wynn, Yardley.


Currently the following transcription is online:

1886 - 1902 This Index full listing Full Listing

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